Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Shut the Window!
I'm still thinking about what to do with my new to me shutters.
I planned to show my dining room yesterday with the shutters in place. Not painted yet.
But Mom showed up last night after work and it was dark before she left so it did not happen.
I'm thinking I'll paint them like those above. Chippy and blue.
Of course Mom walked in the door and it was the first thing she saw.
She LOVES shutters with a capitol..L...O...V...E...S!
She immediately asked what was up with them.
Thank goodness they are big and she has no place for them.
Because I know her, she cannot resist shutters and I cannot resist Mom.
Anyway they are still here and will become something here.
As for life's reality....I came home a bit ago to find a notice on my door that my gas has been turned off.
What!!....but then realized I had not seen a bill in months.
I think I have Franklin to thank for that. 
He has as big a thing for mail as the rest of them. 
Sometimes they DO make life difficult.

Hope you are having a better day than me.


  1. Olá, que blog lindo você tem. Que linda essas persianas. A pintura velha deu uma charme na decoração.
    Tenha pensamento positivo que tudo acontece. Ele é a base de tudo. Olha a lei da atração, se pensar positivo tudo dá certo na vida. Se pensar negativo as coisas vão dar errado
    Have a nice week.

  2. oMG- I hope you don't have to burn your shutters for heat!!!! xo Diana

  3. Thank god it's summer!! Hope you get it all sorted out soon.

    I adore shutters, the more the merrier! :)

  4. Take Franklin with you to pay the bill and he can do some explaining. Love shutters as well.

  5. Love shutters too and I will be excited to see where you put yours! So glad you did not have to turn mom down...I am still waiting to see the potting bench and the island in the kitchen! I miss seeing your house, probably like you miss seeing mine!!

  6. I love old shutters, too! LOVE the inspiring photos. That Franklin!!! Bad dog! ;P

    I know whatever you do with your shutters will be fantastic.

  7. Oh my!
    I once had a precious pet who hid or destroyed our mail...such a hassle!
    Hope you get it squared away!
    Love, love, love shutters! I am always looking for places to use them.
    I think I like them more than art!

  8. Oh, Franklin the weenie-pup! So far our 3 cats have not figured out how to make off with the mail, but one of my college kitties used to eat photographs--had to keep them all in frames or under wraps! I love the top picture in your post the best, and I am sure your shutters will be lovely. I look forward to seeing what you do with them!

  9. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.

  10. I love the blue chippy ones!
    In my big "de-cluttering" mode, I set out some wood shutters on the curb (much smaller ones) and they were snapped up within minutes!
    When you say "gas" is that gas AND electric? Are you without AIR right now?!?!? I cringe at the thought! I have both a paper and an online bill sent to me, that way I'm reminded more than once. If the bill is too high, they can put you on a "budget" payment...My bill is unbelieveable, after all this HEAT and the fact that my Ruby isn't allowed to get too hot because of her heart cindition. Sigh...
    Life can be so hard sometimes.
    Sorry. :(
    Maybe you could get a roommate?
    XOXO - Cindi

  11. I have a couple old shutters in my garage pile just waiting for some inspiration to ooze forth.


  12. Love shutters in any room- great inspiration...thanks

  13. I love the idea of how those window shutters are used. They definitely bring forth more elements and character to the space. Shutters can be helpful because they add ventilation to a room. They absorb heat that makes the house temperature a bit cool.
    - Julio Wells

  14. Thanks for sharing these wonders, Nita. These shutters are good option if you want your home to have a cottagey feel. And those scratches can create a vintage-look effect and make your home look classy.

    Always here,

    Roxie @

  15. What's not to love with fine vintage shutters like these? Just don't overdo your house with shutters because I bet you wouldn't enjoy dusting and wiping them when the need to get cleaned. And no, don't shut the windows. I prefer you leave the shutters open like that one in the last photo. John @


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