Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wood Pallet Furniture

Good Intentions
Ok, so those aren't exactly made from wood pallets but I can imagine making something 
similar from discarded wood pallets. Can't you?
This post is entitled Good Intentions because I'm full of them.
But you know what they say about the road to ruin.
So for awhile now I've been collecting images of pallet furniture for the time
when I'd run upon some perfectly good pallets...along the side of the road....
throw them in my car....and be on my way to making one of these great outdoor loungers.
These are almost elegant, painted aqua and with the addition of a canopy of twigs and cloth.
Rustic, yet Romantic
Just cover them up with a bedspread and they rival any sofa.
So basic in their construction. Seems little or no work.
Major detail here is the big cushions.
This one has help from a little pipe which creates side arms. I bet there is a back too.
How long till Pottery Barn starts manufacturing these and charging a lot of money for them?
I've been thinking, all I need are a few pallets and I'll create one of these outdoor seating masterpieces.
So one night as I drive by the furniture store that is close to my house...I notice two BIG
nice clean pallets. The first few times I go by them...I assume someone will take them in or pick them up.

But no...they sat there for at least a then I decide they must be meant for me.
I stop my Hyundai Santa Fe and get ready to put them in the back.
I'm doing this at like 2:00 am.
I pull over...I open the back door and step to the pallets...I give them a heave and they do not budge.
I try again...nothing. I'm not the strongest person...but I can usually manage to move what I need to move.
But these pallets weren't moving at all and it was then when I realized why they'd been sitting there so long.
They were big and they were super heavy. 

So I got back in my Santa Fe and drove off defeated.

But I'm still on the lookout for some nice clean small pallets to make into an outdoor lounger.

Stuff this week.....
Both Sally and Harvey had to go to the vet this week.
Harvey for a teeth cleaning and Sally because she poked her eye on something...
possibly Franklin's tooth or toenail when he was wrestling with her.
Anyway...her eye was all swollen shut and hurt.
She had an ulcer on her cornea.
She'll be ok but I'll be doctoring it three times a day for at least a week.

I have had several people write and ask the status of my potting bench that I was 
going to make out of a hutch I bought off Craigslist.
When my Mom saw this piece of furniture she decided she needed it for her breakfast room.
So I gave it to her. I've since been on the look out for another for me and might have found one.
If I go get it today...I'll let you know. 
I actually think the size of the new one will be better.

My friend that's been in the hospital, sick is doing better. 
She had to have one of her legs amputated because of diabetes.
It was shocking how quickly a situation got out of control.
She is now in rehab on the up side of recovery.

I know one day she'll be back walking but it's been very very difficult for her
as you can imagine. 

I hope you are having a great weekend!
I hope to be off on a Craigslist adventure.
I'll let you know if I get what I'm after.


  1. You are right about Pottery Barn. We stopped in one of their stores yesterday, and we were both overwhelmed by the prices. Jordan (my daughter/blog partner) won a PB gift card on a blog give-away, and it was hard to find something that was worth the asking price.

  2. I'm alway amazed by the creative of people when it comes to the wooden pallets. Stay on the hunt for some that will for for you! Will be thinking of your friend, hope she will be walking soon. Have a great weekend, Laura

  3. You are right about Pottery Barn. We stopped in one of their stores yesterday, and we were both overwhelmed by the prices. Jordan (my daughter/blog partner) won a PB gift card on a blog give-away, and it was hard to find something that was worth the asking price.

  4. Sooo much great inspiration here Nita! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Love all those pallet benches. I suppose the pallets you went after were used to hold things in stacks so had to be very heavy to hold up to the weight. There are lots of lightweight ones out there, though. I am laughing at the thought of little old you out behind the store at 2am. You could have been "caught" and I can just see your name splattered in the papers- Nita-Arrested Stealing Pallets To Sell For Drugs!

    I hope you get your potting bench piece today- xo Diana

  6. Wow!!! What an incredible site you have. I am so happy that I found you. I have been taking a little stroll through your past posts and I am blown away with inspiration. Thank you for the opportunity to follow, your newest follower, Connie :)

  7. You had me laughing out loud
    I have a few pallets by our guest house and I keep thinking I will make something fun Love all the ideas you have collected now I am thinking of spray painting them white
    Fun Post

  8. Great ideas Nita. I also have an image of them used as wine storage cases that I like.

  9. Fabulous palette ideas Nita. Too bad the ones you found were so heavy. I am glad your friend is on the road to recovery, albeit such a hard road. My mother in law lost both legs after being paralyzed and sitting in a wheelchair for several years. She embraced the attitude that life was worth living and enjoying no matter what the hardship. Good friends have such a healing affect on those we love. I am glad regardless of the circumstance that you will have your friend to laugh and cry with for years to come. Take care, Pam

  10. All that lovely outdoor pallet furniture is beautiful. When I was hunting down pallets I learned that some pallets are heavier than others. Pallets from a grocery store are lighter and those from home improvement stores are heavier due to what is transported on them. Only some of the weight is due to size, some are mad of heavier woods usually because they are carrying a heavy load. I had to ask around quite a bit to find the free ones.
    Good luck.

  11. Great idea for the wood pallets. Best of luck and lots of prayers going up for your dear friend. Please tell her I said that.

  12. Hi Nita,
    So enjoyed this post....just like I always enjoy your post. I think I just might be on the look out for pallets now. I need a couple of chairs on the upper deck of this mountain, summer cottage.
    Thinking of your friend. I know or have heard about way too many people that have had to have mom had diabetes late in life. She was skinny...not large...luckily she never had to have anything amputated. It is a horrible disease. I so hope I do not get it later in life.... Give your friend a smile for me. CeCe

  13. I am really wondered sometime that we can really just change something what we desire. Above pallet furniture is used very well. I got some white furniture, see here and already got some old pallet furniture, I think, I can give them new look for matching my existing new furniture.

  14. Very lovely pictures & scenery. The outdoor furniture sure looks comfy!

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