Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tufted Ottoman

 My new ottoman came the other day and I'm thrilled to have it in my home.
Perhaps it looks familiar.
Last year about this time I got this ottoman from Pier 1.
At the time I liked it but knew I wished it came in a plain fabric.
But it only came in prints and this french fabric.
I ordered it anyway thinking I'd slipcover it or something.
Back in November a new furniture catalog came to the store picturing new items we'd soon be getting.
This ottoman was one of them.
It was just what I'd wanted to begin with.
It comes in all these colors...
I ordered it in parchment and sold my other one right after Christmas 
knowing my new one was on its way to me.
 Yesterday I did a little Goodwill stop and found a nice big conch shell.
Which is why I styled this with shells.
Not exactly right for January but I just wanted some pretty pictures and didn't want to spend time
searching for something more season appropriate.
Besides I was excited to find a nice big shell for a couple of dollars.

 Here is a close up of the fabric. 
This color...parchment is a creamy off white with just a few darker flecks in it. 
The flax color is very similar just a little darker.
To be honest I would have probably been very happy with the flax color but parchment is perfect in my home.

I have to say I really love this line carried at Pier 1.
 They've carried the Colette love seat for about a year.
Now they've added the Colette chair and

also...a Colette sofa! 

Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up if anyone reading is looking for this sort of thing.

Back to me....

 I may be painting the legs on my ottoman in the near future.
I think I want them a greige-ish wood look. 
A little faux painting will do the trick.
A beauty shot of the shell. 

I had the best day yesterday...
First, my friend Jill announced at the first of the year that her word of the year was 
Picking a word for the year is an easier way to change your life and the year ahead instead of making 
a long list of resolutions that no one can live up to.

So Jill's word is "word".

Meaning she would use her words to live the life she wanted...positive words...positive life.
I think I manage that pretty well or at least I try to so I decided my word for 2014
would be 

I do well with ideas and I do take action but sometimes I put off things that
if I'd just take action would make my life so much better.

So that is what I'm working on this year and living by - action and it worked for me yesterday.

So, yesterday I had the day off and started it with an early lunch with my friend, KC.

Time with KC is always upbeat and positive so it's always good to see her.

After that...I put my word for 2014 to work...meaning I took "action".

Remember last week when I was trying to figure out what to do about 
marble for the top of my kitchen island?

Many of you had very good ideas including just getting an 18x18 tile. usually can't buy one have to order a box.

I had a big free piece of marble but it was going to cost me $150 to get it cut down to the 18x18 that I needed.

So after lunch, I decided to go to a marble and granite slab place and ask if they had a piece 18x18 that I could buy.

The very nice woman there said..."No, but go over to this tile place and give them my card and 
tell they you need an 18x18 carrara marble tile".

"Oh...thanks", I said.

in the past I might have thought...oh...I'll do another day or why would they be able to help me out...
but yesterday I just lived by my word - action.

So I went straight to the place and showed the card and said what I needed.

The nice girl there said, 
"Well, I don't have any samples of that here. We'll have to order that."

I said, "I just need once piece".

She says, "That's fine...we'll order you a sample."

"Oh...great", I say

"How much will this be?"

She says, "Oh,'s a sample. You can let us know if its the color you want
and if it looks like you want it to look."


So on Friday I should be getting a 18x18 piece of carrara marble for my little kitchen island.
Just cause I asked!

I took "action".

See how my word is working for me?

Then I went to a new store in town and I'll be going back and taking photos but here are a few from their facebook page.

The Garden Gnome Bonsai!

Crazy name. It's just up the street from me and I'd noticed it a few weeks ago.
Yesterday was my day to go in and see what it was all about.

I walked in and discovered that the girl that owns it I knew from the place where I buy dog food.
I had not been there in almost a year ever since I discovered Violet can't eat dry food.

So Tiffany says hi and that she's very glad to see me.
She just opened the store a couple of months ago.
This place is just the cutest.

It's like Pinterest come to life!
I'll take my camera next time and show you lots of photos...but here are a few I took from their facebook page.
Several rooms of cute plant things...terrariums...succulents, gnomes of course, fairy garden stuff.
Lots of things that Tiffany makes herself.
See the light bulb looking things in the corner? Those are little terrariums. I bought one.
Didn't think to take a photo before it got dark but I'll show soon.
 Her husband is the creator of the bonsais.
They are so incredible!
A whole room of bonsais!

located at 4141 N. Western in OKC.

I'll go back and take some photos very soon.

So after that...I met up with my friend Jill and we hit a few stores and then 
went to see
August: Osage County
Meryl Streep was Amazing!
She was so good she made me not like her.
I didn't think that was possible. She really was a monster in this movie.
And she looked awful.
She made Elizabeth Taylor in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf" look like Mother Theresa.'s a good movie but definitely not a feel good movie.
It's a feel bad movie.

After the movie Jill, I and my friend Deidra went for a couple of drinks.

This may sound rather dull to you but I don't have enough days like this.
Days where I am just living and enjoying.
I need more of this...I will have more of this.

Not that living is not hanging out at the house doing projects with the dogs...oh it is.
And I do love that and work is good...but this day reminded me that I just need 
to have some easy days of fun once in awhile.

Yesterday was all about "Action".
Today, I worked on stuff at the house.

Do you have a word for 2014?
This really works well...cause you just have to say the word to yourself to keep yourself on track.

sharing at


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day! And that looks like a really fun place. I wish I knew more people to do stuff with.

  2. I love that kind of day and hopefully I will be having one just as fun tomorrow with my friend Patty. Those type of days add balance to our lives and we need them.

    You know that I have picked a word for the year but I want to change it. I have already accepted the limitations in my life I just didn't know it yet.

    I'm glad you had such a fabulous day. You deserved it.

  3. Sounds like a great day, Nita! I haven't chosen a word, but I've got one in mind and it's simplify. I have a habit of taking on too many things at once and it makes me unsettled. I'm going to have to give up a few things I like to do, but in the end it will simplify my life.

  4. Great word! Your new ottoman is perfect, perfect, perfect.

  5. Love the tufted sofa and chair but are the comfortable? They don't look like they would be. Very stiff looking. What do you think?

  6. good morning…just saw those in the store and they are gorgeous!…thinking about getting the ottoman as well…enjoy…xo, Mariaelena

  7. Love your new ottoman! Every time I read your blog, I think "if I had room for that, I'd get one." LOL! I've figured out that I don't really need a bigger house, I just need bigger rooms!

    Action is a great word. My word is Focus.

  8. Hi Nita, first, I love the ottoman and you always do such pretty vignettes! I'm dying to see that movie, glad for your review. My word is focus, and I actually kept saying it to myself yesterday as I was trying to stay focused on working on things for the shop! And, it does work, just like it did for you. Good stuff on the tile, I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  9. Love the words "word" and "action"-
    my word I had already picked out in December and it is "Intentional"

  10. Sounds like you had a fun day. I used to have days like that with GFs, but now I have a husband. LOL

    Your ottoman is wonderful. I don't remember seeing that line at our neighborhood Pier 1, so I will have to look. I noticed they are carrying a lot more nice furniture now.

    I have never chosen a word, and I quit making resolutions a long time ago. I do have some goals in mind each year, although I don't always write them down. I do think your idea of "action" is a good one -- obviously you accomplished some things you might have otherwise put off.

  11. I have been meaning to leave a comment for so long - love your blog and look forward to it everyday - but never took "action"! Never thought about a word for the year so, with a nod to you, I think I should choose "action" myself - really need to get some things done this year and action is the key. So thanks for the inspiring me to stop and give it all some thought! And as for your tile, my husband always reminds me when I hesitate, "if you don't ask, you don't get" :)

  12. Thanks all for your nice comments! Just wanted to answer one persons comment asking how comfortable the Colette sofa and chair are. The chair is actually very comfortable. I like the way it wraps around you. Perhaps not a chair to curl up in to read a book but perfect for a formal living room. The love seat sits a little hard...but again the perfect thing for a sitting area in a bedroom or at the end of a bed. It's not furniture to lounge in but it is comfortable to sit for a chat...but not watch a movie or read a book.

  13. I like the new ottoman, it looks aboslutely glamourous to me! And of course, I love the shells! I can't wait to see your "island" with the marble on.

  14. I always forget to hit Pier One! Thanks Nita...looks so great in your room ; )))))

  15. Love the new ottoman I found one and covered it to match my toile settee
    thanks for heads up on the movie with Meryle Streep, I won't go see it. I need feel good movies LOL

  16. Love all things tufted and your ottoman is adorable. Perfect in your home! Word for the year . . . "authentic". I thought I already was pretty authentic so it came as a surprise to me.
    Thanks for sharing and blessings,

  17. oh I missed this post Nita. I love the ottoman and the story about the marble and the movie and all of that good stuff. So good to hear your plan of action and just trying to make a bit more fun come into your life. I need to do that !!!


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