Saturday, May 11, 2013

MVL Book Club #6: A Spear of Summer Grass

A Perfect Summer Read
and you can win a copy!
Well, it's been quite awhile since I had a Book Club entry.

Reading books for pleasure has slipped to the wayside of late.
Too many other things to do.

Given my choice...I'd have a book going all the time.

I recently was sent a copy of the new book...
"A Spear of Summer Grass"
This book was just released this month.
It was described to me as a mix of "The Great Gatsby" and "Out of Africa"
Well, Yes to that! 

And it is just that and more!

I am thoroughly enjoying it.

It's author, Deanna Raybourn is a New York Times Bestselling Author. 
I'm wondering where I've been that I haven't read her before?

Here is a little info about her:

A sixth-generation native Texan, New York Times bestselling author Deanna Raybourn grew up in San Antonio, where she met her college sweetheart.  She married him on her graduation day and went on to teach high school English and history.  During summer vacation at the age of twenty-three, she wrote her first novel.  After three years as a teacher, Deanna left education to have a baby and pursue writing full-time. Fourteen years and many, many rejections after her first novel, she signed two three-book deals with MIRA Books.

Deanna’s novel Silent in the Grave won the 2008 RITA® Award for Novel with Strong Romantic Elements and the RT Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best First Mystery. The Lady Julia Grey series has been nominated for several other awards, including an Agatha, three Daphne du Mauriers, a Last Laugh, four additional RITAs, and two Dilys Winns. Dark Road to Darjeeling was also a finalist for the RT Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best Historical Mystery as well as a Romantic Reviews’ finalist for Best Book of 2010.

Check out her website here.
I'm anxious to read all her books after reading this one.

This novel follows the adventures of free spirit and flapper Delilah Drummond in the wilds of Africa!

She is sent to Africa by her family after creating a scandal in Paris.
Off to Africa she goes!

She is originally from New Orleans, currently living in Paris and has traveled the world.
She is a widow twice and divorced once.

Arrival in Africa brings another romance amidst the beauty which is Africa and 
the danger that is Africa.

I have to say that I do love a good historic novel.
And this book is irresistible.

Also, I"ll say "The Great Gatsby" is just about my favorite book
and "Out of Africa" one of my favorite movies. (I never read the book)
Another favorite book of mine is "Gone with the Wind" 
This book reads like you plopped a flapper version of Scarlet O'Hara down in the middle
of Out of Africa where she meets her Clark Gable/Robert Redford man.
(or would it be Leonard DiCaprio?) 
I can't wait to see the new Gatsby.

I'm only half way through this book. 
It's a very quick read and I planned to finish before my review
but I decided I was enjoying it far too much to rush through it.

So I'm halfway through and recommend it very highly. would you like your own copy to read?

I'm giving away two copies to two lucky readers.

You have two ways to win...

1. comment telling me you'd like to win

2. comment telling me your favorite book of all time.

I'll choose a winner randomly May 17, 2013.


  1. I'm a big book cover person and the picture on the cover of this book drew me in right away. I've never heard of this author either but her books sound amazing. Okay, my favorite book of all time . . . The Secret Garden. I know, it's a children's book but it was magical to me! Blessings to you Nita! Patti

  2. I would like to win! I am always looking for something good to read.

  3. Little Women is probably my favorite book of all time--I re-read it every year or two.

  4. It's difficult to choose a favorite. But I think I would go with The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck.

  5. Hi Nita,
    I enjoy your blog, and like you, would love to read all the time but then would get nothing else done!
    'Gone With the Wind' is timeless and I love LaVyrle Spencer novels.
    Please enter me in your giveaway and
    enjoy a lovely spring week-end!
    Sunnyland B&B

  6. I want to win one because I loved "Out of Africa" and the original "The Great Gatsby"...or maybe it was just Robert Redford? Ha!
    (I'm looking forward to the Remake too!)
    and I've been looking for a GOOD book to read. So many have disappointed me lately. So please throw my name into the hat!

  7. My favorite all time book was "Gone With the Wind". I read that thing over and over again.
    It's also my favorite movie.
    That scene with the burning of Altanta....Oh My!
    Clark Gable was the best leading man, ever.

  8. I would love to win and my favourite books are LM Montgomery's book.
    Hugs, Cindy

  9. I would love to win this book! I adore historical novels and I need something excellent to read this summer.

    This sounds perfect!!

  10. Oh it's so hard to pick just one favourite novel!! Jane Austen is a great favourite and so I would say Pride and Prejudice.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. I'd love to win. My 86 year old mother reads a novel a day and I am having trouble keeping her in books :)

  12. I have to choose one favorite??? Hard!
    Ashes in the Wind was a great historical romance.

  13. I'd love to win as I'm a huge fan of books, I'm always reading and at the moment I'm short on books. My favorite book would have to be "to Kill A Mockingbird". I've seen the movie at least four times and read the book two or three. Thank you for the oppuntunity and I hope everyone has a great week end!

  14. Another favorite book would be "the Kite Runner".

  15. The Great Gatsby is my favorite classic, and I also love all of Anne Rivers Siddons books. The last several books that I've read have been "flapper" books--I'd love to continue the trend! :)

  16. I'd love a chance to win Deanna's latest, and I highly recommend all her others. She's a whiz at creating the ultimate male love interest!

  17. Oh gosh, isn't choosing a favorite book like choosing a favorite child?? One of my more recent favorites is A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.

  18. My favorite book of all time is "Howards End" by E.M. Forster. Up until the time I read this book (about 10 years ago), I always had a difficult time choosing my favorite. But this book, unequivocally became my favorite, and has remained so ever since.

  19. {Gasp!} This book jacket catches my eye and then you said the word "Great Gatsby and Out of Africa" and I'm like Swoon! What is this Book Club thing? I've not seen you share books that you're reading in the past so please do! I don't read anymore, such a techy world now..and I paper craft so I don't have a fav. book! But I loved those two movies! And I must stay, Bridges of Madison County & Message in a Bottle. :) I appreciate the tip on the title, I'll order one soon!

  20. What happens to these characters now? In real life?

    No being-sent-to-Africa.


    How many with great things within them are stuck living in an age mediocrity? No triggers to unleash what is buried deep inside.

    XO T

  21. Hi Nita! Love the cover and sounds intriguing, I would love to win a copy. My favorite book would be so hard to choose-To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby are two that come to mind but also love JD Robb, and Christine Feehan Dark Prince would have to be my favorite of late, her whole series on the Dark Ones are fabulous, supernatural romance, great romances. Thanks for sharing your reviews, look forward to checking out this author, I hadn't heard of her either.

  22. I'd love to win this book...if not, I'm so happy to have the suggestion...always looking for a good summer read....and I agree...I'm never making the time to read and I LOVE to. I have 2 favorite books of all time: Sarah's Key & The Middle Place.
    Have a great weekend, Mariaelena

  23. thanks...i would love to win a new book...i could use another author to fall in love with...

    thanks, Mariah

  24. Let's favorite book..I love Here on earth by Alice Hoffman... i could read it over and over again..

    Happy Mother"s Day.

  25. I'd certainly like to win this book! I can't resist the description!
    My favourite book of all time? That's a hard one. I'd have to say Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald. It was an Oprah's Book Club choice back in 2002 or 2003.

  26. I would LOVE to win... books are my guilty pleasure, and I have a very close relationship :)

  27. The Red Tent is one of my favorite books.... I have many though.... :)

  28. I would love to win this book since it seems like something I would enjoy reading. Gone with the Wind and Out of Africa are my favorites. I have not read The Great Gatsby, but I plan on seeing the movie. After all these years and all of the books I have read, my favorite book of all time is The Secret Garden.

  29. I would love to win! I love books. They are a fantastic escape.

  30. I can't say that I have a favorite book of all time. I love East of Eden, Little Women, and Little House in the Big Woods. Maybe I'm reserving my all-time favorite for a book I have yet to read. :)

  31. Thank you for offering me the opportunity to win a copy of Deanna Raybourn's A Spear of Summer Grass! I would like to win!

  32. As a child, my favorite book was Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. As a young woman, I re-read Ann Rinaldi's Wolf by the Ears until I wore out my paperback copy. As a young woman, I truly love Silent in the Sanctuary by Deanna Raybourn--the first adventures of Lady Julia Grey and Nicolas Brisbane are an escape from anything ordinary!

  33. I'd like to win! I enjoy Deanna's books.

  34. Would love to win this book - I LOVE books. This looks interesting.
    Thank you !!

  35. Favorite book of all time
    "House of Sand and Fog"

  36. I am a huge fan of Deanna Raybourn and would love to win a copy of this book. A favorite is so hard to choose... book friends hold so many memories. I will have to go with "TO Kill a Mockingbird". (But if you don't like that one, I can quickly name some others! lol)

  37. I would love to win!. She's a "new" author to me, but one I will definitely look for now.

  38. Yes, I would like to win. My favorite book is CS Lewis The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and the rest of the books that go with this series

  39. It sounds like a book I would pick and read! Loved Out of Africa.
    I think The Help is a book I could not put down and then the movie-so good!
    I need a book to read this summer-I am off from work, just house work this summer! Love your blog!

  40. I would dearly love to win this book. I've been looking beyond my usual type of books lately so something different by an author I haven't read would be great.
    My favorite book is hard for me to pick but think I'd have to say:
    The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher. Have read it several times and seen movies based on the book.

  41. Looks like a great read! I'm adding this to my 'beach reads' list!

  42. My all-time favorite book is 'Charlotte's Web'. That's the book I read when I discovered just how great reading was (many, many, many years ago)!

  43. I want to win!!! I almost bought this book last weekend at Barnes and Noble before seeing your post!

  44. My favorite book is Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier.


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