Monday, September 30, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #121

Painted Puppies
I've been meaning to show this little painting for awhile.
It was sent to me by one of my readers, Karla.
She thought it looked so much like my Violet that she thought I must have it.
It's a vintage painting a friend gave to her and she decided to pass it along to me.
So glad she did!
She has a black and tan longhaired dachshund of her own.
It's really a great painting of a couple of doxie pups.
It's been sitting on my mantle since I got it mid summer....and I recently 
decided to fix an early fall mantel scape around it.
Someday it will be in a more permanent spot but I thought it was very sweet here for now.
I just plopped a few fall things down around it.

My living room is really in a state at the moment.
As I told you I'm painting it.
I began with sanding the windows to paint in a new glossy white.
They are a dull creamy white now.
This painted by a previous homeowner.

I knew there were going to be some spots that the paint might fleck off and cause me a little extra sanding.

But look what has happened!
Apparently, whoever painted this woodwork did not bother to sand them before painting.
The paint is chipping off everywhere but especially in the grooves.
It would have taken perhaps 30 minutes per window to sand and prepare these windows correctly
for painting back when they were first painted.
But whoever did it....didn't bother and now all these years later...I have a huge mess on my hands.

Let the chips fall where they may.
It's going to be hours and hours of work before my windows are 
ready for me to paint.

Anyone got a great solution for this mess?

I am trying to avoid using any toxic paint strippers. 

I'm thinking perhaps I need to invest in a heat gun. 

My simple room painting project has now turned into a nightmare.

Makes me want to cry.

I won't think about it now...let's just look at all the greatness that was linked
up in last week's Mod Mix Monday.
Shall we?
Katie of Upcycled Treasures made this lovely beverage tag for her beverage dispenser.
This is just about the prettiest beverage dispenser I've ever seen and her chalkboard tag is perfect for it.
But what about her candle holders? I love those too...all wrapped in rope. 
Lisa of Create Inspire painted up this pretty dresser.
I love the bold teal color. And you must see a closeup of the knobs.
The knobs are wonderful!
Melinda of The Refeathered Roost came up with a whole story line to explain her Halloween
display. It's creepy and certainly original.'s pretty too.
Restoration Redoux created this super cute Fall Mantel.
Isn't it fun? I am loving turquoise mixed with orange and brown for Fall.
Denise of Bella Dreams creates the best displays.
This one is no exception. 
Isn't her banner super cute? I love the turquoise urn full of orange pumpkins and berries.
Again, I'm loving turquoise for Fall this year.
Ann of Tarnished Royalty has spun up the most elegant spiderweb ever! 
Including pearl spiders! Not so scary...just pretty.
Just look at Danielle's latest at Finding Silver Pennies!
She painted this piece in Miss Mustard Seed paint.
It's has the perfect amount of chippiness.
Shabby Gals recovered some sad old stools and turned them into these.
Wow! Super Mod Vintage!
And finally....who can resist this face?
That's Cindy's Nora from Old Black Cat Boo.
What a wonderful photo! I love the bight colors around, her expression and those pretty eyes and very pink tongue. 

I can't wait to see how your projects are going this week.
I hope better than mine. 

Share your new mixes below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.

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  1. Nita,
    Love the painting and your vignette. Hang in there with your sanding and painting. I always think the prep work is the worst and when the person before you didn't do a great job...yikes! Thanks so much for the feature. So excited to be first to link up this week...insomnia, a blogger's best friend!??

  2. Hi Nita -

    Oh gosh. What a mess. You don't want paint chips in your heat vents - yikes! So careful there darling.

    You could always do the distressed look on your woodwork and rock it as if that's exactly what you wanted it to do.

    Just a thought.

  3. Nita,
    Love the painting of your sweet fur babies!!
    I have survived my remodel and I am slowly putting everything back.....
    Thanks so much for hosting!!


  4. Thanks so much for hosting! Painting prep work can be such a drag, especially when you inherit a badly done original job. I wish you luck!

  5. Yuck, chipping paint. It can be so discouraging, especially when you're eager to get to the fun part, actually painting!

    May I make a suggestion? Check out The Mouse, by Black and Decker (at Lowe's under $30). It's a palm-sander shaped with a triangular surface, that I've found works great on moldings. Navigates the edges well and and smooths things out nicely.

    Hope it helps you get on your way to painting.

    Keep your 'eye on the prize'- your beautiful room, and you'll get there before you know it!

  6. oh my gosh, what a great painting. I'm loving those funky and fun stools you featured. thanks for hosting, and have a great week!

  7. The painting of the doxies is adorable. What a treasure!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  8. Nita, that painting is fabulous! Love it! x Thank you, thank you, thank you for featuring my little Simone this week. I love gazing at her in the corner of my dining room. Hope the painting gets better.... x

  9. Poor you! I feel your pain. We are going after the ManCave this week, trying to get the painting done. It is a JOB!

  10. Nita, I love the painting of your dogs - it is so adorable and fits in perfectly with your mantel... The features are awesome this week... so, sorry you having such an awful time with chipping paint... Hope your day is better today... thanks for hosting... Cathy

  11. Awww . . . I love the pic of your little guys. Dogs always get to me! I'm so sorry about the mess that your project has become and I wish I could pop on over to help you scrape. I've used a citrus stripper in the past that was supposedly safe for indoor use. The brand name escapes me so maybe it wasn't too safe! Anyhoo, it comes in an orange plastic container and I got it at Lowes. It worked quite well at removing all the old finish. I hope you find an answer.
    P.S. Thanks for hosting Nita

  12. Hi , Thanks so much for hosting the party:) So sorry to hear all the extra work you have on your hands:(

  13. Hi again Nita - I'm back to say that I believe you were following my blog before I transferred over to WordPress and lost all of my Google followers. I'm starting over at building my reader base and would love for you to follow again.

  14. Beautiful vignette Nita, I also love your painting! Thanks so much for hosting sweet lady. Have a nice week.

  15. I naturally love the painting of the doxies! Better than any old Mona Lisa. They look great with your pretty fall mantel too.

    The paint problem--you need to get acquainted with a good painter and see if you could barter some expert styling for their woodwork work. And please try to wear a mask while that stuff is floating around in the air. Nothing in life is ever simple, is it?

    It will get done when it gets done, otherwise. I'm off to visit your great Monday finds.

  16. I feel your pain! Nothing is ever as simple as you imagine it will be, but after all your hard work, your new white trim will be stunning!

  17. Ugh! Bad previous homeowners! The same thing happened to me but everything peeled instead of chipping. Lots of sanding later..... much better. I think the mention of the Mouse is awesome but i have also had great luck with a heat gun so it might be worth the investment. Either way the Doxies win the prize. Such an awesome picture and I love how it says "Nita!"

  18. I love that lacy spiderweb. I can only send you some positive energy for your painting job. If it's any consolation, it took me more than a week to paint my tiny kitchen.

  19. Hi Nita, thanks for hosting. Your window frames/sills are such a big job, one you will never have to do again because you are doing it properly. Mask is a very good suggestion.

  20. Oh, what a job those windows are! I have read on several blogs that the Citrus stripper works great, even though it is non-toxic. I need to do that to every single inch of woodwork in our house, but we have countless layers of paint, much of it lead I'm sure. Hope it goes more quickly than you think! Love that sweet painting, I have a painting on my mantel this year too but haven't finished the florals yet. Will share next week at MMM I promise!

  21. Thank you for featuring my Nora! She's so HAPPY to be one of your picks!
    I love all the other picks too, especially the one with Turquoise and the Owls on the Mantel, that's totally my style.
    I ADORE your vintage painting! I collect old dog paintings and have them hanging in my stairwell. I love the colors in that one! Adorable!

    I had the same problem with my woodwork on the main floor. I used Pro-Stripper and almost passed out from the fumes but boy did it work!
    Zip, zip, off it came! Of course I lost some brain cells with it but...what was I saying?

  22. Wonderful painting! It inspire me to find someone to paint my border collie and golden!
    Are you quite certain there is no lead paint on that woodwork? You can buy lead test kits at your local hardware store. If it is lead, STOP stirring up dust and get a liquid or gel stripper. You can remove lead wet but not dry. And wear protection! The citrus strippers recommended are amazing. Oh, and when dealing with lead paint, your local government may have other criteria you must follow. Be safe and be careful! Good luck!

  23. What a darling doxie painting Nita! We have a little Jack Russell/Doxie mix and I adore her. Thanks for a great party Nita!! xo

  24. Sorry to hear about your painting problems.You will do it the proper way,and the windows will be perfect.Cant wait to see your finished room! I haven't seen mention of it,but your gorgeous Christmas mantle is in the Nov. issue of Romantic Homes magazine! Received it last week and it was one of the best Christmas features!Would love to see more of your home that you haven't shown us.

  25. Hey Nita, I really enjoy your blog. And I can relate to the painting nightmare - oh, wait - that was my painting nightmare! Yours is just one room, right? We have a whole house full of badly done painting, repairs, etc. I've found that I actually kind of like scraping, as long as I'm wearing a mask, glasses, something on my hair, etc. And it is definitely worth it in the end. Hang in there!

  26. What a beautiful and appropriate painting for someone to give to you. The dogs look so great against that blue background.
    I was super excited to have something to share at this weeks party. You are such a great hostess and I always adore your parties.

  27. LOVE the doggy painting, and it looks perfect in your Fall decor!

    House projects always become more involved than first thought...
    like you I want to just 'get it done' but all this sanding is going to take so much time. Keep looking forward to how you will feel when it's all repainted and gorgeous!

    I enjoyed your comments on my Cinderella post, thanks for coming by! "On the wings of my fancy I can fly anywhere, and the world will open it's arms to me...."
    Those songs stay with you forever.

    ~ Violet

  28. Hi Nita! Thanks so much for featuring my spider and web, you made my day! As for your sanding chore, I can't offer any real tips, but would offer words of encouragement that your effort will be worth it in the end. Your house is gorgeous and you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor for years to come! Hugs ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty


  29. the painting of the fur babies is very charming
    Thanks for having this party so we can show ff our treasures

    I was painting outside window sills and a board caved in ,rotten !!!!

  30. I love the painting! Oh, so sweet! Thanks for hosting! Happy Fall!! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  31. What a mess with the paint chipping. I looks like the stained(?) trim might not have been primed before the paint was applied...maybe water based paint was applied over oil based stain. Could you lightly sand it and apply Kilz, or something similar, then paint?
    Cute painting of the dachshunds, BTW. :) Good luck with the chipping paint.
    Visiting from Wow Us Wednesday.

  32. Great features Nita! I advise a heat gun. I've used one for woodwork several time. It works really well, and with this apparently light coat of paint it should be pretty effective. Be careful not to use so much heat that you disturb the varnish or lacquer on the wood. That would open a large can of worms.


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