Monday, March 4, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #91

Lots of Color
There are lots of colors in this room.
But it all works so well. 
All the colors in the room are reflected in that chandelier.
It's just fun.

Many good things in last week's Mod Mix Monday party.
I had a hard time picking a few to feature.
My fellow Oklahoma blogger, Denise of Bella Dreams shared her pretty 
Easter Banner she made and how to make it. Very inspiring!
Freddy and Petunia created a small fireplace in the middle of an existing bookcase.
It's quite ingenious and very cozy.
Melissa of Daisy Mae Belle showed off how her daughter styled an old ladder 
she brought in to her bedroom. I'd say here is another designer in the making.
Jennifer of Simply Ciani turned an old neglected chair into this sweet romantic piece. 
I love the color mixed with the burlap seat.
Angela of Number Fifty-Three planked her wall for little or nothing.
It really adds some interest to her dining room. 
This wall was previously covered in book pages and 
that was pretty amazing too.
Danielle of Finding Silver Pennies painted this little table a pretty shade of blue.
It has a nice crackle finish too. I love this little table and would certainly like to have it in my home.

See...I told you there were lots of good things. 

Share your Mod Mixes for this week below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your post, for sure.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. I am in love with the first and second pictures, so beautiful and definitely something I'd like in my home. xxx

  2. Thanks for hosting! Wishing you a pretty week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  3. Nita, Thanks so much for featuring Daisy's old ladder bookcase! And, for hosting us again! Life to the full, Melissa

  4. Nita, thank you so much for featuring my little crackled table! Hope you have a wonderful week! x

  5. I love that little blue table too and the cozy fireplace.
    Thank you for hosting!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  6. Thank you so much for hosting and for featuring my planked wall. Have a great week!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  7. Thank you so much for this fab mod vintage party!

    hugs x

  8. Wow! That chandelier is jaw-dropping fabulous! All of the Monday choices look fresh and spring like. I'll look forward to checking them out.

    The Pink Castle was really grand yesterday. I too would love to see all of the kitchen.

  9. Thank you so much for featuring my mom's SurPrise! fireplace--I just love your blog!

  10. Thanks for hosting! Have a great week :)

  11. That multi-colored chandelier is calling my name! Thanks for the party -- hope you are not buried in snow.

  12. Hey Nita, just linked up, thanks for hosting us!

  13. I love the image that you've shared today. I love the hot pink and blues too!

  14. Hi Nita! Thanks for hosting another MMM :) Have fun watching your show tonight!

  15. Thanks for visiting my blog! If you hadn't commented...I never would have found this cool party!
    Miss Flibbertigibbet


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