Sunday, January 13, 2013

Open House Sunday

Highland Park, Dallas
built 1921

This one's a charmer.
It's very cottage-y despite being almost 4,000 square feet which qualifies it as absolutely NOT a cottage.
Let's start withe the front of the home.
What a tranquil spot! 
I adore the color of the outside of this home.
The canopy of trees and flowerbeds and foundation plantings are just woodsy perfection.
Sunny living room. 
Everyone needs a grand piano. Another sunny room.
Love the color of the walls in the dining room and that wall of windows!
Those modern/retro yellow wingback chairs are awesome!
The paneling in this room is so elegant and traditional and then there is this modern furniture that gives the room edge. I bet those chairs are really comfortable too.
Lovely kitchen. 
Great glass front cabinets all the way to the ceiling.
I love everything about this kitchen except for the barstools but they do bring in the retro modern vibe 
from the other room.
Nice room.
This house really is overflowing in windows...lots of great light.
Very pretty bedroom. Love that there are french doors to the outside. 
Very nice bathroom, although the finishes don't speak to me.
Huge tub...which is nice. But this room is soooo boring., this is a sweet room!
I know knotty pine is soooo out these days...but 
I do love this sweet bed.
I also love the puddled pink curtains and french settee and chair.
If you start out life with a room like doesn't give you room for much improvement later in life.
Another bedroom - for a boy.
This is the bath for me! Love every bit of it.
The sink and fixtures...the tub...the tile...the transom over the door.
And finally, of course the subway tile.
Then there are outdoor fireplaces...not just one....
This house has many outdoor rooms.
Outback view to the house. 
What great outdoor spaces!
It's a living room outdoors. Love the furniture.
I can just imagine all the evenings spent here.
I adore that iron bench/sofa mixed with the industrial coffee table.
Oh...I'd like to sit by this fire.
Around on the side of the house a wonderful pool.
I really like the design of this one all tucked into the side instead of taking up a lot of space outback.
Courtyard...complete with wall fountain.
Game room in the guest cottage.
A smal cozy living room in the guest cottage.
I'm not sure where this bath is located in the house...but I do love all the finishes.

See full listing here

Have a great Sunday!

My weekend started off with a bang...I learned I need a new sewer line.
"A new sewer line?"
I questioned.
"Yep," the plumber said...
"where you tie in to the city line."

"but I got a new sewer line....eight years ago."

"Yes", the plumber said "but we didn't dig the 10 foot wide....20 feet deep hole for the 
riser where your line goes into the city line".

Bad news is....
It's going to cost about $4,000 or more and I'll lose my existing fence and landscaping.

Good news is...
I hate my landscaping out back and wanted to eventually do something different.
And I was just in the planning stages of a new fence.
Super glad I didn't already have a new fence installed.
That would have really made me sick, to rip it out immediately.

Oh...the joys of living in a historic home.
It's not just the pretty to deal with.
It's the down right ugly too.


  1. The Open House is Perfection.
    I love everything about it and wouldn't change a thing.

    What are you going to do about that $4000. sewer line bill?
    Do they work that into your utility bill?
    In my city, if you have something like this happen and need assistance, they have a program to help you. Sometimes they even forgive part or all of the loan, depending on your situation and if you stay in the home and don't move. Of course the city doesn't advertise these programs, you have to research and call people's worth a try. I had to get help a few years back with my roof and ended up paying just a portion of it. I did all the leg work and got all the estimates etc. and took it down to the city but it was so worth it...good luck and let me know what's happening!
    xoxo - Cindi

  2. I love the guest cottage- I am a small house girl! Love the windows in the big house though. So sorry about the sewer line, when it rains it pours. I love that you see the upside : o )

  3. Ugh! A new sewer line. At least you have a positive attitude about it. Got to admire someone who can look at the upside especially when I know you've had other trials and sad events in the last few months.
    The house is beautiful, especially love the blue walls(I just have a blue fetish right now) and the last bath subway(esque) tiles with the blue is dreamy.

  4. Love this home! Can you imagine evenings out by that fireplace?? And a guest cottage wow!
    Love the girls bedroom too of course and the pool and bath.
    Did your friends paneling job right before Thanksgiving turn out okay??
    Have a blessed Sunday & I hope your Mama is feeling better.
    ((Second opinion on that sewer issue))

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your sewer line, living in historic homes certainly does have it's draw backs.
    I LOVE this house that you've featured today, it's gorgeous. I see what you mean about it feeling like a cottage, but it's huge. I love all of the finishes and the windows are fabulous.
    Have a lovely Sunday, dear Nita.
    Hugs, Cindy

  6. Ouch! That bill is not the kind of surprise we like.

    However, your open house today is one I would not mind moving into, not at all. I play this game with AD magazine and ask myself of each house, "Would you take this as a gift if you had to live in it 5 years without changing a thing?" Many, many times the answer is "No way." But yes to this one. The few things I don't like I could easily live with for 5 years.

    Nita, is anyone else in your neighborhood having this sewer line problem?

  7. Yuck, a $4000 sewer line. I hate spending money on something I can't see and I am sure you will not be seeing it. If it doesn't require a gross answer, how did you know you needed one?

  8. I think I have told you how much I enjoy Open House Sunday... well, this one..... hate humidity but oh my...this one could make me want to move...except the small little item of the price tag.
    So sorry about your sewer line... sucks... so glad the new fence was not done. Thanks, once more, for a look into dreamland.


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