Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday Musings

Oh..what a room in the middle of the city. 
A room of blue looking out on to a sweet little terrace overlooking the metro.
This seems the perfect spot to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Here are a few things new at Pier 1 that I'm obsessed about...

yellow chevron accent chair
This would update a room instantly!

Iron and wood arch. This would be good over a fireplace - myself..I'd like it out in the garden.
Perhaps hanging on the outside wall of my house?
Or hanging on the back fence?

I never tire of cloches and this one comes on an elegant wood pedestal.

I will have these pillows for my front porch!
Oh...yes I will. I've wanted some like these for quite awhile and was thrilled when these 
showed up at the store. They will be mine.

Note: they come in a green pattern and a brick red color too.

This is a precious little toadstool birdbath.
This thing is small - about a foot and a half high.
I can just imagine this tucked among hostas in the garden.

Hoping to bring this little thing home too.

in the meantime...

It might snow again today!
Surely, this will be the last of it.

I hope. We are all sick of it.


  1. Adorable little birdbath! We can dream about spring, can't we?

  2. I want that cloche on the pedestal! Thanks for the info!

  3. we had snow yesterday but today is 40 something. It's going to be over 30 every day this week so maybe I'll get some snow melt. I'm starting to get nervous about my hydrangeas that have snow 3 feet up with a foot of branches sticking out. I love that little toadstool birdbath. But my hostas are all giant compared to it. Maybe I could put it on a concrete block. Hmmm that's a good idea......

  4. Wow, what a cute terrace and pretty view!

    Pier 1 is going to get me into trouble. I love the pedestal and cloche, and the birdbath needs to live at my house.



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