Wednesday, November 6, 2013

White Rooms

Love em!
I've loved that above photo for a very long time.
Remember when I said by the end of the weekend my living room would be all painted?
Well, it didn't happen. I tried...but I had to do other things that I didn't plan on.
So though I painted on Sunday for a few wasn't enough to get it done.
But'm off and I just need a good four or five hours to finish it up.
So surely, room will be done by tonight.
I resisted going white walls cause I'd lived with white walls so much of my life as a renter.
But you know...I never minded them and they were always just plain white.
The white I chose for my walls is just the perfect shade.
The white I chose is Shoji White by Sherwin Williams.
It can look bright white in the sunlight but as the sun changes in the greatly changes.
It can look very greige in dimmer light.
I think it was the perfect choice.
So today I thought I'd just share some of my favorite white rooms from my Pinterest boards.
This room really speaks to me...all that pink but those white walls are what make the pink and the dark wood so good.
I should have photos of my room to share this week.
That is if nothing comes up today.


  1. Painting a room is a big block of time obligation. Can't tell you how many times I thought I could knock out a room in a day and it stretched to several. Good luck and I am looking forward to the big reveal.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  2. Beautiful rooms! I love having my living/dining room painted white too. Everything stands out against it and the change from the other dark rooms is refreshing. I can't wait to see your living room finished. It's going to look fabulous with all the colors of your decor!

  3. Can't wait to see your pics!! I'm about to paint too and I've been stalling to try and convince myself that I can go lighter. I've been living with grey walls for 11 years and think I might need a change. My house is very masculine and I'm afraid it just won't work with something so light.

  4. These rooms are gorgeous, Nita! Tons of great inspiration. Or Pinspiration. :)

  5. I really like that third picture! I like white walls, it can really brighten the room. I can't wait to see yours. Good luck with the painting, I know it's time consuming.


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