Thursday, May 31, 2012

Decorating Inspiration

I recently saw the movie
"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel"
Besides great acting, a cute story and a beautiful local...there is much to inspire your warm weather decorating too.
Several times you see a patio with a colorful sheet as shelter.

The above photo reminded me of it.
Also makes me want to find a pretty sheet to hang over my deck out back.
If you haven't seen this should run out and see it.
Judy Dench at her best.
Along with Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith and others
That's the hotel they have traveled to sight unseen for their retirement.
Despite its dilapidated appearance....I could imagine falling in love with the place.
I adore that blue chair in the courtyard.
I have to say I could see myself recreating the feel of the movie at home using 
things purchased at Pier 1.
Like this Swingasan Chair
or this pagoda shaped umbrella.
and interesting lanterns
Have you seen a movie lately that inspires your decorating?


  1. I have wanted to see this one. I was hesitant because I assumed there are some sad moments and lately I react all out of proportion to sentimental things. Must be menopause, haha. But wow it looks visually gorgeous.

  2. So glad you're working at a place that fuels your creative soul! And this movie is definitely on my must see list -- thanks for the reminder.

  3. I will see it when they run it here. Still not playing here. I hate that.

  4. No movies here!
    Well, not any that inspired me.
    But I've been watching the DVD's of past seasons of Dexter and I want his kitchen! I have actually paused it several times to just look at it!
    (love that umbrella)

  5. I'll have to wait for DVD, my little red neck town will never get this movie. LOL ;)

  6. I've seen the previews on T.V. for this one. It looked interesting. I do love movies with tons of design inspiration! Hope you're having a wonderful week.

  7. I love that Pagoda Umbrella Nita! I wanted to buy it for my Pier One makeover but it is huge!!

  8. Beautiful all and all. I hope Pier 1 values your creativity and gives you a raise. You are an asset to their business.

  9. Such a pretty post, Nita!
    I saw previews for that movie but after this post.... I am definitely going to go this weekend.
    Love the set decor and would love a cozy tented patio setting too. So romantic. I can just imagine it by candlelight!

    Hope this finds you well!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Joy @ Comfort and JoyJune 4, 2012 at 10:04 AM

    Loved, loved, loved this movie! The characters, colors, sets, music, India - don't miss it. A charming feel-good movie for the more "mature" audience.



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