Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Color of the Year

Radiant Orchid
Pantone announced last month 2014's color of the year, Radiant Orchid.
A great choice...I believe.

Do you pay attention to the  color of the year?
Last year's was Emerald and I totally ignored it. 
I liked Tangerine Tango from the year before but it didn't find it's way into
my decor either.
The four years before? They all are in my house.
Not because they were colors of the year but just because I like those colors.

Four out of six colors of the year are in my home.

If you look at those colors below...they all work together.

But we're talking Orchid today...

I could totally do an orchid rug. I adore this room.
I'd love to work in this room every day.
A little orchid goes a long way...
It's a great accent color for sure.
Oh...these shoes! Metallic gold and orchid together.....yummy.
It's a great color for a bedroom.

Easily added to your wardrobe in jewelry.
Dreamy on the walls.
orchid macaroons
Here we see gold and orchid together again. This time in a wonderful tile on the walls of a bath.
So fun!
It would take guts to paint your woodwork orchid. 
It looks great here.
shabby antiqued orchid

Oh...yes....I could go for a little orchid in my life....
I'll work on it for 2014.

Will you add orchid to your home this year?


  1. Great inspiration pictures! I'm not sure I would go all out with orchid in my home, but I think an accessory like a pillow or throw would be especially pretty for Valentine's Day or spring.

    Have a great week!
    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  2. Orchid goes great with an all white decor, maybe with spring green to complement it. Other than that, I think not. I am still in a aqua and turquoise mode. Not that I actually have much of it in my house, I just love to look at those colors. I do have a half a dozen or so orchids in my dining room window which should count (at least until the flowers fade).

  3. You really did your homework, Nita! I'm loving all of your chosen designs. I think the color could blend with any shade and also act as a neutral color for any decor. It goes well with black or white, turquoise or gold, pinks, reds or green. Even browns or navy. Just imagine! The choice is virtually unlimited! Gail@Purple Hues and Me

  4. Nita I'm so glad you posted this otherwise I would not have realized the new "in" color for 2014 was orchid! I do have happy memories of that color...my grandmother's bedroom was an orchid lavender color and I always thought her room was beautiful...maybe someday I'll get the courage to do that too! Nothing is a beautiful an an orchid! Thanks for sharing and happy 2014!
    Miss Bloomers

  5. hi Nita, yes, I love the color, and I might use it in a pillow or something for spring, but it's not something I could live with for a long time, it's just not me. Can you imagine I used to wear it as a lipstick years ago? I'll be looking for it in nailpolish, I think. ;-)

  6. I already had plans to update my bedroom in dusty orchid tones before the color for 2014 was named. Of course, plans and execution are different things as you well know.

  7. Orchid would look fanstatic in your house, mine, not so much. I did like the jewerly. I have quite a few gray pieces right now and the orchid would look great and jazz them up a bit. I will check out Charming Charley's for some orchid.

  8. I got the email from Pantone and was just waiting to see a post from you about it. I don't think that color would jive with what I've got going on, but it is a nice color.

  9. Such a beautiful hue! Love it all, especially the chandy :)

  10. When I was very young, my bedroom was white and purple. I remember the purple pom-poms hanging from the canopy bed. Then I had to take this awful medicine that was purple and suddenly hated it.
    Years later, in my 20's, I wore purple every day to work, but slowly everything changed to Black and that's all I wore.
    I actually haven't thought of that Orchid color until the other night when I was flipping TV channels and stopped on a show called "Trophy Wife" (?) because it showed a kitchen with 2 tones of purple tile and white cabinets and purple on some of walls and...I really, REALLY liked it.
    If my home wasn't so small, I'd consider it but I think I will stick with White.

  11. I really wasn"t sure how I was feeling about this colour when I discovered it last month, but I think I like it if it's only little accents in a room... And I love the macaroons!

  12. LOVE it!!!! a few home (and body) accessories in these shades would be excellent! And I love that chandelier.....

    ~ Violet

  13. Those doors in the last photo! OMG!

    I love all shades of purple, and I always have it somewhere.

  14. Orchid isn't my favorite, nor is it my least favorite from the past several years. I actually have wallpaper in my art studio that has some of it as well as the tangerine, honeysuckle, mimosa, and blue iris….all of them but the turquoise. They are all mid-century colors, or close to them if you look at the Benjamin Moore Historic Colors from that era. I do love them together, but honeysuckle and mimosa are my favorites!

    I'm with you on the tangerine…I only added a polka-dotted lampshade from Anthropologie with tangerine (other than the wallpaper in the studio).

    I probably won't add any orchid unless it's in table linens.

    This is a fun post, Nita. I love the tiles on that backsplash. I'd add those somewhere in our home in a heartbeat!

    Happy New Year!

  15. “Will you add orchid to your home this year?” – With these beautiful inspirations, I surely will. I never thought that an orchid color can be such a beautiful addition to the house since it can be too feminine for some. But with that vintage door, I guess the right shade will always do the trick. Thanks for sharing!

    Francis @ DialOneWindows.com


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