Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mod Mix Monday #154

This past weekend was a rough one for me.
Who knew Memorial Day weekend was a huge day for furniture shopping?
I didn't.
The store was hoppin' Friday through Monday.
I'm so tired.
Tomorrow I'm doing nothing...all day.
Except I might hang out on my back deck.
I wish my back bedroom looked exactly like that bedroom above.
Doors to the backyard, mirrored chest by the bed, gray and linen headboard and rumpled sheets.
That photo really inspires me to change up my back bedroom. 

But tomorrow...I'm just going to rest and dream about it.
I'm not going to do a thing. 

Here are my favorites from last week's Mod Mix Monday!
 Teresa of Magazine Your Home made some ultra feminine white ruffled curtains
for her bedroom. 
So inspiring...make me want to sew up some for myself.
 Look at this special drink made by Suzanne of Simply Suzanne's.
Blueberry Mint Lemonade...What a delightful drink for a early summer day.
DD of DD's Cottage is always showing up here in my favorites.
But this chair is one of my all time favorites! I love every single thing about it.
The style, the color but most of all the fabric she chose to recover it in.
I wish this chair were mine!
DD also painted up this table. Very pretty
 Su of Butterfly and Bungalow shared her Boho bedding.
Isn't it a wonderful mix?
 Patti of Old Things New shared spring green from her garden.
I love the mix of hostas and ferns.
Sonya of Beyond the Screen Porch made these lovely fabric flowers and shows you how 
to make some for yourself. They seem easy to do too!

Share your Mod Mix's in this week's party below.

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Thanks for the party and for the features of my chair and desk. I have some extra fabric and If you want I can send you some to cover a chair or make a pillow. I would love for you to have some since you love is so much.

  2. Thanks for the party and for the features of my chair and desk. I have some extra fabric and If you want I can send you some to cover a chair or make a pillow. I would love for you to have some since you love is so much.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you get some time to relax. Love that chair!

  4. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Good morning, Nita!
    Glad to see that you made it through your crazy, busy weekend. I can only imagine how much you're looking forward to relaxing on your day off!
    Thanks so much for hosting, sweet Nita. And THANK YOU so much for featuring my Blueberry Mint Lemonade.
    Sending happy thoughts your way for a great week,

  5. Thank you, Nita, for the party and featuring my daughter's remake of the bed on the porch. xoxo

    I want the chair too, but I'm chair obsessed.

  6. Nita, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule and putting up the linky party. It is very much appreciated. Take time to relax!
    P.S. Some really great features.

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  7. OMG Nita!
    You crack me up. You honestly didn't know that everyone goes furniture shopping on Memorial Day?
    It's like going to the Garden Center on Mother's Day weekend. LOL!
    I hope you are wearing good shoes!
    Love, love, love the picks!

  8. The vintage furniture looks great, it remains me summer times years ago in my grandparent's house, because they used to have the same desk.
    Your chair is so beautiful :)

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  9. I laughed a little because I knew it was a busy shopping weekend. It seems it should be the opposite but retailers usually have big sales over Memorial Day weekend. We bought our baby crib on Memorial Day 25 years ago! All 6 of the kids slept in that crib.
    I hope you really got to do nothing all day but dream about that bedroom in the first pic and enjoy some quiet time.



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