Saturday, May 25, 2013

Garden Chandeliers

The garden is a perfect spot for the romantic lighting of a chandelier!

The first holiday of the summer is upon us.

Happy Memorial Day!
I'll be sure to go to my neighborhood Arts Festival at least once.

and I'll be spending a lot of the weekend at 

selling lots of outdoor furniture and cushions I expect.

These are some of my favorites.
Much of this is 20% off through Monday.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Ohhh all of those garden chandelier photos are to die for!!! Happy Weekend

  2. Just love those garden chandeliers! I've been on the lookout for a thrift store one to redo :)

  3. GORGEOUS!!!!!
    if only there was someplace for me to hang one.....

    thanks for the beauty Nita!
    Happy Weekend!

    ~ Violet

  4. I have a simple chandelier on my veranda and I love it! Nowhere near as fancy as the ones you've shown, but it does make evenings very special.

  5. Lamp day in the garden.

    Placing 1 on the Tea Olive Terrace & another on the Bay Terrace.

    Life is good.

    xO T

  6. Pier 1 has some great looking outdoor furniture, don't they. And I love the outdoor chandeliers, I would love to do that one day on a porch.
    Hugs, Cindy

  7. Check out Look in the Attic & Company for vintage reproduction shelving and planters for porch updates too! They have the best!

  8. I absolutely love your Blog! The layout is stunning, and the photos on this article are to die for.

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    Thanks for a lovely read!

  9. Those chandeliers make such romantic gardens. I wonder if they are just here for the picture or if they are waterproof/outside ones...

  10. Nita, I pinned SO MUCH stuff from here. Great post!!


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