Sunday, August 26, 2012

Open House Sunday

A Classic Foursquare in Mesta Park of OKC
built 1920
This listing shows what great photos can do. 
They show off the house at its best.
This home is in Mesta Park, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Oklahoma City.
It's architecture includes Amercian foursquares, territorial style homes and large and small bungalows.
This is the entry room with fireplace.
The furnishings are pretty minimal in this home.
I love all the big white woodwork.
Not a fan of this furniture in this room or the light fixture but all easily changed.
I'd like this kitchen a lot if it were in another home. It's not the right style for this home.
I do love the black distressed freestanding cabinet.
The aqua and green cabinets are very pretty but I think this home screams for a 
traditional white kitchen with cabinets to the ceiling. 
That rug makes no sense whatso-ever.
I do like this type of kitchen in that you step down into it from the front staircase.
Many of the homes in Mesta Park have these step down kitchens. 
I think they are quaint. I don't know what purpose the step down provided though.
Everything in this kitchen is just doesn't belong in this house.
Oh...that rug is unforgivable. 
I do love that black cabinet as pantry. 
Nice bright office.
Cozy Master
Bathroom is a bland but it wouldn't take much to make it beautiful.
Nice little guest room
Wow! Neon green nursery. I wonder if they have trouble getting the babies to sleep?
I would think that color would over stimulate them.
Upstairs media room in what I'm sure used to be the attic.
A fun place to watch movies.
Odd bathroom upstairs. It's funky and fun.
I love the mirror hanging on the brick chimney.
A shot of the backstairs going down.
Perfect back deck
So pretty at Twilight.

See the full listing here.


  1. the house looks so cozy and pretty from the the grey.

  2. I really like this one - lots of potential. And WOW on the price - 350,000!!!! That wouldn't buy you the garage in jersey - lol!!!!

    thanks for sharing,


  3. What a great old house- I agree- I don't think the kitchen fits the home. Do you suppose that black rug was supposed to pick up the black from the cabinet in there? That's what I am thinking. Blessings- xo Diana

  4. The pictures started out great and showed the house in a great light but then they sunk. Listing photos should never show the owners junk, like that bath photo that shows the odd plumbing behind the sink and the toddler toilet seat in the corner.
    I loved the curb appeal of this house, it looks like the All American home.
    Thanks so much for my Sunday Open House fix. We are working on finishing a few odd jobs around the house today.
    Have a great week.

  5. I love to look at all of the different styles of homes, and your comments are great. Don't remember how I came across you but glad I did, this is my favorite feature.

  6. It's a cool house but I would do the decorating a lot differently. Minimal but that is what they tell you to do when styling it to be for sale. The photography was great!~Patti

  7. What a fabulous house, Nita! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Great open house! I love that quirky bath. The photos are pretty, and the house has tons of potential!

  9. Well the house itself is very nice.
    If they got rid of all the rugs and repainted every room I would probably love it. The colors just seem so drab and boring.
    But who am I to say?
    I'm in this damn shack with a tree on the roof.

  10. Thanks for sharing this great home with your readers. It's always fun to see the varying opinions of our listings, especially the historical homes.

  11. Wouldn't I just love to find something like that, at that price, up here!

  12. That's a really beautiful home! I love the style of it. I agree about the kitchen, it needs a set of cabinets like mine and it would be outstanding.
    Hugs, cindy

  13. I enjoyed looking at all of the different styles of homes. Nice photography too.

    - Herman Swan


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