Friday, January 31, 2014

The Winter Garden

No the winter garden is not's beautiful.
That's a lovely image...not practical at all...but pretty!

So today is the 5th Anniversary of the day I started this little blog.

I almost let it go by unnoticed.

I was busy working last night on a new design for the whole blog....decided after four years
it was badly in need of a makeover.

Have to say...I think I did pretty well...that a design I created...worked well for me for four years.

But I am feeling like I want something fresh and new.

So I was working on a new design last night and thinking...I'll have this up 
for my Blogiversary when I realized my Blogiversary is tomorrow...being TODAY!


I really thought it was still a week away! design to come.

Actually, last thing I should be working on... but us creative types work on the thing
we feel like doing rather than the thing we should be doing.


  1. Happy Bloggy anniversary. So glad to be a follower. I love your posts. Your decorating ideas are great but I love me a good weinie dog story.

  2. Happy Bloggy anniversary. So glad to be a follower. I love your posts. Your decorating ideas are great but I love me a good weinie dog story.

  3. Happy Bloggy anniversary. So glad to be a follower. I love your posts. Your decorating ideas are great but I love me a good weinie dog story.

  4. Happy Bloggy anniversary. So glad to be a follower. I love your posts. Your decorating ideas are great but I love me a good weinie dog story.

  5. Amen to that! I love your current design, but can't wait to see what you have in store!!! Happy Blogiversary Nita!!! Can't believe it's been four years!
    Here's to many more...I know you've had times when you felt like stopping, but I'm so glad you didn't...I enjoy your blog so much! Just hang in there, it always gets better.

  6. Happy Anniversary!!!
    I remember the post that I read the first day I found your blog (it was about your Dad) and we've been great friends ever since.
    Times does fly!
    I know whatever your new design is, it will be FABULOUS. You are not capable of doing anything less.
    But I hope that you don't change having you Weenies and their adorable faces on here. They always make me smile!
    Here's to another great year!
    XOXO - Cindi

  7. Love your blog. It is always a pleasure to read about your pups. Your perspective is fun, bold and natural. Thanks!

  8. Happy anniversary! I really enjoy your blog,thanks for keeping it going.
    The pictures in this post are lovely. I love winter and I love winter in the garden. Yea! no weeding. I especially think it's pretty when a light snow outlines the trees and shrubs.
    I like the design of your blog but look forward to checking out the new look.

  9. Beautiful winter garden pictures! Happy Anniversary Nita! Blogiversary that is! I always enjoy my visits to your blog! Congrats again on creating such an interesting and always pretty blog!
    Miss Bloomers

  10. great way to celebrate your milestone. those gardens make me want to take a different approach to the barren patio I have during winter.

  11. Your last sentence? I can completely relate.

    I've enjoyed journeying with you!

  12. Happy blogiversary! I get that the party is going to be a picnic under the snow?

  13. Hey! Happy blogiversary! Beautiful gardens.


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