Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Decorating

In a Fall Mood
It rained all day here yesterday and today it's been cloudy all day and 

Sure puts me in a fall mood.
This room would be perfect to decorate for fall.
I like the way the paintings are hung from wires.
Love the color of that wall too.
As soon as the weather turns like this...I'm in the mood to decorate.
I bet you are too.
Yes, it's just about time for Pumpkin Shopping!


  1. I love that first photo SO much!
    I am going to use those colors in a painting! :D Thanks.
    I am so ready for Fall, The cool weather, I love sweater weather (or sweatshirt! LOL!)
    but I'm not ready to decorate yet.
    I need more time!

  2. I love all of those pictures... I am in the mood for fall but it's hard 'cause it's still so hot here...
    Have a good weekend... ciao for now

  3. I saw that photo of the wall of silver trays the other day and thought of you! Oddly, our GW has not had a single one in a long, long time. I used to be able to pick then up every week. A wall full would be dreamy wouldn't it?

  4. I am ready! Going to redo my porch tomorrow!

  5. Glorious autumn inspiration pictures, Nita--I love them all, but am particularly drawn to the colors and textures in the first photo, and the one with all the natural dark grapevine and the lovely blue-green and white squash--so subtle and beautiful! I am going with some non-traditional main colors this year, and should have posts on it coming up in the next couple of weeks! We shopped for hours yesterday and today, and I think I have everything I need--now have a bit of sewing to do it get it all together! I do enjoy your blog--it is always so full of inspiration, so thank you!


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