Thursday, October 2, 2014

Evening in the Back Yard

 Currently, this is my favorite spot at my little cottage.
My back deck. I call it my secret garden.
I shot a few quick photos at twilight last evening.
I added a string of twinkle lights to the inside of my chiminea.
I know it's suppose to have wood burning in it but I'm too scared of fire.
With lights in it...I can enjoy it EVERY night and I HAVE!
Puppies got into the action. 
They are blurry though because of the speed I took these
pictures in the evening light.
This is my view as I come in the back gate each day. I will miss all this when the cold hits.
More of that silly Franklin. 
 One more...little Harvey there in the corner. 

I'll take some photos during the day when the light is better and share
but I wanted you to see my glowing chiminea.

And....guess what?
Mom helped me get the giant cement pot out of the back of my SUV
and we bought stuff to fill it.

I'll plant it and share soon.

I'm very glad it's out. I feared I'd have a wreck with it in there and be killed 
by a giant pot riding around in my car.

Good to know I won't be killed by a giant pot.
That would be a terrible way to go.

Don't forget to enter my pillow give away!
click below to enter

sharing at


  1. Your puppies are so sweet! You have very beautiful garden and I can't wait to see what you will plant in that concrete pot.
    The pillow is gorgeous, i would love to have it!
    Home cleaning Kensington

  2. The twinkle lights are a great idea, Nita.

  3. Such a cozy, pretty space! Perfect for Fall evenings!

  4. I love seeing pictures of your puppies. I am the same way as you about fire. I have two fireplaces I never use because I am afraid of burning down the house. : )

  5. I love your secret garden!
    I feel the same way about my yard. I love pulling in the driveway and walking up the drive. And I think both of our gardens have the secret ingredient, puppies!
    Can't wait to see what your BIG pot looks like filled with fall colors.
    I laughed about your being in an accident with it. Not because I thought it would be funny that you might get hurt but because I drove all winter long with a metal shed in the back of my vehicle because I had no one to help me get it out!
    I finally took it out piece by piece last Spring. LOL!

  6. Great idea to use the twinkle light! never would have thought of that.
    What do you do with all of your potted plants when winter hits?
    You have a lovely oasis. :)

  7. Love those twinkle lights...going to use that idea for my outdoor bunco party next weekend. Thanks!

  8. Your backyard is so inviting, cozy and cute! I love the look of the lights in the chiminea. I never thought of doing that. Great idea!

  9. Oh what a cozy corner! I love the lights in the chiminea ..I'm going to do that! So clever...I've had one fire in mine so far...but your right..scary to have a fire when it's been so dry outside. Happy Fall!
    Miss Bloomers

  10. I love beautiful outdoor spaces, like yours, they are as important to me as the interior of a home. I'd love to recreate something like this in our backyard.

    Love the elevated deck and all your plants. Wonderful way to spend an evening with your pups and twinkle lights!

  11. I'm glad you won't die by pot. It would be a sad, sad story. Love your secret garden. Why have I never thought to put lights in a chiminea?

  12. Nice cozy spot to read, it does look like a "secret garden".

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  13. Such a great idea! It looks lovely, warm and the perfect spot to relax after a long day!

  14. What a magical outdoor space, Nita! I can see why it's your favorite place to relax. The twinkle lights in your fireplace are genius! I'm going to pin that idea for future reference.


  15. Oh this is just lovely! Been here a few times before, ut today I found you on The Charm of Home link up! Kyla @

  16. I love your back deck Nita! It is a lovely little spot.

  17. Wow! Your backyard looks really gorgeous, especially that terra cotta chiminea. The soft natural lights are just perfect for that picture. It looks uber romantic. I can understand why that is your favorite spot, and probably the puppies' too. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely pictures, even if some were blurred! Hahaha! I hope everyone is having a great autumn!

    Mitchell Knapp @ Scenic Landscaping

  18. What a wonderful secret spot. I wish we had a spot like that out back....simply perfect.

  19. Where did you get that chiminea?


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