Sunday, October 13, 2013

Open House Sunday - American Horror Story - Coven

Through the Witch's Gate to
Mrs. Ribochau's Academy for Exceptional Young Women on American Horror Story.
This is our Open House this Sunday....a tour of the Girl's school on this season's American Horror Story - Coven.
You can watch the first episode online here.

I actually watched it on Amazon and paid to do so because I wanted it in HD so I could grab these screenshots. 
Outside it's the Perfect Antebellum Home
Inside it's all about the greige.
It's very Restoration Hardware meets Aidan Gray.
Look at the details in this house! The moldings and chandeliers...the transoms!
Chandeliers and white furniture abound in this home.
Paintings of Past witches of note done gallery style of course.
A white grand staircase with ebony handrails.
The pale wood floors add to the light feel of the place. Light floors and yet the staircase steps are dark.
The view into the parlor. Impressive chandelier.
This set could be a page from an Aidan Grey catalog.
Only thing I do not like in this house are the drapes. They are too fussy.
brass candlesticks and marble fireplace mantel
Just adore the big doors with transoms in this place.
A simple quaint girl's bedroom. But this is the only bedroom seen so far...
who knows what else is in this house! We haven't seen the bathrooms yet either.
And here's the kitchen I am gaga about. 
Recognize that light fixture? I know I've seen it for sale online somewhere.
See how all the cabinets look like free standing furniture?
It's looks like three hutches instead of regular cabinets.

I just love this kitchen!
gray buffet in the back and huge door with transom
Love the wall mount faucet and the little white pots of herbs on the shelf above the sink.
There to the left is a french pastry table. I've always wanted one of those.
Huge corbels in the house flank the arches of the doorways. 
Hmmmm...brass light switches.
I've never seen that before and I like it.
Great vintage fridge. Now that's an ice box!
Dining room in candlelight. Love the mercury glass vase full of lemons.
And you wondered why I was talking about how beautiful this house is.
Gorgeous wall lights...very french which fits because New Orleans has a strong french history.
Cordelia who is head mistress potters around in her greenhouse/laboratory.
She's mixing up potions and spells at her potting bench.
What an incredible space! Turquoise tables....rustic brick walls...test tubes, 
candelabras, ferns and industrial brick a brack.
Industrial lighting overhead. 
A great house to view every week and sites of the surrounding city of New Orleans.
This show is such a treat already this year....a good spooky story and wonderful sets!

I can't wait to see if we see the bathrooms next week!

Is that wrong that I'm just as excited about the sets as I am the story?

All my favorite movies are like that...why shouldn't tv be the same?

Don't forget to enter.....

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Just go to my post about it here and enter.

I'll announce the winner Tuesday, October 15th.


  1. I have to confess that this is one of those shows that I was humming and hawing about whether I wanted to watch or not. My TV watching time is very limited and I find that if I try to watch too many shows I just get overwhelmed. But after looking at some of your pictures from the show, I've finally made up my mind and set up a series recording (the only way I can actually watch TV, noting I want to watch is ever on when I have the time...) so Thank You for helping me with my decision. I'm not sure what I'm in love with more, the transitions from room to room, the kitchen, or the potting ?shed/room? and I too am now looking forward to seeing their bathroom...

  2. I don't watch this show but I loved loved loved this house! Keep showing more of this if anything good comes along. I would love to live in a house like this. And yes the window treatments are dated. xo

  3. Now I want to watch the show for the house. Does that make me a bad person? Thanks so, so much for putting this post together for us, Nita!

  4. I was really surprised by the light and bright feeling of this gorgeous set. I think the greenhouse feel was trying to imitate Practical Magic, but didn't quite get the same feel. All in all I was engrossed more in the set than in the story. thanks for the stills so I could see it again.

  5. WOW!
    Yeah, love it.
    That staircase, unbelievably awesome.
    I like the kitchen a lot (but still love "Practical Magic"'s more.)
    Or "Something's Got to Give".
    Any Nora Ephron movie's decor is fabulous. So I guess that's why I watch them over and over again.
    So I totally understand being excited about this show!

  6. This is going to be a good season on AHS. Last season set was dismal, but all the seasons of Nip/Tuck were excellent with very modern interiors. I miss Nip/Tuck and wish the guys wouldn't have ended it, but I guess they felt they had done it all and could do more with the new series AHS.

  7. I LOVE that show:) and Jessica Lange Is one of the best actresses ever.

    Check out my blog today...divine royal bedroom inspiration:)

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)

  8. The house is gorgeous, especially the kitchen and oh, they have my little marble table! I also love the dress of the second girl in the last picture... Now, how horrific is the horror show? Will I be able to sleep at night in my little cottage after watching it? I must confess I'm a little afraid to press "play" for now. What do you say?

  9. I LOVE a good interior set and AHS HAS YET to let me down! I adored the house in season 1 and the ward from season 2. I totally agree with you on the light floors it gives it an almost ghostly feel to what is already an elegantly imposing setting! What a treat, what a treat!

  10. I love this show!! I've been watching it since the first season (now that was an interesting house as well). I'll be paying more attention to the details of the house and design, since reading this! I missed all these details.


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