Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seashell Bottle Tutorial

I made another shell topped bottle for my mantel this week.
I decided perhaps my mantel did need a little more stuff.
I added a couple of shells, the bottle and two glass balls I'd forgotten I had.

I thought I'd tell you how I made the seaglass/seashell topped bottles.

They are very easy... here are the steps...
Supplies needed...
white glue or mod podge. Elmer's works great.
Shells and bottle purchased at Michael's and food coloring. temp hot glue gun and silver paint.
The bottles I made two weeks ago I used an old olive oil bottle, a vinegar bottle and a bottle I bought
at the flea market. 
All of them I changed the color of like in this tutorial.
Mix a bunch of white glue with several drops of food coloring. I added a little bit of water too.
It will take more food coloring than you'd think because it lightens as it dries.
Just pour the mixture into a bottle and shake well.
Turn the bottle over and let the glue drip out.
I suggest shaking it out. You want to get as much of the liquid as possible out because 
extra liquid will cause drips.
I used my hairdryer to speed up the drying.
I tried air drying and I got drips and the bottom of the bottle still had liquid in it after sitting over night.
So dry with a hairdryer and turn the bottle as it dries.
You'll know it's drying because it will turn translucent.
Just takes a few minutes.
Here is the finished tinted bottle. I still got some drips...but I think it adds to the charm.
I also went a little green on this one....too much yellow.
I like them a little more blue.
Cut a piece of styrofoam to fit the opening.
Carve out a little hole in the styrofoam to place the shell into.
Heat up the ol' cool temp glue gun and glue the tip of the shell into it.
Then going around and around a little at a time doing small strips of glue.
I've gotten better at this, now that I'm on shell bottle number four.
I kept a bowl of water at hand and I'd dab on about an inch of glue and immediately 
put my fingers in water and then smooth the glue out with my wet fingers.
No burns...this way and I got a nice smooth finish.
Doing this I could mold the glue to my liking.
The first one I did was all lumpy....and that is why I started smoothing with my fingers.
Now just brush paint a silver paint over the cooled glue.
And we're done!
See the lumpy bottle to the left?
I added a few more shells to the living room after making the bottle.
A silver tray full of shells brings the ocean to the coffee table.
All those sand dollars were sent to me last year from MVL reader...Traci G.
She picked them from the beach, dried and bleached them and sent them to me.
Such a sweet gift....Thanks, Traci!

sharing at
Fabulously Creative Friday at Jennifer Rizzo


  1. I love the arrangement you've made, and the shell-topped bottles are the perfect addition. I think that this is something that even I could do! Thank you!

  2. Never been a fan of ocean motif, but these are really beautiful! Great idea!

  3. I have a huge collection of vintage bottles and shells....I'm doing this! What a lovely idea! thanks for the instructions!

  4. Oooohhhh. So very pretty!
    I have that glass coloring on my to-try list ;) I'll have to bump it up!
    I will be pinning this to my get crafty board. Maybe that will spurn me on?

    Happy Summer. Enjoy that beachy fab mantel =)

  5. This is a wonderful tutorial! Thank you for sharing!

    Have a *fancy* weekend!

  6. Oh I love these Nita, I'm going to have to try this!!!

  7. This is a lovely project, Nita. Thanks for the tut! I'm back for an extended blog break and would love to see you link up at Potpourri Friday (in progress).

  8. I've been working on beachy projects today myself. Thanks for the tutorial. I love this idea!

  9. Came over from Funky Junk. Love the mantel with the sea shell bottles. I have been playing around with bottles also. Yours are very creative - I like the hint about molding the glue into a shape.

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  10. Hi Nita! Just stopping back by to say thank you for sharing your creativity at Potpourri Friday!

  11. THis is such a neat project~I love the idea of making bottles in colors...I want to do this on vacation!! Thanks Nita~your mantle looks really pretty this way.

  12. I love your mantel!

    This is a great tutorial.
    It's got me thinking of other things that I could use in place of shells (although they are Lovely)...Very cool.

  13. What a pretty idea, and I love your summer mantel. Thank you for sharing it with us, and have a fantastic weekend!

  14. Your new additions are really pretty. It's fun to see the different ways people do the shell topped bottles. Enjoy your Summer!

  15. These are so cute! I always thought that the top was welded. Duh me! Don't you love Modern Masters paints? Great stuff. Thanks so much for sharing and showing how easy this really is. I'm ready to try it myself now.

  16. Nita,
    That is so darn cute!!

    I wanted to thank you for stopping by and leaving such anice comment about my Faux brick painted patio.I have more concrete around a little storage shed in the back that I may do the same treatment on....


  17. I love your seashell bottles and all your beautiful shells.


  18. This will be fun to try, thanks for the info! yours are gorgeous!

  19. Oh, I love these! Thanks for the great tutorial, I'm definitely going to try this!


  20. So very pretty! Can't wait to try this at home! Your mantel is just beautiful!

  21. You have done a brilliant job making sure that people understand where you are coming from. And let me tell you, I get it. Great stuff and I cant wait to read more of your blogs.

  22. Nice tutorial with a piece of art. The bottles have been used in a creative way which is amazing.

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