Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Curtains Outside

Instant Romance Added
These photos speak for themselves.
I have the perfect spot for sheer white curtains in my backyard.
I've a small pergola attached to the side of my garage but I never spend any time back there.
Perhaps I would if I hung curtains?

It would make it a small private spot in the backyard.
Yes, now that I think about it...I do need curtains there! 

Do you have a spot outside that would be better with the addition of curtains?

Something to ponder...

Today I'm busy doing very non fun stuff.
Going to traffic court....yuck...yuck...yuck.

I hate it when unfortunate realities intrude on my idealized (in my mind anyway) life!

Wish me luck...I'm hoping the little traffic ticket I got for a minor violation that
the police officer felt was not so minor might get dismissed by the judge.

Oh...I hope so!


  1. Que lugares lindo, feito para desfrutar os lindos dias de verão.
    Tenha um ótimo dia.

  2. I love these. Esp. the last one.
    Good luck in traffic court. Hope it goes well. Maybe it will get dismissed because you showed up.

  3. Good luck with that - I had one last year and the judge met me out front and dismissed it right then and there.

    I'd love to add curtains to our pergola but it would never fly with Mr OP:)

  4. OH Yes That is why I named my blog
    Curtains in my Tree

    I have a patio out back of my house, no sides to it however have a big tree that hangs over one end so I hung lace curtains in it one summer, loved seeing them blow in the wind,
    I pretended I was sitting on a fancy veranda in the Caribbean someplace LOL

  5. What beautiful pictures! You've given me great ideas. Unfortunately, since I live in South Florida, I'll have to wait till "Winter" (Between Nov. and April) before trying anything for the patio or garden. Temps are currently in the 90s and it rains everyday. It isn't till November that we can start planting impatiens and start enjoying BBQs and garden brunches.

    Although I seldom comment, I read everything you post and greatly enjoy your blog.

  6. I have been wanting outdoor curtains since Spring but I may be next Spring before I get them up. But the ones you have featured are inspiring me.


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