Saturday, January 24, 2015

Thank You

 Thank you so much to all of you who wrote with words of encouragement after my last post
about us losing dear Daisy.

Daisy was Violet's full sister but she lived with my Mom.
So I'm doing ok...I loved her but she didn't live here and was not part of my every day.

I also feel that a big part of my frustration of I'm not finding time to be creative.

I vowed to find the time....but this week my days off were filled up again.
First with Daisy's funeral.
We buried her at my Mom's 
(Mom dug for two days, day three I was able to come help and finish)
and then on Friday Mom and I decided we needed a day of fun.

We went to see...

I'd already seen it but Mom hadn't. 
I loved it even more this second time. 

But poor Mom...she had in her head that we were seeing The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
and she kept waiting for Judy Dench and Maggie Smith to show up.

It added to her confusion because they showed a preview for the Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
just before the movie.

Before the movie...we shopped at the new Von Maur.
That was really a treat. We hit the sale racks and declared it a great day! I love that store! thing about Von Maur?...the Ladie's Lounge!
It was sooooo pretty!

I got emails from a couple of companies this week asking if I'd try out their products
in exchange for blog posts and that made me feel needed.

My spirits are lifted due in no small part to all of the super nice emails and comments 
I received from all of you.

Thanks so much!


  1. You are so sweet Nita. I am glad you and your Mama had some girl time together to raise your spirits.
    I am feeling like no creative time is no fun myself. All work and worry is no fun.
    I worked in your neighborhood this week and thought of you when seeing all of the wonderfully historic cottages and mansions.
    Hope you and the Weenies have a wonderful weekend..I imagine they will be on the deck soaking in the sunshine!
    Can't wait to see what products you review!! That is so awesome for you!

  2. Good to know you and your mom are feeling better.

    Have wonderful weekend!

  3. Oh Nita, it fills my eyes with tears thinking about your Mom digging Daisy's grave. How truly heartbreaking.

    I'm glad that you two had some time together to see a good movie and do some shopping.
    That was definitely needed.

    I was startled to read that you have a Von Maur in your area!
    When I've mentioned that in the past that I worked at a high-end Department was Von Maur!
    LOL! Small world.
    That store is hard to describe, you really have to "experience" it.
    Yes, I worked there for 6 years! then I went to work at the Humane Society and many thought I was crazy at the time.
    It was a complete 180. Going from "dressing" for work and selling clothes to wearing sweatshirts and saving animals.
    Does this store have a piano player in the center of it? Do they have birds?
    Our store was lovely and yes, the ladies lounge was beautiful.
    The sales associates there must follow two rules.
    One: The customer is always right.
    Two: When in doubt, refer to Rule # One.
    XOXO to you and I hope you are able to find some creative time this weekend.

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  5. Dear Nita, I am so sorry to hear that your beloved Daisy has left you....I truly am. Peace dear Nita. Anita

  6. I'm so sorry about Daisy. It sure is hard to loose those sweet pups. I'm sure your mother is sad.
    I hope the new week is a good one.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sounds like a good movie! I am sorry about my doggies too. Glad you had some girl time with your Mom and it probably helped ease missing her sweet Daisy. Looking forward to Spring, how bout you?
    Miss Bloomers

  9. I'm so glad you had a great time with your mom. You both really needed it.

    It's exciting you'll be posting trial products. I'm looking forward to the posts! (Just remember not to feel rushed; we'll be here.)

    See that, it's not just us that want you, companies do too!

    Take good care and enjoy your week!

    ~ Robin

  10. We watched that movie last night! I loved it, the husband thought it was goofy. I told him it was supposed to be. Men.

    Glad you are feeling better.

  11. It is good to hear that you and your Mom went out and had some fun. Good for you, and good for your Mom. Bless her little heart.

    I would love to see a chick flick. I wonder how my husband would feel about this movie....

  12. That last quote is absolutely hilarious and oh so true!

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about your pup, our pets really do become family. All the best to you and your mother.

    Also, beautiful blog xx


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