Saturday, January 5, 2013

So Tired

Pretty Beds
Ok, you know you should just go to bed when you open your blog and find you posted a 
post that makes no sense at all.
That is what happened to me last night.

I opened the blog just a bit ago and found these photos up but the words were nonsense.
I kept nodding off while writing and accidentally scheduled the post to publish when
I thought I had cancelled it last night.
I'd love to crawl into any of these beds.
My Mom has settled in to the guest room at my house.
This guest room was the room I stored all Christmas stuff in prior to Mom's visit.
I refuse to have the room go back to being a junk room.
I like having another bedroom in the house.
But oh...what to do with all that Christmas stuff?

I really don't know.

My Mom is doing super great.
She is very very tired...but gets stronger each day.

I still have a very positive attitude about all the things I'll accomplish this year...
but I can't do a whole lot right now...due to taking care of Mom.

I know she is anxious to get home and back to all her own projects.

I'm anxious to paint some furniture.

Oh...about the little chihuahua I found, 
I have not heard from the owners.
I have been running an ad in the newspaper all week.

But...I have two women interested in him if I can't find the that is good.

I am going to pick him up from the vet tomorrow and see how he does with 
one of the ladies that wrote that she wanted him.

So happy that he'll have a nice home.

sharing at


  1. Yes they are lovely,especially the second one. x

  2. When your sister what? Those are lovely bedrooms.

  3. Love the rooms...glad your mom is doing well. Take care of yourself : o)

  4. Bless you Nita, you have a good heart. So glad your Mom is doing well.

    I was in Pier 1 yesterday. Can't go in the door without thinking of you.

  5. I've written posts and saved for later and then thought..what? So it kinda makes me laugh and wonder what the original post said!
    Anyway. Love these photos.
    Could you put all your stuff into storage containers and store them in the garage? Maybe make the garage into a little studio/shed for projects?
    So glad to hear your mom is continuing to do so well!
    I would be shocked that no one claimed that little Chihuahua..but unfortunately I'm not because I have several little rescues myself because no one went looking for them (or worse, dumped them).
    Get some rest!
    xoxo - Cindi

  6. That's great that your mother is coming along nicely, and I'm sure your care and love has contributed to that. I bet the weenies are all interested in grandma being there. I'd take the first bed you showed. Bet most of your readers would take the others but the first one is interesting to me. Keep your mind planning during this time of nursing! And prayers and love to you and your mother.

  7. Love the blue one!
    Hope your mom is okay. Last year at this time my mom was in the is really stressful. My prayers are with you.
    May all your dreams come true for the new year. Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  8. I am glad your mom is in the mend. caring for parents is tough. I am sorry the little chihuahua hasn't found his owners yet. You have been a busy care giver! Here's to a Happy New Year!

  9. Love the last bed. It looks as though there's a little room off to the side that is calling you over for maybe some late afternoon reading! I read your blog last night and thought, hm, wonder if she fell asleep. So glad to hear your mom is doing good. Bless your heart!

  10. Pretty images and good news in this post - good luck with a home for the little pup.

  11. *dreamy* bedrooms! Thanks for sharing them with us. It sounds like your mom is recovering quickly from her surgery. What a blessing! I hope your new little friend finds a great home from the interested parties if his original family fails to contact you.

  12. So great that your Mom is doing so well. Hang in there sleepy lady. Kit

  13. Now I just want to crawl back into bed! Love the pink room and the iron bed...if only!
    So nice to hear about the chihuahua being found and cared for by you, he's a blessed little pup, so fortunate to be found by *you*!
    Glad to hear your mom is getting stronger...all will be well and back to normal soon...hang in there!
    xo J~

  14. Such dreamy boudoirs! I will take all of them!

    So glad your Mom is doing well. You guys are amazing!

    Have you called the local animal shelter? I found a dog once and I called my local shelter to tell them. The owner had already called there looking for their pup.

    Hope you get a chance to rest between taking care of your Mom and working and saving little doggies and all the other things you do!

  15. Glad I missed your post with the nonsensical stuff or I would have really started worrying...hey if you are doing a good job taking care of mom, thank goodness, that is the most important job right now! Leave little updates...with some funny stories as only you can tell, that is enough for now.

  16. I'm glad to hear that your mom is recouping at your house, that's what daughters are for.
    I love those bedrooms, all of them. The first one has such a great feel to it.
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. I'm glad to hear that your mom is recouping at your house, that's what daughters are for.
    I love those bedrooms, all of them. The first one has such a great feel to it.
    Hugs, Cindy

  18. These bedrooms do look inviting! You need to get some rest! Sounds like your Mother is doing very well! Show us that painted furniture project please! I have my original french provincial bedroom set and pondered painting it, I might regret it so I've put it off. Tisk tisk

  19. Glad you may find just the right home for the doggie!
    So wonderful that your mom is doing
    so well.
    Wishing you, mom & all the sweet weenies happy times & lots of things
    accomplished that you want to do
    in 2013!!!
    Stay well, maki

  20. So glad your mom is on the mend.
    I imagine you could use some rest in any of the beautiful posted bedrooms.
    Somehow the second one speaks to me the most... I would like to have the blue spread, with all of it's ruffles, in white or off white or light grey.
    Wishing you a more restful week and hoping the lady turns out to be a special fit for the found doggie.

  21. God will bless you for taking care of the old folks and animals Nita! Things will be better. Hope you can rest soon!


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