Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mod Mix Monday #82

Yes, it's late...
Two days late...but I wanted to get my favorite picks up since
I'll be away from the blog for a few days.

Isn't that a fun small kitchen above?
I love the small scale of everything and the color.

Thanks so much to all of you for your encouraging comments the last few days.

I'll be writing many of you...but not sure when...since I'll be very busy with Mom soon.

I had a nice Christmas Day.
It was a quiet one.
I made it to my friend's house.
My Mom had to stay at her house which is about 40 minutes away.
But she went over to my sister's, so she had a nice quiet Christmas too.

We had the basics but it was low key this year and I couldn't help but 
think about how different it was than what had been planned.

But it was ok.

I think I've got too much responsibility to be sad right now.
Of course I am so glad to have my dogs.
They are such a comfort.

Soon my Mom's dogs will be here too...
I know that is totally dogs and a woman recuperating from open heart surgery.
But there seems to be no other option and Mom thinks it will be no trouble at all.

I think she is wrong.
But I'll manage somehow.
I'm a master at dog juggling.

Here are my favorites from last week...
Kim at Made in a Day shared how to make five different holiday garlands.
The one above was my favorite.
Laura of Cottage and Broome dumped all her neting santas in a cute little green glass bucket.
Jennifer of Town and Country Living shared her pretty living room all done up for Christmas.
Makes me want to throw all my color out the door.
Angela at Hickory Trail shared her Christmas decorating.
Love the chalkboard over this serving cart filled with hot coco supplies.
Musebootsi shared this cute pom pom garland she made.
Super fun.

Really great stuff...huh?

Thanks again for being there for me.
I'll be checking in with news on how my Mom is.

I'll be so happy to have her here with me and on the mend.

I am a little numb at the moment.
I'll get my Mom well and then I am just going to focus on the pretty stuff again.

Share your Mod Mixes for this week below.
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your post, for sure.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.


  1. I know what you mean about it being tempting to throw all the color out after seeing such beautiful white rooms but please don't! If we could only have rooms for each mood--serene white rooms for when we're spinning like a top, vibrant color when we need a nudge to stop lounging around, and your beautiful mix of pastels and sophisticated touches just because they are so pretty and make us feel so feminine and full of possibilities.

    So proud of you for realizing that pretty is important and putting one foot in front of the other until the time when you're flying again.


  2. Hang in there! Taking care of your Mom is going to give you lots of precious moments together. I promise.

    All the best to you and yours this holiday season. I love your blog!


  3. I din't have a new thing to share ;) But wanted to wish you a Happy New Year Nita. Hope things settle down soon, and you can get a much deserved break.

  4. hello again. good to see you posting again so soon. you will be in my prayers and thoughts and i pray your Mom's surgery goes smoothly.i live nearby so if you need anything or get into a bind don't hesitate to ask. i will email you my info.

  5. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and the beauty that you share with the world. I am deeply sorry for your loss and the stressful time that you are having. I hope the New Year brings you nothing but happiness.

  6. Hi Nita. It's sounds like you have a lot going on in your life now. I know it's a struggle because we went through very similar circumstances last year at this time. I will be saying a prayer for both you and your mother. Please take care of yourself it's so important when you're caring for others.

    Thanks for letting me join your party.
    Wishing you all the best for a blessed and bright New Year.
    Hugs... Tracy@CottonPickinCute

  7. Nita, it's so good to hear from you again. I LOVE that kitchen.

    You sure are going to have your hands full, but it's nice to be needed sometimes.

    Can't wait until you're sharing beautiful things again.

    Take care,

  8. Anyone who can juggle dogs can make it through caring for your mom. We're all supporting you...

  9. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way for your mom's surgery. Seven dogs, wow, but I know you can do it! I too have a slew of pets, and it is possible, makes for fun days and great memories! Don't forget to take some time to do something for you!

  10. I have my mother in law here for the last few days, she was having problems living alone and moved in right before Christmas. No animals on her part to bring but it's an adjustment. She had a stent put in an artery two days before moving here and is on oxygen. Something to think of, is you may have oxygen in your house for your mom and need to keep open flame at least 10 feet away (fireplaces, candles, etc.) She also had a stair lift paid for and we had it installed. Stairs, walker clearance (in our narrow hallways) space, all kinds of little issues to adjust to. I hope you have a good time visiting with your mom and her pups while she is with you...and I again, am so sorry about your loss of your friend.

  11. Oh, and I love all the pretty things you posted today:) Hang in there, things will get better...

  12. Love the chandelier in the kitchen and the framed chalkboard! I hope your Mom recovers well I'm sure she will! chin up!

  13. I've read your blog for a few years now and have never commented. I have to now because gosh, I so wish we lived in the same city (I'm in Gig Harbor, WA, just outside Seattle) because I'd LOVE to have you for a friend! I just can't imagine a girlfriend having any finer qualities (and quirks!) as you do! Everything you say and do speaks to my heart.

    I'm keeping you and your mom in my prayers. Here's to a much happier New Year - wishing you and yours all things good. Thank you for all you share.


  14. Dear Nita.I have not been at your blog for quite a while as my last couple of months have been quite a bit of a roller coaster ride with sad family affairs - and checking up on your blog today, I see you have been through quite a lot youself too.Hope our life will be easier and happier in 2013.XXX Bea


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