Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chippy Painted Furniture

 All these images I've collected in my Pretty Furniture board on Pinterest.
Seems lately, I've been running around a lot outside of the house and not getting 
much accomplished here at the house.
I'm working on painting a piece of furniture but stalled when I ran out of 
sand paper. 
The piece has a very shiny varnish on it and is requiring quite a bit of sanding 
before I paint. 

I know...I know...use Chalk Paint.
But I don't have any and I have some Miss Mustard Seed Milk paint and so I thought I'd use that.
I would be ecstatic if the results turned out like that image above.

Actually, I'll be happy if it turns out like any of these images I've pinned.
I even am toying with the idea of making it slightly blue 
but...this piece of furniture sits on one side of the arch in the living room.
The other side has this...
I have two of these on each side of the arch.
See? One on each side. I now have a larger chest on the left and that is what I am painting.
I think I need white on both sides but want this one to be much more distressed in finish.

This room has changed a lot since this photo.
The room is now white and I have an upholstered ottoman instead of the coffee table.
I have not shown the room at this angle yet because
the dining room is still yellow.
I did buy new paint last week so that it will match but then every day off since then has been filled 
with other things outside the house and I have not gotten to paint it yet.

I'm hoping...maybe this Sunday...if nothing comes up.
But today....I'm focusing on painting the chest in the living room.
This is the barely blue I was considering.
 Really love this finish.
 I'd be happy with this one too.
 This might be a little too barely there...
but I do like it and definitely want to do it on something one day.
 I really love this barely blue...or rather aqua.
 If it turns out like this...I'll be happy.
 And I really like this. 
Again,'s so pretty, isn't it?
Afraid it would fight my fireplace too much though.
It's the star in the room. 

I did up a new floral display for spring in the basket there. 
Thought I'd show today but it's cloudy here.
Maybe tomorrow if the sun comes out.

Well, these are my rambling thoughts for today....


  1. Your house is so cute. If I were to come visit you my head would be spinning as I'd be so busy trying to take it all in. What a wonderful place to come home to. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

  2. So much chippy inspiration! {ChicByTab}xo

  3. There's never enough time for us working gals to get it all done, is there?! I've never used milk paint, but I like the look, so I'm anxious to see how your piece turns out. Great inspiration photos!

  4. oooh, "barely blue" sounds perfect. love all your chippy pieces, I've never been brave enough to do a fully distressed piece. can't wait to see it!

  5. OH such pretty pieces. Hope you get your cabinet painted this weekend...I think it is supposed to warm up!
    Miss Bloomers

  6. Looking forward to seeing what you do. I love the first one you hope to copy...the barely blue chest...I like that too. I have to paint the big china cabinet and that could look nice. But I am thinking its gonna be more of a mushroom grey. The old vanity with attached mirror in white is really just a paint job then sanded could do that and not have to worry about trying for the chipped off look.

  7. I don't think the blue would necessarily make the fireplace disappear, it would just wink at it! I think either white or blue would be lovely. I admire you to have the guts to try milk paint as I understand you can't be sure of what it'll do! I can't wait to see it.

  8. Sigh . . . love them all! I must go over to Pinterest to see if I'm following your board. Coming down your way from Wa State this weekend to attend the Pasadena Flea Mkt with my daughter. So excited to enter into the sunshine and shop, shop, shop!
    Blessings to you Nita,

  9. I like the tall chest painted turquoise inside I may try this on an old pie safe and move it to my kitchen

  10. Gorgeous inspiration! I'm always delighted to see your pretty living room and am excited to see your finished dresser.


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