Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #95

April Fool
Not that kitchen...it's no April Fool, but I am....I'm a fool for April because
soon (only two weeks) and we'll be past the last frost date in Oklahoma and I can start 
putting ferns out and planting some things in pots outside!

I'm also a fool cause I'm super late getting the Mod Mix Monday Link Party up....
but I had bigger fish to fry...or rather weenie dogs to catch 
and I'll explain later in this post.

I think that kitchen above is so pretty by the way...don't you?
Love the color of those metal chairs and the white cabinetry plus that pretty pretty table!
A bold industrial light looks just right over the table...don't you think?
Something with a lot of curves would have made this whole thing too sweet.

Ok, so Big Easter Day was had.
It started with this...
Harvey the Bunny
All the weenies had ears to wear but Sally kept taking them off everybody.
I had a heck of a time just getting this one shot taken.
They all didn't mind wearing them including Sally but I couldn't get a picture because 
Sally was having great fun pulling everyone's off! 
I barely got this photo of Harvey with it all cocked to the side....just before Sally grabbed it again.

After the Easter Ear debacle....I met my friend Shannon and her Mom Peggy for 
Easter Brunch at the Waterford Hotel.
I just watched them eat because I'd made plans to eat with Mom later.

Then I met Mom at my house and we had Thai Food at Thai House on 23rd Street.
I think Thai Coconut Soup is a perfect Easter food. 

Mom and I piddled around the rest of the afternoon till about 7:30pm
when we got a call from my sister saying that one of her dogs was missing!

That made my heart go to my throat.
My sister is in a care facility again...but will get out this week and her husband had left 
all five of their dachshunds in the backyard early that morning and when he got home that evening,
all five were out!
The gate had blown open!
This infuriates me. That is exactly why my dogs are never left out when I am not home.
You just never know what might happen.

So by the grace of God....four of then were all fine and sitting around the house.
They live on a very very busy road...so this is a miracle in itself.

Mom and I each jumped in our cars to make the 40 minute drive to their house to help search.
I was just feeling nauseous the whole drive....and scared at what we might find when we 
reached our destination. 

We arrived just as it was getting dark. 
We had about 30 minutes to search with the sun going down quickly.
Then we searched using flashlights and headlights.

Oh...and the missing little one....Becca, is totally deaf!
So you can't call her nor would she hear anything headed her way.

I was just sick. 
Becca is a longhaired dachshund that looks similar to my Franklin but has blue eyes.
She is tiny...only about 8 pounds.

I was so frightened.
I walked and walked and went up to doors and knocked asking if any of the surrounding neighbors had seen her.

All were so sorry to hear she was missing.
(I think most assumed the worst.)

After about two hours of searching...my Mom called my cell phone.
I was scared to answer.
On the other end I heard...
"I've got her!"
I said..."Is she alive?"

"Yes," she said, "She is just fine."

Oh...my brother in law and I did a happy dance and hugged and then I said,
"Don't ever, ever, put them in the backyard and leave town."

He said, "Well, I didn't know the gate would blow open."

Hello!!!! We live in Oklahoma, gates are always blowing open.

I told him as such.

"Yep", he said, "You are right." 
"I will never leave them out when I am not here." 

He better not!!!!

I feel like we dodged having the worst Easter ever!

Mom drove up with little Becca who was so happy to see us all!
She was very hungry too.

She'd been sitting most of the day on a neighbor's porch one street behind and over two houses.
The neighbor didn't know whose she was...and just let her sit there hoping someone would come looking for her.
She quickly realized that Becca was totally deaf.

I'd been by that way walking...but had not seen her.
And she doesn't know me well enough to want to run out to me.
I think actually that she doesn't see very well either.
Mom's car lights just barely caught a glimpse of her.
She said she couldn't believe it was her.

Honestly, I'd been looking for little lumps of white and black fur in the bushes fearing she was hurt.

It is a miracle that this little one didn't get hurt.
A miracle that none of the other's did either.
A neighbor said he'd seen one of them running out in the road earlier in the day.

Well, if you see this....go get the dogs...please!

They are never to be out in the road....duh!!!!

Anyway....we were so happy to be able to call my sister and let her know everyone was fine.

It was an Easter Miracle!

So I got home last night after Midnight and tried to do this post....but fell asleep and then 
I had to be at the store at 6:15 am and then I ended up having to stay to work much longer than
I was suppose to....therefore...this party is just now happening.....sorry about that.

Lots of good stuff in lasts week's Mod Mix Monday.
Let's look...
Linda of Coastal Charm shared her Easter decor.
It does have a coastal charm about it, doesn't it?
I adore that huge ornate chalkboard mixed with the understated sofa table.
How can a vignette be Eastery and Beachy at the same time?
I don't know...but Linda pulled it off.
The Scribbler of Scribbler Unfocused showed off her new Boho Bath.
Lots of gorgeous color and pattern and it's fun and girly and interesting!
This is amazing! 
Danielle of Finding Silver Pennies made this a one of a kind mid century piece by decoupaging a friends photography to the front of the dresser's drawers and painting it too.
The scene is of their local beach.
I can just see this in a beach cottage.
Laura of Cottage and Broome shared photos of her garden of last year.
She reviewed them to remind herself of what she did and should do.
But Oh...my what an inspiration her garden is to me!
And it was a perfect Easter post seeing as a rabbit is hiding there.
Ok, I adore this! I mean it....Adore...period.
Pink ombré drawers? What more can you say?
Helen at Picked and Painted created this masterpiece in furniture revampification.

Let's see...also I picked a winner in the EpicLinen $30 gift certificate giveaway.
#34 which was Melissa Bishop!
Melissa, email me and I'll have the company contact you so you can get your certificate.
email me at nitastacy@gmail.com

Share your Mod Mixes for this week below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your individual post not to your entire blog.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Hi Nita!
    Hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday! I love your "new bunny", lol..I love the features, very pretty. Thank you for hosting. Wishing you a terrific April..but don't let anyone fool you tonight!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks goodness all the weenies were okay! And you do just fear the worst don't you? I would have been a nervous wreck looking. You had an eventful Easter girl!!

    That bunny pick of Harvey made me laugh out load. For real!

    Love the features. That dresses was indeed just YUMMY!!!
    Thanks for hosting :) Shannon

  4. Fresh, Fresh, Fresh! I love spring, new paint new bright colors. The turquoise metal chairs in the first picture are just wonderful! I'd totally have them.

  5. Wow, what an Easter. No wonder you fell asleep. Thank goodness your Mom was well enough to help search. So glad you found the little weinie. Poor thing just sitting on the porch. I would have taken her in and been lookig for he home. She is a lucky one. You sure have alot of weinie doggies.
    I love the kitchen in the first picture.
    Rest up.

  6. Really glad you found all the little dogs!

    Thanks so much for featuring me this week!

    Hope you are feeling better.

  7. Its amazing that an enlarged photo can be put on a dresser. What a great idea. Thanks for hosting. Glad that the wee little dog was found safely, that is such a scare.

  8. So thankful for your Easter miracle! Thanks for hosting! Life to the full, Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  9. That was an intense story! Poor babies! I never ever leave Miss Molly outside. Even as big a horse as she is I am always afraid something could happen. So happy to hear that the pups are all okay.

  10. So glad you found all of the dogs! What a harrowing day but glad it ended well. As for that kitchen, I am actually drawn to the floor . So cool. But then all if it is actually. I hope you get some rest today =-)

  11. I have joined your blog!
    and thanks for hosting.


  12. Boy I'm mad at the BIL and he's not even related to me! He'd sure get a dressing down from me! Thank God little Becca and the others are ok. Gotta wonder about the neighbour too, who sees your dog out on the street and does nothing! As they say in these parts Sh*t for Brains. Obviously I am passionate about me pets and kids and can't understand people who do lam things with either, There, now that I have that out of my system, I'm so happy to hear you were feeling well to go out and celebrate with family, friends and the weenies. I saw some sweet ears to try on my 3 but as I picked them up I imagined the chaos and put them back. They enjoyed their plate lick of morning waffles instead. Patty/BC

  13. Your bunny ears, hilarious!
    Your doggy story, what an answer to prayer! How wonderful that none were hurt (or lost for long) Your sister is so blessed to have you!!!

    ~ Violet

  14. Great new header. I love how you update your header with each season. I bet I am not the only one who wishes you would do a few tutorials on the technical side of blogging.

  15. Oh my,that sounds like an extremely stressful weekend. So glad it all turned out good though. x

  16. That was a nice story to read and it was well worth delaying the party to find Becca!

  17. So glad you found the dog. So scary. Thank you also for featuring my Mid Century Dresser! Kjeld Mahoney worked his magic with attaching the image. Have a wonderful week!

  18. Glad that the weenies are all okay! Whew so scary when they get out like that! Also hope your sister is doing okay.
    Happy rainy week! We sure need it but it is a mess for the pups to go out in!

  19. "Pink ombré drawers? What more can you say?"


    Happy April Showers! Dixie

  20. Thank goodness the fur babies are all safe, that is really scary. Thank you so much for hosting Nita, have a wonderful week :)

    xo, Tanya

  21. Nita, I didn't even know you featured my pink ombre dresser until I came to your page to look at the gallery wall post. Thank you!!!

  22. WOW! Lovin' that ombre dresser. I think I'm going to have to do something similar in shades of aqua or turquoise!

  23. Thank you for contacting me about the win. I have been busy and not visiting my usual blogs. I'm so glad you found Becca safe and sound.
    Thanks again!


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