Friday, April 11, 2014

Basket of Flowers

a Tisket
a Tasket
 a Big Flower

I filled my big kubu wicker basket with odds and end flowers I had in my stash.
I love the way this basket looks by the fireplace.
I don't know why I didn't put it there ages ago.
I had it for like 6 months and couldn't decide what to do with it. 

At Christmas on a whim I filled it with little Christmas trees and instantly 
knew I'd be filling it every season. 

Yesterday I made a trip to Norman to our one and only Homegoods.
I found just the right thing to add some spring and summer freshness to 
the living room.

Actually, it was so good...I'm heading there again today to pick up another.

I'll show next week!

Come see me this weekend at 

We are running a special...all taxes off on any mattress over $698.

If you don't know about our Bed Match must try it.
It will tell you exactly what sort of mattress is best for your body.

I found one I'm in love with.
It's like sleeping on a cloud.

One day it will be mine....

Now I'm off to Norman again to pick up the second thing I need for the living room. 

You'll's just perfect.

sharing at


  1. I love it. I like rage arrangements like this, and the hearth is the perfect spot for it….it keeps your pretty fireplace a focal point when you're not using the fireplace.

    Thanks for your sweet comments on Finlay's post. He is so sweet! We're having a blast with him.

  2. I'd like to think you came around on see? they do have goods things some of the time! However, this year I found very little Easter that I liked. You created a very nice spring basket! Can't wait to see what you bought.

  3. oh the robin's eggs do make me feel like a kid again--always felt like a miracle of a color to me.



  4. Oh la la can't wait to see what you are up to. One day we will have to meet for lunch when you come to Norman or I make it to OKC.
    Have a wonderful weekend this weather is so fab!!

  5. For some reason, I don't seem to get your new posts in my inbox and I swear I haven't unsuscribed! I love the colour of the flowers with the colour of your fireplace.


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