Saturday, March 29, 2014

Potted Hyacinths

My hyacinths have come up outside. 
I planted a few in my front flower bed several years ago.
I so look forward to them coming up each spring.
But I think perhaps for next spring I need to plant some in a container.
Aren't they delightful in that blue pan?
Oh...I wish I'd planted some hyacinth bulbs in a big outdoor planter to come up this spring!
perhaps next year

So this week I've just been working every day at my new career.
I must say...this job so far is much easier than past jobs I've had.

My co-workers are SUPER nice!
Not that they weren't at other places but everyone is very lighthearted at this new job
and that's important to me. 
I don't take anything too seriously.

I work hard and try to execute everything perfectly...but life is too short to be serious all day.

I have to co-workers are fun and I've found many things to laugh about 
with customers too.

And...I'm doing very well so far.

I promise I'll have photos soon of my favorite things in the store.

I had one older lady customer this week that came in and bought a house full
of furniture for her brand new home.

Her son was paying for it all.
Honestly she didn't seem that excited about it till I suggested adding aqua as an 
accent color to all the brown she was picking out.

It was then she came to life and we had great fun picking out lamps, vases, pillows and other 
accessories in that color.

Of course the son didn't get it. They'd come for furniture and he didn't know why 
she was so giddy when I started helping her pick out accessories.

But she was....and she left thanking me and saying she was going to have so much fun 
getting more things in that color to add all over the house. 

That was good.

I'll try to be a better blogger next week. Mom is going on vacation and bringing her dogs up.

I'll have seven weenies here next week!

Oh My!

Last night I had a customer and we started talking dogs.
They were dog crazy like me....they had four dogs too but...

Their dogs were a 180 lb Bull Mastiff
a 110 lb Bull Mastiff
a 90 lb American Bull Dog
and a 138 lb English Bull Dog

Plus they fostered puppies too!

They said they only slept with the English Bull Dog because the others were such bed hogs.

Can you imagine?

Too funny....

She said all stayed inside except for the really big one because he preferred to be out a lot of the time.

Obviously, they are better behaved than my weenies.

Must be.


  1. I'm so super glad about your job! You deserved that one, friend. I just knew they would love you!! What an awesome thing you did for that lady, she will enjoy her home so much more now. Have a good weekend, xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Congratulations on your new job, Nita.
    How wonderful that you were able to bring joy to that lady's life. Didn't that make you feel good!
    You are going to be great at this.

    I discovered your blog recently and really enjoy it. Love, love, love the hyacinths fresh and springy.

    Hope your weekend is a good one. Enjoy the week with your mom and all the doggies. That will be fun to watch.


  3. So happy you are enjoying the new job!
    Look forward to hearing more stories and seeing pictures! Enjoy the weekend!

  4. love the furniture/accessories story.

    YOU made the difference.

    Amazing how often it's the sideways ideas making life, LIFE !

    Lucky you with all the dogs coming.

    XO T

  5. I just knew you would be perfect for this new career! Wahoo! I'm so Happy to read this. Finally things are going in the right direction!
    I can just see you picking out pretty touches for this woman's house and making it into a home.

    I wish there were flowers of any kind around here! Still cold and brown outside but tomorrow the temps are supposed to soar to low 60's! for a day! :)

    You know I have a HERD of dogs but truly, the biggest one is the easiest and the tiniest one (Poppy)is perfect's just the other ones in between that cause me problems!
    But I love them anyway!

  6. Glad you are enjoying your job. Just think of all the lovely homes you are helping out. So cool! Have fun with the doggies. :) Kit

  7. Congrats on the new job!
    A lovely post - I adore hyacinths - love your blue tray and the white on white especially
    Happy Spring!

  8. I will do that next spring in my big urn. Its sitting there bare right now, and this year I could have used a visual nod to spring as it seems its never coming. So enjoyed hearing about the new job!! Loved the aqua story~talk to you soon I hope.

  9. I'm so glad you are liking your new job, Nita! I think it's important to have fun at your job, too. The mood is felt by employees and customers alike. I know I'd much rather do business at a place where everybody is friendly and courteous!

    Bets of luck with 7 wienies running around your house!!

  10. I'm glad you're having fun at your new job. I have hyacinths that I planted between strawberry plants so that when comes the time to weed the strawberry patch, it smells lovely when I do it, but now that I saw your pics I think I need some in containers next year!
    have a nice week!

  11. Sigh! What beautiful pictures! My hyacinths had a rugged life - The kitten kept digging the bulbs out of the pot! I decided I'd better wait for warmer weather - and the maybe I can enjoy some hyacinths out of doors! Angels to you and your 'weenies!

  12. If you have a job that makes you laugh, then you are truly blessed!

    I can imagine the satisfaction you felt when your "aqua" lady lit up. You are too humble to admit it but you are gifted and enrich all our lives, Nita.


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