Monday, December 9, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #131

I fell in love with this image when I came across it recently.
Isn't that a fun modern vintage way to decorate for the holidays?
Very simple but effective.

Pretty holiday things springing up in Mod Mix Monday from last week..
let's take a look at my faves.
Heather at Vivid Hue Home shared how she made these cute and simple felt covered ornaments.
Kathy at Yorkshire Linen Co. made her own personalized Christmas plates and shared how.
So special!
Tricia of Little Cottage on the Pond showed off the changes she's made to her master bedroom.
It's beyond lovely!
 Katie at Let's Add Sprinkles shared her guest bedroom which included this little 
message board created from a vintage washstand towel rack and chicken wire.
 Melinda of The Refeathered Roost set up a pretty vignette to honor one of her favorite songs 
from one of her favorite movies. I love this song too! 
 Love the new farmhouse table over at Mimi's Vintage Charm.
When she found it, it was unpainted. She added the charm by painting it with Chalk Paint.
I love the color combo she chose.

Share your new mixes below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. I'm loving those personalized Christmas plates! Thanks for hosting, Nita!

  2. Nita...I'm so impressed with someone who can put a look together like the ModVintage photo today. It really takes an expert eye...or may a bit of abandon. ;)

    May your season of Advent be filled with Extraordinary moments.

  3. The sweet little sheep are everywhere these days. They are so charming
    Thanks for hosting this busy time of the year

  4. Thanks for hosting....
    I linked my giveaway and I hope it's ok. I didn't see that you didn't want them linked to your party. If there's a problem, tho, pls. delete and let me know.
    O, and hope you will come's a great giveaway.
    Thanks, bj

  5. Thank you so much for featuring our master bedroom! Your blog is one of my all time favs!

  6. Thanks so much, Nita, for featuring my sheep vignette! I am linking up again with our dining room Christmas decor. Have a wonderful week!

  7. Lovely features. Thank you for the fun party Nita. Have a lovely second week of advent.

  8. I love the features this week - thank you so much for hosting... Cathy

  9. Oh my goodness Nita, once again I was so caught in in your features that i lost track of my Monday morning. What talented people there are at this party. Thanks so much for hosting and have a wonderful week. Blessings, Patti
    P.S. I'm on the hunt for Putz houses as cute as yours!

  10. Love the message board and the plates! the plates are super crazy good! But sadly, no one would be able to read my handwriting if I attempted this. =-(
    Always love seeing what you find good!

  11. Thank you for hosting, Nita! Have a lovely week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  12. Thank you for a great party Nita!! Have a wonderful week-xo

  13. those Christmas plates are amazing!! just linked up, thanks for hosting, Nita!!

  14. so many great Christmas ideas here!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  15. Melinda's sheep vignette is adorable, love White Christmas too! Thanks for the party! ~Ann

  16. Thank you for sharing these cute ideas! Love the Christmas plates!
    Tenancy cleaning

  17. I loved your picks!
    Especially the personalized plates
    and of course those adorable sheep!
    Thanks for another great Mod Monday.

  18. Christmas is coming, the latest michael kors bag here, good price quality, introduced to everyone


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