Friday, February 13, 2015

Vote for Me!

Isn't that exciting! 
I'm one of 21 finalists.
Just click above and vote for me.
The winning blog gets to pick a charity of their choice.
That charity will receive $1,000!

Thank you to whoever it was that nominated me.
 You can vote up till 11:59pm on Friday night.
Winner will be announced Saturday, February 14.

Let's see...what is up with me?
Well, Violet is not well. She had a seizure about a week and a half ago.
The vet said to watch her and see how she is.
She has been very good since then.
But she had another tonight.
She is 14 now.
(very very scary and makes me so upset)
Her sister Daisy died three weeks ago. All of her illness started with a seizure back last summer.
Blood tests showed she was in kidney failure.
But tests on Violet came back saying she is in good health.

So that leads the vet to think it's neurological. 
He said if she has one more seizure, we'll put her on meds for it.

I'm just wondering...have any of your dogs developed seizures later in life?

On to better news...
Last Sunday I went on a Craigslist run after work and snagged this wicker settee for the front porch.
This is it just plopped down as is.
It needs a paint job but is in good shape other than that.

I've been wanting a wicker loveseat for the front porch for a long time but new
weather proof ones were out of my price range. Cause I'm like trying to spend no money.
I should be spending no money.

They were asking $45 for it and I got it for $35...which makes me very happy.
(I really should not have been even spending $35)
I already have a cushion for it and pillows.
I just need to paint it. 
My porch is totally covered so it not being weather proof is ok. 
No rain or snow gets in here.
The guy that sold it to me was super nice and met me half way between his place and mine.
Hi! David!
(he said he'd start reading my blog)
It was a great Craigslist experience.
Remember that scary one I had?
So until I can paint this thing I went ahead and put the cushion on it and pillows.
I won't show until I've painted and got plants out for spring.
Now I keep driving by my house and admiring how welcoming it looks with this wicker
loveseat on it. I had an iron one before and I really liked it but it wasn't nearly as inviting.
 See? That is my iron one. I had way too much iron going on.
I don't know what I was thinking when I kept buying all these matching things!
The iron settee will show up somewhere else in the yard this spring.
 I'm so ready for spring...aren't you?
I searched through my Pinterest files looking for wicker ideas.
I'm trying to decide what color to paint it.
I've loved that photo above with that old wicker for a long time.
I may just give it another coat of black paint.
 Or I might go the same color as the trim on my house only a couple of shades darker.
 My cushion is similar to that color above.
 I have to say dark dark brown looks pretty perfect and that is what I'm leaning toward.
I love those huge urns...tonight I saw a similar one for a really great price.
Too bad I'm too poor to buy anything...especially with Violet being ill.
So it most likely will not come home with me.
 I love that porch above.

All of these photos came from my Pinterest board... Patio Wicker.

Don't forget to go by and vote for me!


  1. Oh, how I love a good porch!!!!!!!!! miss my old one SO MUCH! blessings ~ tanna

  2. Congratulations! I'm not on Facebook, is there any other way to vote?

    Love your new find.

  3. Congratulations, Nita! I just voted!

    I'm so sorry about your Violet. It's hard to watch your precious pup get sick and so soon after losing her sibling.

    Love the wicker piece you found! I'll bet you can hardly wait for spring so you can get it painted and ready for summer. Great inspiration photos!

  4. I voted and I hope you win!

  5. Congrats Nita! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    Great find with that wicker love seat, can't wait to see it painted. Sorry to hear about Violet. Hope it is nothing to serious. I'll be thinking about you hoping for the best.

  6. So sorry to hear about Violet. I had a collie that started having seizures when he was about 10 - vet put him on dilantin, which is what people with epilepsy take. When he was 13, had to go through dialysis. We did this for 5 treatments, then the vet said, just make him comfortable. Oh my, not what I wanted to hear. But, Bernie hung on for another year, with just a few more treatments, then got to where he couldn't do anything. Just went outside one day and laid on the grass in the sunshine. Lots of tears from all of us, but knew he was no longer in pain. Still miss him.

  7. I don't know if this article might shed some light on the circumstance(s) involving your precious Violet, but I feel it's never a bad idea to be armed with as much information as possible to be able to make informed decisions.

    I had a pet who suffered from seizures, although he did not develop them in his senior years. Oddly enough, his seizures were trigged by the television and he quit having seizures when the new TV was placed elsewhere. I never made the connection until reading a medical article in the newspaper that television and some computer activity triggered seizures in a person. It was quite remarkable.

  8. I love your wicker and can't wait to see it finished. I wish spring would get here too. It's been horrible with the snowfalls this year.

    I hope Violet is going to be okay! I lost my first doxie, Shorty, when he was 13. He didn't have issues until his last year with a tumor. My Max is going to be 12 on March 19th and he is having some arthritic issues, and his eyesight is going. The vet gives him medication when he needs it. Other than that he still behaves like a puppy. Neither of them had seizures. I think your vet is right that Violet has something neurological going on. I hope it can be corrected easily. Let us know how it goes.

    I'm so glad you're chosen as a finalist! You were the first person I thought of the moment I saw Tanya's post to submit nominations. My fingers are crossed for you! It's a shame the link to vote is only on Facebook.

    Good luck with the voting! Hope you have a relaxing weekend!


  9. I voted. Sure hope you win.
    What a great deal on the wicker. I know I said this the last time but girlie you got to be more careful. I thought of you last week when the two couples went missing and were killed from an ad on Craig's List. This happened before a few years back. I read where they are suggesting that you met at a police station. That last time was so scary. I think of that all the time.
    So sorry your baby is having seizures. I had a dog that had them. He was young. I know another dog that had them early as well. She did well on the medicine. It is so hard when they get these things. My poor Yorkie has so many things going on. She is 11 and she looks and acts most of the time like a little puppy. There just isn't much we can do for her problems. I'll say a prayer for your little pups. HUGS

  10. Tat is very exciting. Poor pup. I do hope she gets over it. I wish they could find a way to make dogs live longer than me.

  11. I'm so sorry that I'm late getting here.
    I hope you win.
    Love the wicker settee.
    and yes, my Ruby developed seizures as she aged but it was her heart and Violet doesn't have that issue so please don't compare that.
    Getting old sucks, both for us and our beloved pets.


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