Friday, March 22, 2013

Emerald Green

I know... I know....
Emerald is the color of the year for 2013.
Old news....
I haven't talked about the color of the year this year because I really didn't have anything to 
say about it except..."Hey, Emerald is the color of the year."

Today at work, Sarah said to me -
"If I hear one more person say to me that Pantone's Color of the Year is Emerald, I'm going to puke."
"I know it's the color of the year. It's March. Of course I know it's the color of the year!"
That was Sarah speaking, not me...she takes her decorating serious and we get our 
decorating fix discussing decor with each other at work.
Nobody else there cares much about it. 
They don't even know that Emerald is the color of the year...nor do they know what Pantone is.
Granted they do not care.
They have families and husbands and other things to use their brain cells retaining.

Sarah and I do not.

Anyway...she is tired of talking about Emerald being the color of the year.

And this coming from a person who loves green. 
I don't love green. 
I'll never have a major thing in my house that is green.
(famous last words) 
Although there was quite a bit of green in my Easter Mantel decor.

Although I will admit that room above is quite appealing and could make me change my mind...maybe.
Ok, this room, definitely. I don't mind a stripe of green mixed with blues and yellows.
And that green dresser in the distance? 
Oh...yeah....I love that.
Oh...and Pam's buffet she recently redid in Emerald sure is elegant and gorgeous....
that might sway me too.

Still when I think of lots of green in a mind goes to lots of green in
the surrounding outdoors.
Nothing better than walls of nature's emerald.
Isn't this space magical? I'd like to spend Easter there.
Another lovely garden room surrounded in lush green.
Here the green comes into the room.
Have you added Emerald to your spaces this year or are you ignoring it?

I'm getting excited about planting stuff outside...spring is here and soon it will be warm enough.

This past week I've had a guest staying with me.
My Aunt's little longhaired dachshund, Kate.

My Aunt took ill last week and was admitted to the hospital.
We feared at first that she might be there awhile but she made a remarkable recovery and
will possibly be getting out tomorrow.

She'd asked me to watch Kate while she was away from home.
I have to say...she was the best house guest ever!
Not one bit of trouble.
I doubt my own dogs would be as good. 

Really, she could just stay here for good and I would not mind one bit.

Good little Kate.

Have a great Friday and a great weekend!

Be sure to click on this ad for your chance to win $30 from EpicLinen.


  1. I only like green in small doses inside the house, outside it is fabulous! Your images are quite inspiring, and Oh for a room that has all those windows, a garden room like that would feel like a fairy house!

    ~ Violet

  2. I know how you ladies feel! I work in a florist and thats all we hear "Do you have something in Emerald? It's the color of the year you know..." I've come to combat it with "Yes it is, But what is YOUR signature color?" Hehehe Leaves speechless every time!

  3. I've never been much for green either, no one was more surprised than me that I loved my buffet! :) SO sweet of you to include it!! Glad to hear your aunt is on the mend. Happy weekend!

  4. I painted something green just yesterday! I have been working on the plan we talked about, will email you soon :) Love hearing about your sweet house guest, did you take pictures? I love that her name is Kate. Our animals all get real names, too. Happy weekend!
    xo, Andrea

  5. Awesome post. Green has been my favorite color for decades. It really goes well with everything, and I love the more clear, saturated tones of emerald.

  6. I love green, especially emerald, so much so my bridesmaid wore it for my wedding in 2011! However inside my home I prefer more pastel greens like eau de nil, it features in my kitchen, dining room, front hall and sitting room!

  7. I don't know, maybe it's my monitor but the fireplace looks green/green to me and the dresser more turquoise/green.
    Therefore I like the dresser and the fireplace? not so much.

  8. That last picture is something special--I could take that for sure. Green has never been much a part of my favorite colors except for plants and I only think of emerald as in jewels! However, we just this afternoon finished the last of the painting in my bathroom and dressing room and went with a green that is so serene that I'm thrilled with the results. But I think that's all, just the two green rooms. I'm not going to get carried away with it.

  9. You only have to walk in my den to know I love green...two green chesterfields give that away. Honestly, I never thought of myself as a green person until I saw them. And if someone had told me a year ago that I would paint my mantel green I would have laughed at them. I actually have the picture of the living room with the striped ottoman pinned on a board on Pinterest. Loved the pairing of green and blue on it.
    Great post...have a wonderful weekend! Glad your aunt is feeling better.

  10. I used to love apple green! I had it in a few rooms and really loved it...but that was when I loved pale yellow on all my walls etc...times change as do taste. I think it is pretty bold and jazzy that Emerald, but not so much for me. I hope you get your milk paint soon!! I want to see those shutters done and blogged about. Oh so happy to see Franklin landed on the sidebar with the weenies finally~he has arrived!

  11. You're so lucky you have someone at work to talk about decoration. Around me, no one knows that emerald is the colour of 2013... and it's March!


  12. Well I am glad Kate was a happy and good house quest. I hope your Aunt makes a quicker recovery out of the hospital.

    The only green I am in love with is the outside greens. I so enjoy working n my flower gardens

    we are to get freezing rain turning into 8 inches of snow !! tonight and tomorrow. Spring is not early \\anyway I won't be working outside for a while

  13. That first room is so lovely! I have to say I just love green. And this month I have green touches all over my living room. I enjoyed the pics you shared. :)Kit

  14. I am ignoring emerald, it's a nice enough colour, but a brilliant green is definitely not me. I never, say never, but I will say, not right now.
    I love that first room, I could see living in that!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Cindy

  15. Family friendly but beautiful too! The best of both worlds! So glad you linked up with Roomspiration today! :D

  16. Time was you wouldn't have known about a color of the year. Now we all know too much and grow weary of hearing it. Why pay too much attention to it because you know all that will change in a few months and it will be something else. That's marketing. Can't sell people what they already have.

    I really love green especially with blue but not so much emerald green.


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