Friday, August 31, 2012

Paranormal Activity

I know its early for Halloween stuff.
Believe me I am no where near in the mood yet but
there is scary stuff going on here the last few days.
Two days ago, I came in and turned the tv on with the two remotes that it takes to turn on my tv.
Why is this? Why does it take two remotes to turn on one tv?
Anyway I happened to stop the tv on the SyFy channel.
I never watch the SyFy channel but the program I wanted to watch was not on yet....
and I skimmed through looking for something else to watch and landed on 
Paranormal Witness.

I left it on that channel and went in to make myself dinner.
When I came back to the tv to change the channel...I could not find the cable remote ..... anywhere! 
It usually sits in the same spot, always. Although sometimes it ends up on the sofa 
and sometimes I carry it into the kitchen.
But I have looked up and down, in and out - everywhere!
And it is no where to be found.

So I am stuck watching the SyFy channel 24/7!
You'd think this would give me reason to stop watching tv...but's put me into
some sort of weird paranormal trance.
I can't stop watching.
 I watched hours of Paranormal Witness last night and then a two part....yes....two part 
terrible tv movie called "Impact" that involved the moon colliding with the earth.
I think there has to be something supernatural involved here.
Why would my tv become stuck on a channel I never watch?
And why would that be a channel that has so many shows about ghosts?
Coincidence? I think not.
Why am I unable to turn the tv off and just not watch?
Why am I feeling brain dead after watching the SyFy channel so much?
Why am I hearing strange sounds in the house and everything is starting to glow?

Really, I'm losing it if I don't find the remote soon.

If it's disappearance doesn't have anything to do with poltergeists 
then I'm pretty sure it has to do with
This little monster.
There is a chance that Franklin has carried it out into the backyard.
I do hope it reappears soon.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

More Shutter Inspiration

Shut My Mouth!
Shutters provide extreme prettiness.
Isn't this scrumptious?
I'm still thinking about what color to paint my shutters but.....I know I really need to paint my 
walls. I'm so over the light butter yellow that they are.
I loved them seven years ago....but am so tired of them now.
That gray above is really nice, isn't it?
Love this vignette with shutters and more gray walls.
This bedroom is just charming.
Another use of shutters as headboards. I have always loved that Aidan Gray lamp in this photo.
Shutters look great in this room just in their natural wood color.
I love the texture these shutters bring to a dining room space.
These big beefy ones in turquoise are fantastic...aren't they?
Shutters can really bring some much needed character to a room which is what I think they will
do in my dining room. Add some character.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dining Room

I'm trying out some new things in the dining room. 
It's hard to get a good photo because it's against a window but I brought my outdoor large planter in side the house.
I usually have large boston ferns growing in this during the warm weather months outside but
my new potting bench will be going where this usually sits and I just thought on a whim...
"Hey! Why don't I bring it inside?"
This jade plant came from my friend Kevin of 
That's Kevin's mantel and this is Kevin's staircase...
His house is amazing and I'm not the only one who thinks so.
He and his home are in the latest issue of Flea Market Style.
This is a great issue by the way. 

Anyway, back to the jade plant.

Kevin sent it to me in a box last summer hacked off his giant jade plant he has growing outside his 
California cottage.

This is how it looked after I planted it then.
I replanted it the other day because it was outgrowing its pot.
I fear it hasn't been getting enough light.
I'm hoping this new spot in the window will keep it happy.
I just threw some other things in this stand to fill it up for now.
I can imagine this being a place to do rotating displays.
Wouldn't it be pretty filled with orchids and african violets?
I don't think that's going to happen though...I'm not into taking care of houseplants.
That fern is fake. Kevin's jade plant is all I can manage.
What do you think? Do you like this in the dining room?

Here you can see it with a glimpse of the shutters that I recently brought in the house too.
They are in great shape. I just have to decide what color I want to paint them.
I have them on both sides of the dining room window.
I want them to have a very distressed finished whatever color I decide on.
Mom said she liked them as is...but I think they must be painted.

Are you having a good week?
Mine's going well.

sharing at

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mod Mix Monday #65

More Vintage than Mod
I fell in love with this room when I found it on Pinterest quite sometime ago.
I love all the white with touches of turquoise and green.
That sofa looks like you could sleep all day on it.
Love the mirror over the fireplace too.
OR maybe it's just that gorgeous cat I like.
He goes with the sofa and fireplace so perfectly.

Today I did something new in my dining room that I love.
I'll show on Tuesday.
I love it when you take something that's been around the house forever and use
it in a new way. Don't you?

I know it's called "Shopping the House" and I do it all the time but this is a big thing
combined with my new's really added to the dining room.

Last week was a great week on Mod Mix we go...
Look at Judy's of In His Grip lush green backyard! She created a special place for herself 
on her tiny patio by painting furniture she already had pink. 
The pink looks so pretty with the green in the cushions and the green of the grass.
Melissa of Shabby Love was inspired by a pin she saw on Pinterest. 
She already had the doors and got her hubby to work on it.
He had this built in less than hour!
Now she has a pretty little shabby space right off her patio for shade and decoration.
Isn't this a great idea?
I couldn't resist to share Lynda's pretty little bottle brush trees.
Lynda of Something Created Everyday found these when out thrifting.
Who can resist bottle brush trees...even in August?
Diane of Design Till It Shines has two of these chairs! Can you believe it?
The other one is turquoise. Such retro fun. I wonder how one of these would look in my living room?
Something like this really gets you thinking outside the box.
Pamela of From My Front Porch to Yours painted this french hutch.
First, I would have never left those doors unpainted and that really is what makes it so great!
I love the way she has styled this too.
The before was so ordinary and the after is such a knock out!

Let's do it again this week.

Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
Please include the Mod Mix Monday logo and back link to me.
Use a permalink to your post, for sure.

If you link up..I'd appreciate it, if you'd follow me.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Open House Sunday

A Classic Foursquare in Mesta Park of OKC
built 1920
This listing shows what great photos can do. 
They show off the house at its best.
This home is in Mesta Park, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Oklahoma City.
It's architecture includes Amercian foursquares, territorial style homes and large and small bungalows.
This is the entry room with fireplace.
The furnishings are pretty minimal in this home.
I love all the big white woodwork.
Not a fan of this furniture in this room or the light fixture but all easily changed.
I'd like this kitchen a lot if it were in another home. It's not the right style for this home.
I do love the black distressed freestanding cabinet.
The aqua and green cabinets are very pretty but I think this home screams for a 
traditional white kitchen with cabinets to the ceiling. 
That rug makes no sense whatso-ever.
I do like this type of kitchen in that you step down into it from the front staircase.
Many of the homes in Mesta Park have these step down kitchens. 
I think they are quaint. I don't know what purpose the step down provided though.
Everything in this kitchen is just doesn't belong in this house.
Oh...that rug is unforgivable. 
I do love that black cabinet as pantry. 
Nice bright office.
Cozy Master
Bathroom is a bland but it wouldn't take much to make it beautiful.
Nice little guest room
Wow! Neon green nursery. I wonder if they have trouble getting the babies to sleep?
I would think that color would over stimulate them.
Upstairs media room in what I'm sure used to be the attic.
A fun place to watch movies.
Odd bathroom upstairs. It's funky and fun.
I love the mirror hanging on the brick chimney.
A shot of the backstairs going down.
Perfect back deck
So pretty at Twilight.

See the full listing here.