Saturday, November 8, 2014

It is Fall After All

I can't tell you how many times I found an old dilapidated white wicker chair 
on Craigslist that I wanted to use to make a display like the one above.
What kept me from it? My house does not look good with white wicker on the porch
and even if I did it for just fall...I'd have to store that chair the rest of the I have resisted.
Just like I resisted really living in a fall frame of mind.
We were too busy have gorgeous late summer like days...and it just didn't feel like fall.
Well, it certainly feels like fall now...and will feel like winter here later next week.
I'm just now in the mood for cozy warm browns and oranges and here it is...
and it's practically time for dragging out all the Christmas things.
Still I'll enjoy this bit of fall before the Christmas rush begins.
I bought a pretty little mercury glass pumpkin tonight at Pier 1.
At 75% was just too good a deal to pass up. 

So one last little fall decor item for the year.
Then I must concentrate on Christmas...cause you know what I did?

Last winter in a fit...I threw away my Christmas tree!
The lights were burning out and some of the limbs were hanging.
I just thought I couldn't bring myself to put that tree up one more time.
But now....I have no tree.

And I don't like any of the ones I see in the stores.
I kept thinking I had lots of time to ponder this dilemma but now realize...
I really don't!

What was I thinking?


  1. die katzen sind sooo süß!!! danke für die tollen bilder und ein schönes wochenende wünscht angie aus deutschland

  2. I thought I was the only one who had fits and got rid of things! ha ha --good luck with your search for a new tree

  3. Real tree this year? Might be fun and smell great. Please show your new pumpkin.

  4. I haven't had a big tree for a long time. I have an antique wagon that I put several little timber trees with lights in the wagon. Then I got my cousin's tree when she passed. I always wanted one of those trees that the bear hugs. I love that tree. It's not that big......but perfect.

  5. I think that it's good you got rid of your tree.
    If you felt like that, then it lost it's magic.
    You will find another one, maybe when you least expect it.
    Or maybe you will make one!
    I haven't had a tree for years...because of the critters.

  6. what type pf tree are you looking for? i'll keep a look out.

  7. Yep! I ahve done hat…thrown out in a tizzy! Hope you find the perfect one. I didn't do much for fall this year; I am looking forward to Christmas and trying some new approaches if it is pretty calm around here!
    Linda @

  8. Hi Nita - I totally understand. This is how I feel about my artificial tree this year so I've decided to purchase a small real tree this year and set it up on a table top. It will be nice to have that real scent again and not too much trouble to put it out at the end of the season. Good luck with your search.
    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  9. Love the fall pics. Here in the Midwest we've been lucky to have a real fall. My favorite time of the year. I have almost bought old white wicker furniture, too! Can't believe that the Christmas rush is about to begin. Have you considered a real tree? They're the best!

  10. Maybe you were thinking you don't need a tree this year and will think out of the box...


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