Saturday, May 12, 2012

Open House Sunday

Country Club Drive in Dallas
(built in 1926)
This is my favorite room in the house.
Oh...except for the patio outside.
It really is the best.
At least the family dog thinks so.

Happy Mother's Day to all!
I have to work so Mom and I will celebrate 
Mother's Day on Tuesday
by going to the 2012 39th Annual Symphony Show House.
This year's house is in Heritage Hills, OKC.
It was built in 1925.
We always enjoy this yearly tour and this looks like it will be one of the best.
You can get the details of the tour here.

Also, we'll be going to see this...

Johhny Depp as Barnabas Collins!
The original Dark Shadows is most likely the reason for my love of vampires
and all things Halloween.

The original Barnabas was scary, sad and lovable. 
Even though he was a blood sucker, you always wished for him to find peace and happiness.

I hope you are all having a great Mother's Day!


  1. Lovely house, but I think I prefer a little smaller and cosier. Happy Mothers day :)

  2. I liked the house too but thought it needed something... like maybe window treatments? Thanks for the tour!

  3. Thanks for the tour. I think the house was staged for selling.

  4. This time next year you'll have to make to Dallas to tour some of these great old homes at the annual Mother's day Swiss Ave Home tour!

  5. I think the house has its of potential! I can remember Dark Shadows when I was a little girl.....I loved Barnabas Collins!

  6. I think the rooms look very serene but need a little bit of decorating~I do like the white sheers in the dining room and I think the tv room would have looked pretty with a better coffee table and lower the chandy! Oh well, time on my hands to be critiquing this! Have fun with your mom...I never watched Dark Shadows cuz i was a scardy cat...

  7. Hi Nita! I miss everyone! Abby's graduation is in 8 days and then I will have my life back again :)

    My friend lives just a few houses down from this one. It's just a beautiful street, quiet, facing Lakewood CC golf course. On July 4th they all have parties and the club's fireworks explode right over the entire block. We lay on blankets in the front yard and it seems like they are raining down on us. It's spectacular. I would looooove to have that wonderful large master bedroom. Can you imagine how we could decorate that gorgeous home?!!!!


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