Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mod Mix Monday #157

Have a chair that doesn't look so good...throw a crazy crocheted afghan over it!
I don't condone that seat cushion however.

I love that little dresser with the mirror and that ugly lamp.
Somehow this all makes that lamp look good!

So yep....I missed getting the party up last week...and am doing it late this week...
but I'm doing the best I can.

I was pretty sure I was dying last week.
I thought I was having a heart attack for two days but I knew it was probably just 
gas or acid reflux or something.

I know I should have gone to the doctor but my insurance doesn't kick in till this week.
So I just didn't. 

But...I'm fine now except missing being here very much.
I miss all my online friends.

I miss the creative outlet this blog is for me.

I did work in the yard one day over the weekend ...but oh the house has had to go
on the back burner.

I hate that...cause I'm all about my house. 

Darrielle of DD's Cottage sent me some fabric last week that I'd admired on her blog
and I'm anxious to sew something up out of it.
But then I have a stack of fabric waiting....so hoping to sew it up this week.

That's enough about me.....just wanted to let you all know 
that even though I'm gone...you are not forgotten.

I wish I could hang out on the internet every day...and I'll be back 
with photos of my yard soon among other things around the house.

Here are my favorites from the last Mod Mix Monday...
 Just look at this amazing kitchen makeover by Patti at Old Things New!
 I'm so inspired by this lamp made over to be an outside lamp from 
Maria Elena at Our Home Away From Home.
 A solar landscape light turns it into an outdoor lamp that automatically comes on when it gets dark.
From this point forward...I'm on the lookout for a lamp to do this to.
Thanks, Maria Elena!
 A little Fourth of July decor from Melissa at Shabby Love.
I love this sweet little table!
 Titia of Crafty in Canada did something fun with these bedside tables. 
I do love the vintage pulls on these.
 Victoria of Trois Petite Filles painted a mural inspired by Monet.
It's quite lovely but look at her daughters!
 Aren't they the loveliest of them all?
Here we have project done up by Darrielle of DD's Cottage.
I love everything this girl does.
Just look at the surprise inside! The drawers are mod podged with cheery fabrics!
Another piece done by Darrielle that I'd love to have in my own home.

I can't believe it's already almost the 4th of July.
This year is racing by for me and I have to honestly say...I'm not getting to enjoy it much.

I'm so missing puttering around the house.
I'm so missing visiting with you!

Hang in there with me....I don't know how so many of you juggle so much.
I'm not good at it...not good at juggling at all.

Share your Mod Mix's in this week's party below.

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. So much lovely pictures! These with two girls are stunning!

    End of tenancy cleaners Vauxhall

  2. I am so in love with that kitchen....and all the features this week! I'm glad to see you back hosting this week and I hope life settles down for you soon, Nita. Thanks so much for taking the time to host MMM!

  3. Simply Suzannes at Home

    I've miss you, Nita!
    Welcome back!
    I'm sorry to read that you weren't feeling well. That's scary. You might want to head in to see a doctor when your insurance kicks in, just to be sure that whatever episode you had was benign.
    Thanks so much for hosting!
    I missed your Sunday Open House, but understand what it's like when "life" gets busy.
    Thinking of you and sending happy thoughts.
    Have a wonderful Fourth of July,

  4. I am glad you are back and feeling better Nita. Thanks for the feature of my chest of drawers and I look forward to seeing you fabric projects!

  5. Nita, I am sorry you weren't feeling good. I hope life slows down a bit so you can take care of yourself and be your creative self. Thank you so much for hosting the party and featuring our painting. Wishing you a relaxing rest of the week.

  6. Dear Nita - I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been well and also that you haven't had time to enjoy life this summer. I can honestly say that I am in the same place, working too much, playing too little. Sigh! What are we going to do?
    Anyhoo, thanks so much for hosting and I hope that you have a great week.

  7. It's always hard to find time to do the things you enjoy when you're working so much. I hope things slow down for you a bit this summer. Such lovely photos and thanks for taking time to do the party!

  8. Thanks so much for the party, Nita!

    Glad you are feeling better. if it happens again, you should get it checked out!!


  9. Nita, thanks for hosting the party. I hope you feel better soon. Those girls are beautiful.

  10. That picture of the girls was so precious! Good thing for insurance now. I take nexium every day and it helps out huge with acid reflux.

  11. Absolutely love the dresser in the first photo! Thanks for hosting.
    xo Kathleen

  12. Missed you, too, Nita. Sorry I missed the party - usually I get your posts via email, so I wonder why I missed this one!

    When you do go to the doc, have them check your gall bladder...


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