Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Roof Top Gardens

How is your summer going?
Mine is full of work and not much fun.
I'm working on a freelance design project at the moment which is why the blog has been lacking.
It should be done soon and I'll be back.
I always forget that just about the time I get my back deck looking nice...it gets too hot to enjoy it.

I didn't have time to go through all the Mod Mix Monday entrees so I'll just do it next week.
Hopefully, next week will be more under control as far as my time.
But for now..let's imagine what it would be like to spend some time in one of these roof
top gardens, shall we?
I love the dark floor and dark doors in that one above.
This one I'm sure is in New York City as it came from Martha.
How charming is this? Lots of roof top gardens. This makes me think how fun would it be 
to fly over my own neighborhood and view everyone's backyard gardens from the air?
This one is super elegant! 
Then this one includes everything but the kitchen sink! It's exquisite!
I'd love to see the apartment this garden is above!
Love that arbor with the built in chases below.
Many good ideas in this roof top garden to incorporate into a backyard garden too.
I love that tree in the huge pot! 

In spring I always wonder why I get in such a hurry for summer to end...and then we hit
those high 90's and higher days and I remember why we get anxious for fall.
Our best summer days are in the fall!


  1. The roof gardens are fabulous. The the pergolas, chase lounges and the view. Wow! The best of both worlds; the excitement of living in the city with a lovely garden. The the best part is no weeds! Although, because all the plants are in containers someone has to do a lot of watering. It remind me of the apartment with the conservatory in the movie Green Card. I always thought that it would be so cool to live in a place like that.
    This summer hasn't been too hot but we've had a lot of rain and unbearable humidity. I'm looking forward to fall but facing a big project at work so for now I'm enjoying the "lull". I hope you finish your project and get to have some fun this summer.

  2. These are so neat, and I really like the skylights/greenhouses below some of them. I'd like to see the apartments below, too....I bet they are all stunning!

  3. What wonderful gardens. Hot here too but the screened porch is okay late evening. Thanks for sharing.


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