Thursday, May 8, 2014


How Blue Does Your Garden Grow?
The other day I went shopping for a few flowers and plants to go on my back deck.
We've had a cold spring and so I'm getting a late start.
But as soon as I got to the nursery I was bombarded with hydrangeas.
Endless summer hydrangeas to be specific.
I've planted these in my front beds in the past and they haven't been very successful.
Too much sun in my front yard.
But I vow to try them again...this time on the side of my house.
How amazing is this?
trailing hydrangeas
Hydrangeas bloom in many colors.
 Mine were blue which is my favorite but they turned kind of a mauve color.
Which I didn't care for.
I know the color has to do with the ph of your soil and I've read many times what to add to the soil
to make them grow blue or make them grow pink but I can never remember.
So I was happy when I discovered on the Endless Summer website this...
Now you can just buy the blue bottle or the pink bottle.
No confusion.
A garden full of hydrangeas is a beautiful place to be.


  1. Nita, my favorite. And they gift you year after year. North side of house will be prolific bloomers.

  2. I love love love hydrangeas! Can't get enough!

  3. In my dreams! We had lots of them at our Oklahoma house but not here.

  4. Now I know why my plant on the East facing porch isn't doing too well come late Summer! Thanks for all the great info.

  5. I did not know that about the colors. I would love to have some of these beautiful flowers.

  6. OH! I want some!!!
    in BLUE of course!

  7. My to Peonies! I had Hydrangeas in my wedding. :)

  8. Nita,
    this post is just beautiful, and the first time I have seen trailing hydrangeas, LoVe it!
    Thank you for sharing,

  9. I had no idea that there were trailing hydrangeas, Wow!

    They need morning sun and afternoon shade especially in the south where afternoon sun just gets too hot and they will struggle to keep from wilting.

  10. The best part about living in Michigan - growing hydrangeas in full sun. In OK you may never get what you are hoping for - lots of watering needed even in the shade.

  11. I just love hydranges but have to keep them in a pot since they do not do well here. Enjoy them! Kit

  12. I love hydrangeas! I've got endless summers and an oakleaf. I'm trying to get one of the red ones to grow. I put it in too hot a space.


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