Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Surprises

Yesterday when I got home from work...I had an email from
Belinda my Oklahoma friend who I met through blogging.

She said she'd left me a surprise on my porch.

Belinda doesn't have a blog...but she's a great'll want to follow her on Pinterest.

I went out to find a package wrapped in adorable snowflake cellophane.
(I must create something with that)
Inside were what looked to be a bunch of little white trees.
Upon taking them out, I realized it was a white feather putz fence.
The sort of fence you'd put around your cardboard putz house village under the tree!

I was beyond thrilled and couldn't believe she'd bought this for me.
Isn't it precious? It has four sides. I just set it up on the coffee table for now...
I'm sure it will be getting a place of honor. Not sure where...but somewhere.

I immediately wrote her to thank her and ask where she'd found such a thing.
Get this.... she found it at a Thrift Store for $2!!!!!!

What a find!!!!

I can't believe she snatched it up for me instead of herself.

It is like brand new too. Amazing...
Another Christmas surprise is that I made these twisty pipe cleaner things for my tree.
I really wanted something to add some whimsy to the tree this year but everything 
I found to stick in ...was way out of my price range.
When have to get creative. So it occurred to me that I could make something out of 
pipe cleaners to stick in my tree.
This involved twisting the pipe cleaners around a long skinny brush handle...and I had my whimsy.
Let's see my other Christmas surprise is....
My Mom is having open heart surgery on December 27th...we weren't expecting that this year.
That is why I have been lacking in Christmas posts...
I've been working and
going to doctors with Mom and you know....just stuff.

I'll be back tomorrow showing more of my Christmas.
I should have just blown off decorating this year...but I just didn't want to.
So it's all being done last minute and in a rush...but that is ok.

See you tomorrow....


  1. sending prayers for your mom, I've been thru that too, you know. It's a hard one. Glad you're there to help her. Love the little gifted fence, I've not seen one of those before. Have a blessed Christmas, Nita, xo

  2. Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope it all goes well. Kit

  3. You and your Mom will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    I know that the surgery will go well but I can just imagine how worried you must be.

    I love your little surprise fence! How sweet of her! and I adore what I see of your tree. Of course you know I'd love the WHITE and the pink and turquoise are so perfect.

    I'm sending positive and healing thoughts out to your Mom.

  4. Happy Holidays. Sorry about your mom's surgery. My dad had his years ago on Dec. 24. ((((HUGS))))

  5. oh that is a great surprise! I know you loved it! We will say prayers for your mom all the way from Boston~tell her your blog buddies are sending in back up prayers for Christmas! I want to see the whole room with the tree, it looks so pretty from the bits you have shown..

  6. What a lovely gift. So thoughtful and it fits right in with your style.

    I think your decorations are so beautiful. What a difference a white tree makes. I think it makes the ornaments really stand out. Your whole decorating scheme is light and whimsical and so wonderful.

    Thank you so much for sharing and making my day brighter!


  7. Sorry to hear about your Mom's surgery, but so thankful to know that her heart problems will be resolved. You are so deserving of such a special gift Nita! You've done so much for others this Christmas season.
    Merry Christmas!

  8. So sweet, so pretty, so magical.

    Thoughts and prayers for your mom, Nita. Wishing your family a very merry Christmas!



  9. It's amazing how blogs create such great friendships. What a very neat fence and a clever idea for pipe cleaners, can't wait to see more of your Christmas! Wishing all the best for your mom and for you.

  10. I'll be sure to keep you and your mother in my prayers.

    Your tree looks beautiful, Nita. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special.

  11. Praying for your mom. Thanks for coming and keeping me company this year! You have been a blessing to me even though you don't even know who I am.

  12. Best idea ever to use pipe cleaners in your tree!! It's gorgeous!

    Praying for your mom.


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