Monday, May 20, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #102

Isn't this just the best? 
I'd love to have every bit of this on my porch.
Pretty turquoise table of course.
Tole chandelier hanging from a vintage birdcage stand.
Chunky little wooden stool for an ottoman and little bird bath used as a plant stand.
But...the best part?
That chair!
That funny old director's type chair that then has new fabric in a vintage looking floral.
I'm in love with everything single thing.

To all worried about me....I am fine...tornado hit south of me.
It was devastating to those living in Moore, Oklahoma.
My thoughts and prayers are with them.

But the weenies and I are fine in my part of the city.

So much good stuff last week it was hard to choose my favorites from Mod Mix Monday.
Amy at Maison Decor showed off this cool vintage dresser her son painted 
with Boston subway stops. It's available in their Boston store.
Marium of Decorate Vintage shared some fabulous vintage finds she collected from various
yard and estate sales. This needle point is from the 70's.
But I'm all about the way she styled it with the clock and little containers.
Mariaelana of Cottage Living from Beach to Burbs made this hydrangea wreath 
and shows you how.
Kim of Reposhture took two not so great mid century tables and turned them into this 
with a little white paint and silver leaf. 
It doesn't hurt that it's sitting next to a fabulous chair.
Patti of Old Things New painted her walls in this wonderful stencil.
Penny of Penny's Vintage Home created a cut little spot on her porch for her shabby chickens to roost.
Kim at Refound Vintage made over a dark piece of furniture into this!

It's suppose to be an exciting week here weather wise. Tornadoes were all around today.
Thankfully, none close to me or my loved ones.

I feel for everyone that is dealing with the destruction of the storms.
More to come this week. Should be loads of fun.

I have two winners in my book giveaway...

#6 - Cindi of Old Black Cat Boo


#12 Auntie Bliss of Blissitydoodah

Email me your email address at and 
I'll forward it to the publisher and your book will get in the mail.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Share your Mod Mixes for this week below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. thanks so much for hosting your party for us today, Nita!

  2. Wahoo!!!!!!!
    You just made my Monday!
    I thought I would check in before leaving for work and I'm SO GLAD that I did!
    I am looking forward to having a really good book to read.
    Thanks so much.
    XOXO - Cindi

  3. Penny's porch is cute! Congrats to the book winners, and thanks for hosting, Nita! (Stay away from those tornadoes.)

  4. Happy Mod Monday Nita! Nice talking to you yesterday too, so glad those tornados were not in your area. Thank you for featuring our Green Line dresser with all the subway stops. Heres to a great week! xo

  5. Fantastic features! I love Maison Decor's dresser!

  6. Thanks for hosting, Nita! Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks for hosting! Have a pretty week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  9. I was just in carpool listening to the devastating news coming out of Oklahoma City. I hope that you're okay! Sending prayers your way.

    Ricki Jill

  10. Thanks for featuring my front porch Nita! Have a wonderful week....hugs, Penny

  11. what a fun collection of projects! Love the dresser! Might make one for my nephews room! It's hard to find "cool" boy furniture it seems-

    So glad you and your four footed friends are ok but thoughts go to those affected by the awful tornado.

  12. First off, so glad you and the sweet weenies are safe. And second- thanks for featuring the glam side tables! I appreciate the thought!

  13. Hi Nita,
    I just found your beautiful blog and have been enjoying perusing thru older posts. I am happy to have something worthy of sharing this week and love viewing all the fun new links.
    I trust this latest tornado is not close to you.
    My prayers go out to all those in Moore.
    Thank you for hosting the lovelies!

  14. Hi Nita,
    I just found your beautiful blog and have been enjoying perusing thru older posts. I am happy to have something worthy of sharing this week and love viewing all the fun new links.
    I trust this latest tornado is not close to you.
    My prayers go out to all those in Moore.
    Thank you for hosting the lovelies!

  15. Watching the news and thinking of you. I hope you and the ones you love are ok.

  16. I'm so glad you and the weenies are okay, Nita. Thank you for letting us know. I am hurting for the families there.

  17. Glad y'all are safe! Too sad to watch the devastating news.

  18. Thanks for letting us know that you and yours are okay -- you and Refunk My Junk are my Favorite OK blogs.

  19. I'm glad to read you and the weenies are safe.

  20. Thinking of you and the weenies and everyone else there, hope you are still safe and well....

  21. So excited about my book!
    I have emailed you twice and it failed...don't know what else to try.


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