Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mod Mix Monday #158

Here we are with the Wednesday edition of Mod Mix Monday!
That is because it's taken me till Wednesday to post this.
That room above is so much fun....lots of flowers and color and I love the 
strand of shades as a chandelier.
Very inspiring as are many of last week's Mod Mix Monday participants.
Here are my faves....
 This was just about the saddest little dresser in the world till Jamie of 
So Much Better with Age made it over. 
 I just love the look of this cake from Suzanne at Simply Suzannes.
But I bet it tastes even better than it looks!
 Kim at Made in a Day made these super nice glass and rope lanterns.
Aren't they perfect for beach decor?
 Marijana of Macca shared her recently acquired feather collection.
Very pretty photos.
 Victoria of Dragonflies and Thistles shared her garden and patio.
Here's the patio updated with a new rug from Target. I think I better make a Target run myself.
Brittany aka The Rococo Roamer shared her favorite statement chair.
My friend, Vickie of Ranger 911 had a bang up 4th of July post in which she shared 
her Independence Day decor which included these new shades she made for the dining room.
She made long panels for the other windows. I am in love with that fabric! 
Way to go Vickie! I adore it all! 

I had a quiet 4th of July myself.
I went to a friend's house for a bar-b-que in the evening.
I didn't stay very long cause I had to be up early for work.

I hope all of you had a great one.

Share your Mod Mix's in this week's party below.

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Hi there! I'm new here--hopped over from Revi's. Lovely features from last week--thanks for hosting! Blessings, Cecilia

  2. Thank you for the glowing review, Nita! And I love that you're hosting Mod Mix Monday on Wednesday. A working gal's gotta do things when she finds the time, right? I'm just now making a grocery list for this weekend when we'll have a house full of family. I work every day this week and I know how hard it is to fit it all in....and get a few hours of sleep, hopefully! Thanks for taking the time to host once again, and sharing lots of great features!

  3. Thanks for featuring my favorite statement chair! I got it for a steal!

  4. Thank you for hosting this party Nita! I have been peeking through your blog and I admire your eye!

  5. I so love Mod Mix matter the day! Thank you for hosting!

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  6. Thanks for the party, Nita. Have a great day.

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  7. Thanks for the party and the great features Nita!

  8. I really enjoy seeing what others are doing with their creativity
    Thanks for letting us share

  9. First time here. Thanks for hosting!

  10. Great features, Nita. I like the shade chandelier- it looks like a giant foxglove. Pretty for a garden themed room, like that one. Hope you've had a good week!

  11. Great pics and ideas!! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  12. What a delightful garden! I love how very creative Becky's projects are. So fanciful! There's really a lot of inspiration in these gorgeous pictures. Brenda, such a fun site to find!

  13. Thank you SO MUCH for featuring my dresser makeover!
    Big hugs,


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