Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mod Mix Monday #83

On a Wednesday
Isn't this a fabulous piece?
Chalkboard paint on a cabinet.
You could change out the look of this cabinet any time you wished just by writing or drawing on it.
I really am loving this idea and am just wondering what I could paint around here in chalkboard paint.
Not to be confused with chalk paint....I'd like to paint some things with chalk paint too.
Just haven't gotten my hands on any. we are with Mod Mix Monday - the Wednesday Edition.

I'm trying desperately to get back on schedule.
Hopefully, this will get me back on track and ready for Mod Mix Monday on next Monday, on time.

I keep falling asleep at the computer when I sit down to do a post.

I've just been running and running and running....and am physically exhausted.
Soon..soon...things will be better.

Mom is doing super great.
I keep threatening to take a photo of her in the bed surrounded by weenie dogs.

I'm sure her doctor would go nuts if he saw this.
She says she can't get well without them.

To their credit...they've been very gentle around her.
Normally, her Marcus jumps on her chest, even stands on her chest to kiss her.

He has not even tried this...instead he lies across her legs or lap constantly.
He doesn't want to leave her side.

He's taking care of her.
He's also super protective of his brother Harvey.
He does not like it when Franklin jumps on Harvey.
He barks and barks and barks at Franklin and even physically tries to stop him.

Franklin is just playing with Harvey and isn't hurting him.
But Harvey doesn't really want to play and seems Marcus can tell this and is trying to get Franklin to stop.

I'll write more later about stuff that has been going on.
I found a wonderful home for the Chihuahua.

His owner never came forward.
But he's got a nice new home.
I'll write more on that this week.

Right now...let's get on to my favorites from Mod Mix Monday two weeks ago.
Now...before I pass out again. 
It's 3:30 am. I woke from sleeping at the computer and decided to try to post once more.
Hope I can complete before dozing off again.

Fabiana of Ciao! Newport Beach created a beautiful New Year's table.
Diane of Design Till It Shines made these pretty little snowy votives.
Patricia of Old Things New made a wonderful chalkboard to compliment her other things.

Now...I feel better, having that up and it's only 4:00 am.

Share your Mod Mixes for this week below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your post, for sure.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. Nita,
    Glad to hear Mom is doing fine!!

    BUT you need to also take care of yourself!! Sometimes the caretaker is the one who needs taking care of!!

    Thanks so much for hosting!!


  2. Thanks for hosting! Happy new year!

  3. Oh Nita! I can't believe you posted this party at 3:30 a.m. I hope you'll be able to find some time to rest soon. Glad to hear your mom is doing better and I think DOGS great for one's recovery.

    Also, thank you soooo . . . much for sharing my chalkboard paint dipped stemware! As a newer blogger it is so much fun to receive notice. Many blessings to you, Patti

  4. Very nice entries, I love the piece of furniture that you've featured.
    Have a good day and get some rest.
    Hugs, cindy

  5. Good to get an update but really you will be sick yourself if you don't get rest

    I like anything with chalkboard paint on it and of course love seeing the dogs

  6. Happy New Year, Nita! I look forward to more of your Mod Mix Mondays in 2013...


  7. Thanks so much for featuring my jar candles and glad to hear your mom is doing well. I hope you have time to get some well deserved rest soon. Happy New Year to you and thanks for hosting!

  8. Thank you for hosting! Wishing you a beautiful and RESTFUL year! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  9. Nita, I will go back and visit all these wonderful links but I just have to tell you that not only are you amazing but that your mother sounds like my kind of woman--a dachshund in the bed would be wonderful so 7 would be even better. I think I get a pretty clear picture of her from what you wrote today. Bless her! And you for being a wonderful daughter. And all those dear weenies for giving so much love. Can you please post a picture of them sometime?

    You get some sleep!

  10. I wish you would do two things.
    #1 Get a really good long nights sleep.
    #2 Post a photo of your mom with the weenies!
    xoxo - Cindi

  11. Thanks so much for hosting, Nita... so much fun! Thinking of you and your mom. All the best!

  12. I am so glad to hear that your momma is doing well! Great news! Having your furbabies around is bound to help her too! I am also glad to hear that you found a wonderful home for the darling chihuahua. Great job!

  13. Now that I finally got to your Monday party on Friday! I hope we both get a lot of rest this weekend! Take care!


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