Friday, May 18, 2012

Goodbye Wilf

There once was a little sheepdog who lived somewhere in France.
He was loved very very much and had a sweet special life.
Today that life ended.
He will be missed by his family and many people all over the world who
checked in each day to see how he was.
Most days were very very good.

You can read about Wilf here...

I started reading Wilf's blog twenty months ago when I learned that 
he had been diagnosed with cancer and only given a few days to live.
Through the care of his family and town vet, he lived and loved twenty months.
Almost every day a beautiful one for an old dog.
He ate anything he wanted and did whatever he wanted.
As it should be.

I will miss you Wilf.


  1. May we all be able to live until we die as Wilf did. What an example for all.

  2. His stories made me cry.
    Wilf will be missed.

  3. awee rest in peace wilf...chasing butterflies in doggy heaven.

  4. You were so sweet to comment on Wilf and his owners! I loved him so very much and cried at this loss as though he were my very own. I will miss going to Angus's blog every day to get a report. But now that Wilf is reunited with Digby I know they are both whole and happy and Angus and the Font will one day see them again.


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