Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mod Mix Monday #192

 I'm working on my outdoor spaces today.
Oh...how I'd love to have a big mirror in my landscape!
But I'd never put a mirror in my yard...too dangerous. 
Not just the aspect of it breaking...but the fact that it might catch my yard on fire.
Rare, but it does happen in our bright sun.
A friend of my Mom lost her house to fire caused by a old television
she'd put out by the side of the road for trash pick up.

She'd set it out there and the reflection of the sun's rays caught the grass on fire!
It was in the middle of the day when no one was home and it spread quickly and burned her house down!
It's that just awful?
So, no mirrors in my landscape - thank you.
I did put a tv out by the side of the road once before I knew this story.
Thankfully, nothing happened.

But...back to our inspiration picture...It's wonderful isn't it?
I adore that zinc table and the turquoise garden stool.
Oh...I adore the whole space.
Speaking of garden stools.....
I've had my eye on a garden stool at Pier 1 for ages. I think I need it for my front porch.
 It's on sale as was...
This yellow casbah chair. 
I've had one for two years and finally went and got it a mate.
 While there I saw this new collection called Capella. This is the Capella dining chair.
It looks like kubu wicker but it's vinyl. 
I am seriously considering two of these to use as host and hostess chairs in my dining room - indoors.

Well, I missed Mod Mix Monday last week...
I had too much going on...but let's catch up now...shall we?
 Patti of Old Things New shared her bird bath all planted in succulents. Isn't it creative? 
Especially with the picture hanging above spilling over.
 Cielo of Little White Cottage in the Woods shared her southern garden. 
Lots to envy here.
 Ann at Tarnished Royalty made over her dining room. 
I love the wall color and what a great idea is it to hang a typewriter on the wall?
Love it!
Colleen of 58 Water Street took a rickety dirty little chair and turned it in to a Mid Century Wonder.
It's the coolest now!
Darrielle of DD's Cottage made these french chests something special.

Now If I'd just finish up some of my own projects! 
Today I'm painting the wicker settee I bought for my front porch.
We had so much rain...I couldn't get it done.
But today is the day!

Please join in this week's Mod Mix Monday!
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. I'm glad you have the party up this week dear Nita.
    Very pretty features. I'll do my rounds.
    Thank you so much for hosting.
    Have a lovely week.

  2. Hope you are doing well Nita. Great features. Thank you for hosting. Have a happy week.

  3. Thanks so much for the party! Blessings, Cecilia

  4. OMGosh, Nita! That's so horrible about your Mom's friend's house. I hope she rebounds quickly! Thanks for hosting. I haven't had anything to share for awhile. So, I'm glad to be back at your party! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  5. Thanks for the party Nita and the feature of my pair of tables/chests.

  6. Love your garden inspiration ideas, Nita :) Thanks so much for hosting!

  7. Thank you so much for the feature Nita! What a nice surprise! I love Patti's pitcher planter! ~Ann

  8. Hi, Nita. Just wanted to thank you for hosting the party. Great features. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey www.irisabbey.com


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