Thursday, December 19, 2013


Christmas Putz Houses
Just sharing a few pretty putz houses from my Christmas Putz House Pinterest Board today.
I got all of mine out last night. I have a new church that was given me last year for Christmas.
So excited to set it up.
I finished decorating my tree last night and almost finished the mantel.
Now I have to pull the room back together and put all those tubs away.
Yuck...I hate that part and the last two hours I was decorating I was being barked at constantly
by Harvey.
He had had enough of me being in another room.
I wasn't letting him and Franklin in because they'd get into everything.
Although they both did come in the night I took all the lights off the tree and 
put new lights on.
It was very sweet. They laid next to me on the ottoman while I cursed the tree.
They were very sympathetic to my ordeal.
Once I finally got the tree lit they jumped off the ottoman and started running all over the room.
I guess they sensed my relief that the job was done.
They also seemed pretty impressed with all the lights. They stared and stared at the tree.
So I know they were wanting in again last night but I was too busy and there was too much stuff everywhere to let them in.

This made Harvey mad! 
His barks were getting louder and louder and more insistent. 
He tried to break down the baby gate several times but I had it rigged where he couldn't.

I have to say since Harvey has lost weight...he has become much more bossy.
And he gets into things more.
I'm almost tempted to fatten him up again.
Not really...but he gets in to trouble now where he used to not because all he did was lie around.

Ok, back to Christmas....
My dining room still has to be decorated.
I'm not very excited about it since I did not get the dining room repainted, yet.
But oh...I am loving the color of my living room now. 
Sherwin Williams Shoji White
It looks so good with all my Christmas stuff. It looks good with everything.
You'll see.
I went to take photos tonight and found my camera dead and I was out of batteries.
Bad Blogger... Yep, that's me.
So tomorrow I'll take some photos.
I've just about missed all the Christmas home tour link ups.
Yet, again.
I just can't seem to get my act together. 
I did get the garage door to close today.
I'd had to leave it open an inch the other day when it quit on me but
it still won't open.
It stops at about three inches off the ground.

So I'm afraid the outside of my house looks pretty lame.
I did put out some red lanterns I filled with white lights but 
I couldn't get all my greenery out of the garage to do the job right on the porch.

There is always next year...right? 
I did make some new vintage looking bottle brush trees the other night and 
you'll see them as part of my mantel.

Let's just pretend I have two weeks still before Christmas instead of just a few days.
There....I feel better.

Last night I was just decorating to my heart's delight and listening to my favorite Christmas music
and trying not to think about how this all should have been done two weeks ago. 


  1. There is always next year! I would love to have any of these puts houses!

    Now will all the weenies come into the living room when it's finished or do they bother the tree?

    Otis and Milo ignore ours so they must have been used to them. And, Nita, there are pictures of them now on my blog today if you have time to see them! I woke up this morning with Otis's head across my throat. Milo snuggles under the blanket right by me and growls if I move. I've learned to sleep very still.

  2. I'm so behind this year I can't catch up. I love the stories of the weenies, you always make me laugh! Just think you will be able to enjoy your efforts and relax. At least that what I keep telling myself....

  3. I'm so far behind schedule, too, Nita! I just started wrapping gifts and have more shopping yet to do. We're supposed to watch our grandchildren on Friday, but I came home from work yesterday with a cough and fever, so I don't know what to do. I need another week, please!!!

    I love the Putz houses. I used to see them all the time at estate sales, but not so much anymore. Good luck with your holiday preparations!

  4. There is always next year because I have seen so many fun ideas on blogs that I don't have time or space for this year.

    Your Putz houses are gorgeous.

  5. My favorite saying is from Gone With the Wind, "I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow." When I get flustered, I think of Scarlett! Don't worry about what is not done, just enjoy the decorations you have..and the dogs! I LOVE your houses. I have always wanted to start a collection of "putz" (didn't know what they were called) houses and characters. They are simply beautiful. You have quite a collection. Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  6. Love your little putz houses they are so pretty
    I have a couple and haven't gotten my pretties one out yet
    I like you story about your babies (dogs) watching you put up your decorations. I miss my baby pugs so much

    Merry Christmas

  7. These are all so beautiful. One of my favorite things at Christmas. Deb

  8. I can relate on being behind on Christmas decorating. We just finished our tree yesterday. I love your sweet pics of putz houses and looking forward to seeing your Christmas decor!

  9. I love the little houses I can remember my mom and grandmother having some like them when I was a kid.
    Our house is rather sad this year we don't even have a tree up or our lights outside we realized last week we were just going to have to take a break this year.
    The Christmas music is on and candles lit so it's not totally void of Christmas.

  10. I hear ya Nita. My tree is naked this year because of my sweet but bad kitten. I am also a little blue because my kiddo is not coming home. I think being a blogger forces a schedule on us. You have a Merry Christmas, Olive

  11. I don't like the whole late Thanksgiving thing. It really messed with my decorating schedule. I guess if it is late again next year I will just have to decorate before Thanksgiving. It sucks too because I'm not even home for Christmas because I'm always in Oklahoma for the holidays. Merry Christmas Nita!

  12. You are too hard on yourself! When you get it all together it will be beautiful. Enjoy it and leave it up a while. There is no law that everybody has to decorate the house top to bottom the day after TGV and yank it all down the day after Christmas. The ideas that some people have tried to impose on all of us are really starting to annoy me.
    I can't wait to see what you do.

  13. I had my act together this year but the last two years were a different story. The tree was up those years but ornaments never made an appearance. Just enjoy your decorations and leave them up a little longer. I am going to leave the garlands up til about mid-January.
    Can't wait to see your living room all decorated up.

  14. Oooo, those houses are great! Don't fret, just do what you can manage to do and enjoy what you get done. :) Merry Christmas! Kit

  15. Love those Putz houses!!!

    Thanks for the beauty and inspiration!
    ~ Violet

  16. I really feel bad about your garage door and you not being able to get into it. It's a terrible feeling not to be able to do something that you want so badly to.
    The little putz houses are very sweet, I have stayed away from them. I have big ceramic houses that I husband and my daughter gave me several years ago and I'm content with them. I do love to look at them, though.


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