Sunday, November 2, 2014

Open House Sunday

French Ranch
 in Dallas
This little 1950's ranch has gone french cottage.
 This house is a great example of what can be done with just a simple little ranch home.
It's full of romance starting at the front gate. 
Notice the concrete urns and the french lanterns.
Just paint that brick and's immediately more frenchy.
 This home has been published in Veranda Magazine, twice!
 Love the furniture in this room. Don't like the zebra pillows. 
Really love that french day bed. 
Notice the antique doors. 
 Very pretty dining room....collections of blue and white ginger jars make stunning focal points.
 I'm sure those framed documents on the wall must be in french.
Love the rustic table and chairs.
Now...I really love this island! And it would be very easy to duplicate for not much money.
love that mirror above the sink.
 Only thing I really don't care for here is the range hood. It just seems too much.
Too faux.
All those doors out to the yard are grand. And there is a sweet little sitting area at one end of the room. 
 I like the feet on these cabinets. 
 The fridge looks like cabinets too. Personally, I think a fridge should look like a fridge.
 Very pretty but simple bedroom. More of those french doors. Isn't that fabulous?
Love all those french doors to the outside.
 sweet dressing area
 lots of marble. Love the way the skirt is done on the dressing table.
 More antique doors!
 An outdoor fireplace with mantel. 
This appears to be a very simple style brick outdoor fireplace.
They just added a nice mantel in front.
Huge back patio where all those french doors lead. 
What a wonderful space! I'd fill it up with lots of potted plants and flowers

See full listing here

It got cold here this week and last night I got my first pumpkin cappuccino and it was soooo good.
I helped my Mom pass out Halloween candy at her house.
It was a slow year...she thought only about 700 trick or treaters.

Is it bad that I enjoyed more the few dogs that trick or treated more than any of the kids?

My Mom had dog treats for the dogs.
And the highlight of the night was a sweet little beagle named Clara who ate her treat and then 
patiently waited for another.

Funniest moment of the night was a boy dressed as a zombie.
He had several ugly oozing wounds and walked up and asked if we might have a band aid.

Too funny. 


  1. 700? SEVEN HUNDRED? Is that a typo?
    if not, OMG.
    I went to my sisters and they handed out candy to maybe...50?
    The funniest was a boy dressed like a mouse who dropped to his knees and held his hands in front of him and made a chattering noise.
    No dog trick or treaters but I too would have loved to see some cute dogs! LOL!
    That house is truly amazing! I used to like French Cottage but now I'm over it. Suddenly it seems too fussy and too much "stuff". But still, this house is amazing.
    I laughed because I was loving the cabinet/frig and then I read what you wrote! Oh well, we can't all like the same things.
    Great Open House!

  2. We had only 2 sisters who came to our door! I can't imagine 700.

    Love that house! The DECOR is so
    F A B U L O U S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ~ Violet

  3. I love this house! While not every detail is my taste, overall it is wonderful. Just shows how adding architectural details such as antique doors and French doors can spice up a basic house. Love the kitchen, but would opt for a different floor material. Thanks for sharing this home -- and the Halloween details. Love the beagle story. Being the owner of an adopted 11-yr-old beagle, I know what that breed's appetite level is like. I'm sure Clara was expecting a second treat! So cute.

  4. Ha! I went over to my Mom's house to help give out candy and we had 7 trick or treaters. Then we went to my sisters where there was much more activity. This is the first year that I noticed families bringing their dogs with them while making the rounds on Halloween. I'll have to remember to buy dog treats next year. My dearly departed part golden retriever would have been beside herself with joy if she could go from house to house and get goodies.
    I hate to say it but I like the cabinetry on the fridge. No accounting for taste!

  5. is the 700 for real?? we had about 8 maybe but got home late so i think most little kids were done by then.
    this home is stunning and the listing is in the 800k!! for a 1/1. wowsa! i really should have gotten into real estate in my salad days!!
    love some of the details...especially the doors.
    have a grand sunday!!
    pups and bandaid stories are the best :)

  6. That's a lot of candy!!! We didn't get home from our daughter's until almost 10, so we missed the few t or t that we get in our neighborhood. It was windy and snowing, so not the best weather!

    I love that house. The antique doors really make it something special, and I'd love that outdoor fireplace! Thanks for sharing, Nita, and have a good week.

  7. danke für die tollen bilder und inspirationen, eine schöne woche wünscht angie aus deutschland

  8. WOW! That's a pricey one. I love the gate though.

  9. Yes, first off, was it really 700? or 70? We had one, then went out to dinner. We never get anyone and then we have a huge amount of tiny candy bars to work through, which Dave loves.
    ABout the house, I LOVED it!! It was full of inspiration for me. I noticed many things about it that I saw in the house I just stayed in, which were the french doors in every room. Maybe thats why they are called French doors. And the artwork, there was original art everywhere. I loved the gate, the entire vibe, the neutrals and the pretty furniture. I even saw blue opaline on the ladies dressing table in the bathroom, did you see that? I have the same vase but larger as the ones she had.

  10. 700 trick or treaters? That's an event! We probably had 70 and it was rainy, windy, cold. That house. Yum. 879,000 for a 1 bed 1 bath house. Perfect for my man and I. Except for the whole $879,000 thing. I want to build a fireplace just like that.

  11. Loved the open house. I thought we had a lot of trick or treaters, 110. One little boy, about four, took his candy and then said "God bless you", it was the cutest thing ever!

  12. I love that house. The kitchen looks great and I love the brick patio.

  13. Such a pretty house. I expect to see a house furnished like this and featured in Veranda to be some grand mansion. It was so refreshing to see that the scale is actually true to what a lot of us live in. Makes the beautiful design seem that much more do-able.

  14. This house is full of do-able ideas and I'm saving a few of them in case I ever get motivated to do over a small house. But 1/1 means no sleepover company, doesn't it? So what's the point of all that gorgeous if it's not shared with friends and loved ones?
    A friend of mine knew a kid in love with Mickey Mouse would be T or T'ing at her door, so she put on a mouse nose and whiskers thingy she had in her stash, then added the bow tie she puts on her poodle, and her grey bathrobe, and met the kid at the door as a mouse. He loved it. I don't do T or T as the kids in the county go to the towns where they T or T the businesses. Works for me….

  15. We were expecting a little over 300 and bought enough candy for that many. Unfortunately we lost count of the kids and started running out at 8:15...Sam made a mad dash to Fresh and Easy to buy two more bags of treats to finish out the night. Sam swears we were short changed about 50 bars in one of the first bags we bought. Most of the kids had great costumes but one girl was dressed a Cindy Lou Who from Whoville complete with the elaborate hairdo and she had Max the dog with her with one antler....Very precious!!


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