Thursday, November 29, 2012

Jacobean Buffets or Sideboards

I'm obsessed with them.
And gosh this is a pretty display. And an especially nice example of this type of buffet, too.
When I bought my 1931 storybook cottage, one of the first things I knew I must have
was a jacobean style 1920's or 30's buffet.
I'd seen a few painted white like that example above.
Once painted,
I think all their moldings and carvings look like scrumptious icing on a fancy wedding cake.
They look equally as good in turquoise. This combo above is a stunner.
This one looks like it belongs at the beach.
I love the bulbous legs and scallops.
more yummy turquoise
A worn paint effect looks good on these also.
Even in a bold yellow these beauties shine.
Hello Sunshine! You make me happy. 
Very flattering in gray too. 
Quite elegant painted gray with white trim.
Now this at least three pieces of furniture put together.
The Frankenstein of sideboards.
Quite amazing although I'd be fearful it would all topple on me one day.
This shabby one is all done up for the holidays...which brings me to the point of this post
other than I just love looking at all these.
My own buffet has been patiently waiting to be done up for Christmas.
This will be the first time. Here it dons an every day look.
It's been done up for Easter
It got streamlined for late summer.
spookified for Halloween
and burdened with Thanksgiving's harvest earlier this month.
But it's never been decked out for the Holidays.

Soon it will be though...I'm very excited to see how it all turns out.
I really have no idea what I am putting there...but something will 
appear soon.
I'm going through all my boxes of Christmas things just as I know all of you are too
and coming up with something to delight the senses this 
Christmas Time.

I know most linky parties are starting with mantels but I kind of decorate all at once.
Well, no usually the tree first and then scatter all else about.
But I'm going to finish the mantel first this time with it subject to change as the rooms develop.

Today I met a lady that does Christmas as her business 24/7 a year.
She owns a company that decorates for large corporations, malls, big buildings, etc...
She came in the store wearing a Christmas sweater and I commented that she was
in the Christmas spirit and she said...
"I dress like this every day. It's my business."
Which led to a long discussion of exactly what was her business.
Decorating for Christmas is her business.
She says it's exhausting. I can just imagine.

Are you exhausted yet?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Shiny Brite Ornaments

Love Em!
I have lots of Shiny Brite ornaments but I always need more.
Funny, because I hated these kind of ornaments when I was a kid.
I thought they were way too ordinary.
But now they are what I want on my tree. 

Oh...I'm no where near this put together for Christmas this year - yet.
These are photos from my Christmas 2010.
(you can see the rest of my Christmas decor on my projects link up in the top menu of my blog)
As for this year, I'm still pulling stuff out and trying to decide what I want where.

I didn't put up a tree in 2011...I had a lot of personal things going on with my best friend dying 
and my sister being ill and losing my son/dog - Newman.

I can't even remember last year's Christmas hardly at all.
I was just in a daze.
But I'm anxious to put up decorations this year though.
So I've been searching for more Shiny Brites to add to my collection.
And thinking of new ways to decorate.
I didn't have my dining room furniture all painted last time.
This will be the first time I've decorated this dining room for that will be fun.
I went browsing online for Shiny Brite baubles.
Even better if you can get them in an original box.
Fabulous wreaths made by
One of her wreaths appeared on the Christmas cover of Romantic Homes Magazine.
I somehow have not seen this issue yet. 
I must find it.
Right now I'm trying to decide what to do on my mantel. 
I love my forest of trees but I've done this for several years and I think it's time to change it up.
I have no idea what I'll do, really...except I think I may hang my own 
Shiny Brite wreath on the mirror.
That might be a good start.

Are you up to your neck in tinsel, yet?

sharing at

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mod Mix Monday #78

I'm amazed at how good this rough old dresser looks in this very romantic room.
Love everything about this room.

Sorry, for the late post of Mod Mix Monday. 
I crashed last night after I got home from work.
It was a busy weekend. I'm ready for things to slow down a bit knowing full well they
 won't till after the first of the year. 
You all know that.

Here's my favorites from last week's Mod Mix Monday!
Angela at Number Fifty Three picked up this fantastic metal trunk at a thrift store 
and is using it as a coffee table. 
Allison of Fab Rehab Creations shared this beauty. 
It's a dresser that turns into a desk or vanity! I love the way she painted it.
Trudy at Looks Like White shared this wonderful Swedish home tour. 
It's perfect for Christmas.
Traci of Three Dogs at Home sewed up this darling purse from an old sweater.
Traci was one of the first people I met through blogging and holds a special place in my heart.
Plus she is a big time Dog Momma.
Kim at Made In A Day shows how to make this delightful Retro Christmas Deer Head.
No actual deer harmed in this craft.
And finally, I can't resist any piece of furniture painted turquoise and this one is
really pretty. It was created by Restoration Redoux.

There were lots of good things last week. I could have shown at least five more things I loved.

I'm sure lots of Christmas will be showing up here in the next month and I'm
perfectly ok with that.

Link up this week's projects below.

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your post, for sure.

If you link up...I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.