Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weenies in the Garden

Franklin's Favorite Spot
Franklin is a full grown dog now.
He's about 14 months old.
He still acts very much a puppy as he will for awhile.
He has found his favorite spot in the backyard.
He's turning into a handsome boy.
The hair on his ears is getting longer.
Though it's getting long on top and not on the bottom.
So he might look a little odd.

He's still as soft as the day I got him.
His fur feels like a bunny's.

But I looked out the back door to find him in this spot a few weeks ago
and he can often be found there most afternoons.
Sitting on top of the bistro table on the deck over looking his domain.
Try to ignore the dead plants and grass in the background.
I have not bought all my ferns as of yet this year.
I have to buy a little at a time.
Pretty spotted boy
He jumps up on a chair and then up to the table.
Violet thinks he's crazy for getting up there and tells him so.
And I'd prefer he didn't but he loves it up there so much that I just let him.

Sometimes, you just have to 
let a dog 
do what a dog 
is going to do.


  1. So funny.....I think he is adorable. I know you do as well.

  2. He's making up for being short by getting a good lookout spot.

  3. he likes it up on the table so he can see across the yard, makes him feel tall other wise he doesn't get to see all those things in the yard

    it is just to cute , I love dogs

  4. I'm sure he thinks it is odd that no one else thought of this...How cute! xo

  5. He is so cute! Does he jump on the chair to get up there?~Hugs, Patti

  6. Nina, he is so handsome!!! He looks rather regal sitting up there!!!

  7. Your Weenies are so cute, I have a Weenie in my garden too. Mine is a tweenie, yours look to be that size as well, yes? Have a great day.

  8. Franklin is so adorable! I enjoyed your photos and doggy~love,
    what a blessing our sweet companions are to our lives : )

    ~ Violet

  9. So, so precious! My pets are like children to me, and I had a very special experience with two of them this week - one of those couldn't believe it was happening times.

  10. Very cute! That's kind of a cat characteristic, wanting to be up high to see their domain.

  11. Wonderful pictures!
    Franklin is a sweetie indeed.

  12. Oh God! I LOVE this post!!!!
    He is just too cute!
    I am so HAPPY that you have him in your life!
    I just posted about Hattie!
    Love those Wienies!
    XOXO - Cindi

  13. I have a spotted fur baby dachshund too. Mine is a mini and she is so sweet. Her name is Penny Lulu. I adore her.

  14. What a sweetheart! He is so lucky to have such a wonderful home and companions!

  15. OHHH they are both adorable! I LOVE that he is quirky like that! Your two remind me of my boxers. Cosmo does all kind of crazy stuff...his favorite outdoor spot is laying on the lounge chair! And my Macy often "tells" him he's a goof ball just like your Violet!

  16. You are a great mommy...that is obvious.

  17. Oh, what a handsome boy, and such a character, too! Dogs have the best personalities. Franklin and Violet are so cute together, just hanging out in the garden being dogs. Bliss!

  18. How regal Franklin looks, especially in his profile pictures.

  19. What a delightful post. What would we do without dogs. Our scottie also seeks high ground and likes to sit on the glider on the patio.


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