Thursday, March 20, 2014

Shades of Aqua

I feel like I haven't been here in ages. In actuality it's only been a couple of days.
I've just been super busy with the new job.
This week it's every day and homework at night. 
Hopefully, next week things will even out and I'll know when I have extra time.
 So today I thought I'd show some of my favorite pieces of furniture

I started thinking about how much I love furniture this color because
at my new favorite pieces in the store are this color!

I'll show photos soon.
If I don't sell them first. 
I'll be happy to sell them cause I won't be buying them...
cause I already have a table, a cabinet and
a foot stool in this color. 

That doesn't mean I'll never have another piece in's just I don't need it.
Of course I'm a big fan of this sort of buffet. I have one myself but this one is especially pretty.
I usually don't really like furniture painted two tone like this...but this piece?
Well, it's perfection.

That little turquoise terrarium on top. You can get that at Hobby Lobby.
super cute
A little industrial good...very good.
chippy and reminds you of the beach 
This one is the perfect color and the perfect finish...very similar to my own cabinet.
I wish I had a dresser missing drawers so I could do this.
Perhaps a little more turquoise-y but yummy just the same.

So at the new job...there is lots of transitional furniture.
But my favorites are the rugged to shabby pieces or industrial pieces.

Two of my favorites are one, a large chippy rugged aqua colored sideboard 
with a big slab of white carrara marble on top.'s good.

and two a large apothecary chest in the same color with library type drawer pulls.

It's big would never fit in my house.

We also have some furniture made from recycled wood.
I love those pieces too.

Most of the furniture at my new job is quite large.
Most of it won't fit in my house.

I think that is probably a good thing.
No, I know it's a good thing.

I don't need furniture but it would be tempting to bring home if it was the right size for my place.

Two more days of training and then I'll find out if I'm going to enjoy the new job...really.

Or, I guess I won't know the first day....but will have a better idea.

Stay tuned....


  1. LOVE furniture painted pale aqua! I just got a dresser today that I wanted to paint in this color. Thank you for the inspiration!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  2. pretty images.
    i am really in the mood to paint something shabby into a color! it must be these visuals and this weather!
    I am dying to hear about your new job as time goes on...
    happy spring!!
    it's here!

  3. Ależ przyjemny blog!!
    Wspaniałe aranżacje.. Piękna ta z pierwszego zdjęcia:)) Ja w takiej właśnie kolorystyce widzę tegoroczną Wielkanoc.
    Będę częstym gościem.
    Podziwiam za zapał..
    Zapraszam do siebie:
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie!!

  4. Really pretty pieces that make me think of spring! Furniture stores do seem to cater to the large scale homes. I could never fit any of those big pieces in our house, either.

  5. Aqua is so pretty and I'm trying to add it in to my house little by little. And by that I mean a cup towel or spatula here and there. Oh, I do have a bedroom comforter that is that color. :)

    Having a give away in honor of the first day of spring. Come by if you can. :)

  6. Love all the aqua-it's one of my favs too!

  7. So pretty, Nita! Love this color on vintage pieces too.
    So happy.

    Hope you LOVE your job and that it is even better than you anticipate!


  8. Oh what I would store in that industrial piece!!!!! I adore aqua furniture. I wish you great success and joy in your new job Nita!

    ~ Violet

  9. Love these images.
    Maybe I could paint some of my "extra" furniture around here and sell it?
    Hmmm. that's an idea!
    That aqua is VERY pretty.

    I have this great feeling that this job is going to be perfect for you! I think you have excitement about the furniture already.
    With your enthusiastic personality and charm, you are sure to be their Top Salesperson! You go girl!!!!

  10. Thank you for inspiration.


  11. I've got a table getting ready for Eulalies Sky MMSMP. I'll make sure to send you a pic once its done!


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