Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ocean Dreams

This time of year...I always start dreaming of a beach vacation.
If I came into a huge bunch of money....I'd do all the things 
I want to do to my little cottage and I'd buy a cottage by the ocean somewhere.
I wouldn't live there all the time...but I'd want it to go to any time I wished.
This cottage would do nicely!
A few shells on a silver tray is always good.
Love the painted paneled walls and that pink coral print in this room.
A maiden hair fern is always so pretty....never thought to mix one with shells.
dreaming of the ocean

I feel like I'm totally missing this summer.
I don't like that feeling...that it's half gone and I haven't really done
anything summer like. 

But if I keep on track and work hard...perhaps by next year I can afford a week at the beach.
That would be nice... nice indeed.


  1. love your photos! I live near the ocean ( about 1 mile away, but I would love to have a cottage right on the each too! )

  2. I could jump into anyone of those photos and live right there! Love the inspiration and lovely thoughts.

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  3. I'm so with you on the beach. I would live there full time; somewhere that didn't get hot and humid with the everpresent sea breeze. I'm thinking Laguna Beach or Carlsbad. Just can't get my husband there. The house is gorgeous.

  4. That would be a dream. Creating with the sound of waves crashing in and the smell of the ocean.

  5. Yes, I love shells and I'm into them. I have a tablescape with a centerpiece with shells. I love the beach and your images are awesome dear Nita!

  6. I love your gorgeous features! I too, have been longing for the beach! For now, my tablescape has to suffice :) Blessings, Cecilia

  7. I know just how you feel. It seems that I miss out on the nicest days of summer when I'm working. We did manage to squeeze in a little road trip and stopped to walk along several beaches along the way. We even dusted off our kayaks and took them for a paddle tonight! I try to take advantage of every nice day, but still the summer seems to fly by. I hope you are able to escape to a cabin on the sea next summer!

  8. These are all absolutely beautiful images, Nita. I have just a handful if shells my kids have brought me from Oregon. I have them in a pretty brow transferware soap dish.
    Hope you're doing well!


  9. I know it's not the focus of your post, but I'm coveting the blue & white furniture piece the maidenhead firm is on. The paint, the wood, the accents...sigh.

  10. I too LOVE the idea of owning a beach cottage!!! I will have to just keep decorating with my shells and visit the shore occasionally though.

    Beautiful Images! Lovely beachy inspirations!

    ~ Violet

  11. Have you noticed that beach/sea themed decorations are in every store this season? HomeGoods has a ton on it......I just don' t decorate with ocean/beach stuff...not my style. So needless to say, haven't bought anything all summer. Looking forward to fall as always and Halloween.

  12. Oh gosh, Nita! What a fantastic collections of great Summer decorating! I love each and every picture...fancy or shabby chic. I hope your job is going well. I used to sell furniture too.

  13. Awe, I hear you! We went to the DE beach for a day trip and sea trash washed in so no swimming. Then a shark attack was reported the next day. Haven't really been inspired to get back, but hope we get to the Jersey Shore for a few days:)

  14. Hi Nita!
    I LOVE the photos you shared in this post. I'm not much of a shells/beach decor kind of girl . . . but the photos you featured are gorgeous!
    I hope you're able to take day-trips to places near you that will help you celebrate Summer.
    Have a wonderful week,


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