Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Garden Rooms

The Green Room have a lovely garden room such as this!
It's overgrown on the inside as well as on the outside.
This one too...but in a less formal way. 
The outside just comes right on in through the doors.
This would be the perfect art studio...which I need.
This one is actually an outside room constructed of old windows and doors.
A magical spot in the garden.
Yes, I have garden rooms on the brain. I'd love to have this greenhouse in my backyard.
Won't be long till I'll be pre-occupied with getting the yard in shape.
I do have my own little garden room of sorts...the breakfast nook which has a door leading out 
to the deck.
This spring, I'll be painting my "to be" potting bench.
This is the spot where it will sit - right outside my backdoor.
The backdoor that needs to be replaced.
See the sliding door?...Soon to be replaced with french doors in the same color as the windows.
My deck is not very nice. But it looks good when covered in plants.
When my deck looks like is a joy to be in the breakfast nook and go in and out to the deck.
But here is my ugly secret....
Since I didn't have time to paint that hutch last summer,
I didn't want to leave it outside where the elements would ruin it without a coat or several 
coats of paint.

So it has sat in my breakfast nook all fall and winter waiting for me to paint it.
So I haven't been able to show a long shot of my dining room or living room looking that direction...
because there is a big piece of furniture and various other projects in the way.
I haven't been able to do a shot like this in months...because through the doorway from
dining room to breakfast's a pile of junk.
Not junk...just projects.
I also have an artist easel in there where I am working on paintings.
I would have moved that hutch to the garage but it is way heavy...way way way heavy.
I got it in the house and I'm not moving it any more than I have to.
It's going to be hard for me to move it around just to paint it. only garden room in the full up with furniture and junk waiting for me to tackle it.
And the walls still need to be fixed and repainted.
And that is why I have to keep showing shots of my dining room like that
you don't see what is just beyond the doorway.

But now that you know this...perhaps it will get me moving on painting that piece.

At least I hope so....
Don't hate me because I'm messy and a procrastinator....
Better done eventually than never done at all.
That is my motto.


  1. I am in love with garden rooms . . . SIGH! Everything is looking so lovely in your home. What a pretty back porch you have. Blessings to you, Patti

  2. Beautiful inspiration photos! Having a stockpile of to do projects is just a by product of diy.

  3. You certainly haven't been lazy. You were a dutiful daughter during your Mom's surgery and recuperation and held down your job too!

    I love your back deck. It is a wonderful size and so pretty. Your new french doors will be the crowning touch.

  4. I adore your inspirational designs in these photos.

  5. I don't see why you are apologizing. I love how your room looks.

  6. Oh go ahead and show the mess, LOL
    we all have them and they all keep us from doing complete room shots LOL I do believe , that is why vingnetts are so popular

  7. You silly we love you. Joe and I store things all over the place in two different houses. I was taking photos around all those cotton pickin' lamps I bought, that were on the dining table all week, just yesterday. Our deck has an ugly hot tub in the middle of it. Your potting table is going to be lovely.

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  9. Oh! I adore that second photo! Yes! What a perfect artist studio it would make and my black kitty is sitting there waiting for me! :)
    I was just thinking the same thing about my own home. I only take photos from one angle or else very close up, otherwise you see stacks of laundry or the kitchen table covered in art supplies and paint.
    Sigh, and that's not the worst of it! Most of my projects are probably just junk. You are definitely not alone in feeling a bit crowded! LOL!
    Thanks for this post. It has me daydreaming of Spring.
    xoxo - Cindi

  10. I think we all have projects we don't get to tackle because of time issues..I can't wait for you to do your potting bench...actually if you want some milk paint I can send you some! Pick a color, I think French Enamel might be the right one to go wtih your window frames. I can ship MMS milk paint, but not the Chalk Paint®. So what do you say??? You game to paint it!?

  11. I think I have told you before...
    I love your blog...
    I love your style...
    I love your honesty...
    I just read the previous comment...
    I have not used milk paint yet but am a pro, so to speak, of chalk goes will love it...
    Now I am anxious to try milk paint... :) will be happy painted ...Make it happy which will make you happy in return! CeCe

  12. I would love a conservatory. And I have projects waiting for me in every corner of my house! Taking pictures is tricky... Sometimes I think the photo is ok and then when I see it on the computer, I notice a mirror is reflecting a big pile of still-to-be-done projects!

  13. Your home is stunning, it is nice to see a bit more of it! :)
    Welcome to my world, surrounded by future projects! Looking forward to seeing your new look potting bench..

  14. As if we could ever hate you! We empathize with you because we've been there. Some of us--clearing my throat now--are there now, and often.

    Love the first two pictures especially, just magical. Can you imagine having either of them? I know your potting bench will be very Mod-Vintage when it's finished. You are the one who got me interested in potting benches last spring. Until then I always thought the old potting bench belonged to my husband. Boy, was I ever wrong!

  15. I can't wait to see your cute potting bench. You won't believe how much fun you will have styling it over and over again, I have loved doing mine. And oh if you could see the things I have to photograph around in this house! It's so hard to do a project when you have a small home because there's no place to spread out!

  16. We love messy and we love procrastinators because they are US! It makes you relatable darling.

  17. Lovely inspirations. I hope you will be able to create the garden room your desire. Thank you for sharing at the hop xo P.S. your dining room is very pretty

  18. Nita, I hope you get your garden studio one day, how inspiring it would be to paint in such a space, the creative juices would never stop flowing and you'd never want to leave!
    Your home is sweet with or without stealthy projects lurking in the wings...we all have them, and I know of some pretty popular bloggers that have 'stuff' shoved just out of sight of their gorgeous shots (they shared the fact) you're not alone, it's the sign of a brilliant visionary I say...and brilliant visions take time to bring forth properly (your motto is golden by the way.

    Ginger and I were tickled pink by your sweet 'comments', thank you, such a scare...I know you understand. ♥
    xo J~

  19. It has always been my dream to have a conservatory.....I truly love this post, Nita, and I like your little garden room!

  20. Your hutch will look fabulous as a potting bench. Is this the one that you risked your life by picking it up in the middle of no where all alone? You might try some furniture slides to move it around. With the slides I can move a piece of furniture that normally takes two giant men to move. My Love to the weenies.

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  23. I think it will be so pretty painted! I do sell and teach about milk paint and I think you'd like it! There are so many colors to choose from and you can mix them to make your own color too! Of course, chalk paint would work very well also.....and there's always the "oops" shelf at Home Depot! Can't wait to see how it comes out!


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