Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Shiny Brite Ornaments

Love Em!
I have lots of Shiny Brite ornaments but I always need more.
Funny, because I hated these kind of ornaments when I was a kid.
I thought they were way too ordinary.
But now they are what I want on my tree. 

Oh...I'm no where near this put together for Christmas this year - yet.
These are photos from my Christmas 2010.
(you can see the rest of my Christmas decor on my projects link up in the top menu of my blog)
As for this year, I'm still pulling stuff out and trying to decide what I want where.

I didn't put up a tree in 2011...I had a lot of personal things going on with my best friend dying 
and my sister being ill and losing my son/dog - Newman.

I can't even remember last year's Christmas hardly at all.
I was just in a daze.
But I'm anxious to put up decorations this year though.
So I've been searching for more Shiny Brites to add to my collection.
And thinking of new ways to decorate.
I didn't have my dining room furniture all painted last time.
This will be the first time I've decorated this dining room for that will be fun.
I went browsing online for Shiny Brite baubles.
Even better if you can get them in an original box.
Fabulous wreaths made by
One of her wreaths appeared on the Christmas cover of Romantic Homes Magazine.
I somehow have not seen this issue yet. 
I must find it.
Right now I'm trying to decide what to do on my mantel. 
I love my forest of trees but I've done this for several years and I think it's time to change it up.
I have no idea what I'll do, really...except I think I may hang my own 
Shiny Brite wreath on the mirror.
That might be a good start.

Are you up to your neck in tinsel, yet?

sharing at


  1. I love Shiny Brites. They're a true Christmas icon. Your pics made me smile. Glad you're feeling better this year and can't wait to see what you do with your dining room.

  2. Oh, what a pretty post! My mother had lots of these shiny brights on the tree but unfortunately I don't have any. I love the mantel!


  3. I love the vintage ornaments. Your tree is beautiful. Hugs, Deb

  4. I can't figure out what to do or where to put everything, either :( I just keep trying to do one project at a time, and shuffling all of the boxes around! Did you get anything new from Pier 1 this weekend? Abby bought me that sweet reindeer in my post yesterday as a surprise! I wanted to go back and get the large one too but they were sold out! I can't wait to see what you do with your mantel because it's always fabulous.
    xo Andrea

  5. Yes, up to the neck, trying to figure out how to change things up due to moving reds out of the kitchen and pinks, aquas in. All my shiny brite pinks have always gone in my bedroom and still do so am trying to focus more on the greens and blues in kitchen and family room. Like you, I thought I had enough shiny brides but don't really, and this year I'm trying to shop the house instead of buying. I sure could use Nita's touch on trying to make these changes so keep the pics coming, pretty please!

  6. OH so pretty! Love your white tree with all the shiny brite ornaments. I think they show up better on a white tree than the traditional green. The shiny brite wreath is gorgeous and one would look amazing over your mantel! Can't wait to see your rooms when they are done!
    Miss Bloomers

  7. I just love the colors you use. We have a bedroom upstairs in our new house with those pretty girly colors. It's exciting to me to have something different. :)

    Whatever you do for Christmas will be beautiful. I'm just happy to know there's someone else out there who isn't finished.

  8. Love the vintage ornaments!

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  9. oh, I love them too, but most of mine are in silver bowls this year, I'm only doing one tree. Can't wait to see all your Christmas decor this year!

  10. Hi Nita,
    LOVE all your shiny brites and that white tree is gorgeous!! I am eager to see this years creations!

  11. Hi Nita, I love your color palette and those Shiny Brites. I was just at BHG decorating ideas and they have a picture of your mantel on their pretty Christmas Mantel decorating ideas. It is so gorgeous but I understand wanting something different sometimes.

  12. Nita,
    I just love your idea of putting the little cardboard houses in the tree branches, so charming. Your tree should be in a magazine too! So glad things are way better this year! Can't wait to see your new Christmas ideas!

  13. Your pictures are just beautiful. Love that white tree. OUr first tree was a white one.

  14. Nita, I am glad you are feeling like decorating this year. Last year was just horrible for you. I remember your 2010 tree and it was splendid indeed. xo, olive

  15. So pretty!

    I too am trying to mix things up a bit this year. We moved, and so it's taking more time figuring out where to put things, what to keep and what to pass on. Doing different color themes in various rooms.

    Always an inspiration to visit you.

  16. These are so pretty Nita, and fit your house perfectly~you have a kind of Shiny Brite house! I know your mantle will be a wonderment whatever you do with it! My Etsy shop has had some vintage xmas ornaments and toppers in it this year and I have been selling quite a few of them due to everyones interest in vintage ornaments. I loved the cover of RH xmas issue~I would love to have an ornament wreath myself in all aquas and pale pink and lilac...

  17. I just love Shiny Brites and have several on my own tree. They've come from generations before, some of them so worn you can see right through the glass.

    The pictures you chose for this post are just beautiful. I love coming to your blog for good ideas. Keep up the good work!

  18. Hi Nita, Love your tree! I have some shiny brite's for sale if your looking for more:)
    I posted
    to the Common Ground party:)

  19. Your tree is so very pretty and I hope you have a better Christmas this year. I also, LOVE shiny brites:)


  20. Hello! You have a great collection of ornaments, i also have a hidden addiction for shiny brites!

    Thought i would share with you so you could check it out!


  21. Love all these vintage ornies! Especially the pinks and teals and the white tree is awesome!

  22. I love the vintage ornaments too. I have been collecting for a while now to make a wreath but I keep using them for other decorations and so I still need more ornaments.
    How are the weenies?

  23. pretty,pretty! i *LOVE* love your christmas style. in a house w/ 3 boys (2 littles, 1 husband) I *rarely* get to do pink. but this year i picked up some shiny-brites like your stripey pink/turq. ones & went crazy in my guest bath. (: happy holidays! will be stalking your blog for xmas posts all season!

  24. Do you know they still make Shiny Brites? The are from Christopher Radko, and I have been supplementing my family's vintage SB collection with a few new ones every year. I get mine from Kathie's Christmas website. When my parents decided they wanted to switch their tree to wooden toy ornaments, I went to their house and took the whole lot...none of my siblings wanted them!

    I found you through Restoration Redoux. I am enjoying your pictures and posts tremendously!

  25. Oh how I love Shiny Brites!!! Gorgeous post~ thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!


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